Miami Herald – by Charles Rabin

There was an auction at Marlins Park on Wednesday. The items on the block weren’t high-priced baseball players but the finely tuned, spectacularly expensive automotive fleet of a notorious Miami drug kingpin.

By Wednesday morning, a shiny black 2006 Ferrari Enzo was likely on its way out of town, having already received a bid of more than $1.9 million. And the number was climbing.   Continue reading “Feds auction high-end cars seized from drug lord”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate, in an election-year standoff over immigration, has blocked two measures stemming from last year’s deadly San Francisco shooting involving an immigrant living in the U.S. illegally.

Absent sweeping changes to the nation’s immigration system, the first measure would have barred federal funds from sanctuary cities, jurisdictions that resist turning over immigrants to federal authorities. The second measure would have increased the maximum sentence for illegal re-entry into the country, with up to a 10-year penalty for an individual denied admission or deported at least three times.   Continue reading “Senate blocks 2 bills on immigration”

The Organic Prepper

You’ve really got to be careful when you travel to third world countries. They have these banana republics where they can steal from you, beat you, and lie to you. You might go to jail but the authorities there can literally get away with murder, theft, and deceit.  And heaven forbid that you end up in jail there because they are hellholes in which you will likely be beaten, raped, and forced to perform slave labor.

Wow, aren’t you glad it isn’t like that in America? Here in the land of the free, we don’t have to deal with that kind of corruption.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton, the Plutocracy, and the Constitutional Right of Revolution”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Fargo, ND — For a tiny bit of pot, cops sent a young college student to his death in their immoral pursuit of the war on drugs.

Andrew Sadek, a top college student in North Dakota, was caught selling $80 worth of marijuana. Because this pot was sold on a school campus, police sought to charge Sadek with serious felonies. They threatened him with 40 years in prison and a $40,000 fine — for a plant.   Continue reading “Cops Force Student to be a Snitch — Found Him With a Bullet in His Head and Rocks in His Backpack”

Western Journalism – by Scott Mason

After FBI Director James Comey’s announcement that no criminal charges will be recommended against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while secretary of state, many are calling for furtherinvestigation into the matter.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc), told Megyn Kelly Tuesday that House Republicans plan to question Comey concerning how he reached his conclusion not to recommend charges against Clinton.   Continue reading “Attorney General Lynch To Be Questioned By Congress”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

I have said it many times in the past — when elitist criminals start openly admitting to their schemes it means that they are ready to pull the plug on the current system. They simply don’t care anymore who knows their plans because they think that victory is inevitable.

There have been more subtle and less prominently published calls for a “new world order” in the past, to be sure.  However, at no other time have I seen international financiers and their puppet political mouthpieces so brazen about calling for global centralization than in the wake of the successful Brexit referendum. It is as if the Brexit flipped a switch in the existing narrative and set loose a flood of new propaganda, all aimed at convincing the general public that central banks must combine forces and act as one institution in order to combat an economic crisis that isn’t even visible to laymen yet.   Continue reading “Globalists Are Now Openly Demanding New World Order Centralization”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

In late June 2016, CIA director John O. Brennan appeared at the Council on Foreign Relations to give a brief talk and take questions from members of the council.

The discussion was designed to address threats to national and global security as well as world stability. Among the threats that Brennan discusses are of course the usual suspects like ISIS and biological warfare, but interestingly enough, Brennan focused heavily on the rapid change and development of technology.   Continue reading “CIA Director Discusses Geoengineering At CFR Event”


A U.S. appeals court will weigh a constitutional challenge on Wednesday to a warrantless government surveillance program brought by an Oregon man found guilty of attempting to detonate a bomb in 2010 during a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony.

The case before a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is the first of its kind to consider whether a criminal defendant’s constitutional privacy rights are violated under a National Security Agency program that allows spying on Americans’ international phone calls and internet communications.   Continue reading “U.S. court to hear arguments in warrantless NSA spying case”

Yahoo News

Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes, alleging that the network’s chairman and chief executive fired her after she refused to sleep with him.

According to the suit filed Wednesday in New Jersey Superior Court, Carlson alleges that she was terminated by Ailes on June 23 after she complained about a toxic workplace environment and “rebuffed his sexual advances.”   Continue reading “Gretchen Carlson files sexual harassment suit against Fox News chief Roger Ailes”

Western Rifle Shooters – by Matt Bracken

The FBI today officially becoming a willing Soviet-Stasi stooge and tool, even if under duress, brings home how fast things can change in a volatile political environment. I judge 2016 as being as dangerous as 1860 or 1913. In European terms, a “Night of Long Knives” is now not an impossibility. Fast and Furious (300+ dead, no repercussions, media holding) emboldened them to betray Benghazi station, to write it off and lie about it, (no repercussions, media holding). Now the perception, real or imagined, is that even the FBI has been forced to toe the party line.   Continue reading “Bracken: Coward Comey Takes a Dive”

Waking Times – by Maureen Nandini Mitra

Many of the toxic chemicals escaping from fracking and natural gas processing sites and storage facilities may be present in much higher concentrations in the bodies of people living or working near such sites, new research has shown.

The study found traces of volatile organic compounds such as benzene and toluene are linked to chronic diseases like cancer and reproductive and developmental disorders.   Continue reading “High Levels of Toxins Found in Bodies of People Living Near Fracking Sites”


While perhaps not the most publicized recent development regarding the European Union, in recent weeks the political bloc has pushed forward with its plans to severely curtail gun rights across its 27 member states. On June 10, the European Council endorsed a version of the proposed changes to the European Firearms Directive pushed by the European Commission late last year in the wake of terrorist violence. The European Parliament still has a chance to weigh in on the issue, with a final vote scheduled for later this year.   Continue reading “EU Moves Forward with Plan to Restrict Semi-Autos”

The Hill – by Scott Wong

Facing a conservative revolt, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Wednesday expressed confidence that anti-terrorism legislation would receive a vote on the House floor before Congress leaves town next week for the long summer recess.

“I think there is still a path forward …” Ryan said at a news conference after a closed-door meeting with rank-and-file Republicans. “Yes, we are [confident] because we feel this issue needs to be addressed.”   Continue reading “Speaker: Anti-terror bill will get vote”


A Navy SEAL trainee drowned after being repeatedly “dunked” underwater by an instructor, according to a San Diego medical examiner’s report that labels the death a homicide.

The May 6 death of Seaman James Derek Lovelace had not been announced by the Navy until after officials were questioned about it by NBC News and The Virginian-Pilot newspaper. Navy officials portrayed it as a training mishap. But sources told NBC News and The Pilot the death was caused by an instructor going too far.   Continue reading “Navy SEAL trainee’s drowning death ruled a ‘homicide’”

Fox News

FBI Director James Comey will explain Thursday to House lawmakers his bombshell decision not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton over her handling of sensitive emails.

Comey, who took no questions after announcing his decision Tuesday, agreed to go before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after several lawmakers sought an explanation. In saying he would not press the Justice Department to pursue an indictment against the likely Democrat nominee for president, Comey nonetheless laid out a strong case that she had violated laws regulating government employees’ safeguarding of sensitive emails.   Continue reading “FBI director to appear Thursday before lawmakers to explain Clinton decision”

220px-Barbara_Boxer,_Official_Portrait,_112th_CongressBarbara Levy Boxer (born November 11, 1940) is the junior United States Senator from California (since 1993). A member of theDemocratic Party, she previously served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1983–1993).

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Boxer graduated from Brooklyn College. She worked as a stockbroker for several years before moving to California with her husband. During the 1970s, she worked as a journalist for the Pacific Sun and as an aide to U.S. Representative John L. Burton. Continue reading “Swine Target”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

New FBI figures show June 2016 is the 14th consecutive month of record background checks for gun sales.

The previous FBI record for June — set in June 2o15 — was 1,529,057. The number of background checks in June 2016 was 2,131,485.   Continue reading “FBI: June Is 14th Consecutive Month of Record Background Checks”

This Post is hereby dedicated and directed to our dear and trusted Brother, Mark Schumacher, who has apparently failed to understand the long-accepted concepts known as Liberty of Conscience and Equality of Right as applied to frank and sincere Differences of Opinion … there being no Trespass that I can see and no Common Judge among us at this time!

Accordingly, when Mark can die for us then he can demand or compel all to yield to his Opinions … if he must pick up his Shovel and Pail, run away and refuse to play in this Sandbox then he effectively admits to his own immaturity, or insecurity (in my Humble Opinion and without Dishonor)!   Continue reading “FEAR Is The Prison Of The Mind”