Video Rebel’s Blog

Trump did two things to infuriate his critics on Saturday. He sat during the second half of the Army-Navy football game with Lt Colonel Ollie North of Iran Contra fame. And he appointed EXXON-Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. The latter’s major qualification apart from impressing Trump in two interviews is that he has the best friendship with Vladimir Putin of any American. Jennifer Rubin, the Zionist blogger at the Washington Post suggested Tillerson was Putin’s choice.   Continue reading “Hezbollah, Iran, Trump, Putin And That Pesky Debt Bomb.”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Stockbridge, GA – In a travesty of justice, a Henry County grand jury decided that a cop who went to the wrong house responding to a 911 call and killed the homeowner, an innocent father of three, will not be charged.   Continue reading “Cop Goes to Wrong House and Kills Innocent Father of 3 — Will Not Face Charges”

Huffington Post – by Alex Mohajer

A 1995 federal court ruling out of Pennsylvania may offer some clues to Clinton supporters as to possible legal authority for removing an elected official from office and replacing them with their erstwhile opponent.

In light of late-breaking reports Friday evening that Russians interfered with the 2016 presidential election to assist Donald Trump’s victory, Clinton supporters are furiously in pursuit of remedies.   Continue reading “Russian Interference Could Give Courts Legal Authority To Install Clinton”

Waking Times – by Dylan Charles

It appears the U.S. government is officially declaring war on cancer by launching a major bureaucratic initiative aimed at sending cancer research to the moon.

In a moment of suspiciously bi-partisan cooperation, both sides of the political aisle of the 114th United States Congress came together to pass House Resolution (H.R.) 34, the 21st Century Cures Act, which pledges a ton of taxpayer money to a broad range of disease and public health research programs, drug maker incentives, deregulation, and more.   Continue reading “The ’21st Century Cures Act’ Just Created the Ministry of Cancer”

Yahoo News

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he believes U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will be a good friend to Israel and hopes the two countries can work together to dismantle the international nuclear agreement with Iran.

“I know Donald Trump,” Netanyahu told CBS’s “60 Minutes” in an interview scheduled to air Sunday night. “And I think his attitude, his support for Israel is clear. He feels very warmly about the Jewish state, about the Jewish people. There’s no question about that.”   Continue reading “Netanyahu says he hopes to work with Trump to undo Iran deal”

The Organic Prepper

We all have them. Those people we care about who think we’re nuttier than a bag of pecans for our prepping endeavors.

Although they’re doubting Thomases, we still love them and want them to be safe in an emergency. I’ve put together a list of gifts with a survival twist that you can get for the folks you love. One day, they may look at that gift, think of you, and be extremely grateful. (Here’s an article about some gentle persuasion to get them on board.)   Continue reading “Stealth Survivalist Christmas Gifts for the Non-Preppers in Your Life”

Daisy Luther

If you’re reading this website, my guess is that you, too, want to raise children who are free and self-sufficient. Most of us are pretty horrified with Generation Snowflake, and we want our kids to buck that particular trend. There’s nothing better than a good book to point them in the right direction.

My daughters are total bookworms, so I enlisted their help to compile this list of favorites. Some folks may pooh-pooh the idea of fiction as  a teaching tool, but reading about a character who is smart, adaptable, self-reliant, and skilled can influence the way your child or teenager thinks.  Many of them are just tales of kids who are put into situations in which they must rely on their wits and courage to survive, while others outline the dangers of too much government.   Continue reading “20 Works of Fabulous Fiction to Inspire Self-Reliant, Liberty-Loving Children and Teens”


U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help President-elect Donald Trump win the White House, and not just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, a senior U.S. official said on Friday.

U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed that as the 2016 presidential campaign progressed, Russian government officials devoted increasing attention to assisting Trump’s effort to win the election, the U.S. official familiar with the finding told Reuters on Friday night, speaking on condition of anonymity.   Continue reading “Russia intervened to help Trump win election: intelligence officials”

The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, by the character Emmanuel Goldstein, is the fictional book that is used as a thematic and plot element in the dystopiannovel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell. According to Orwell’s plot, in the totalitarian society of Oceania, ruled by the seemingly omnipotent, omniscient Party, Emmanuel Goldstein (in the Party’s propaganda) is the principal enemy of the state – a former member of the Inner Party – continually conspiring against the leadership of Big Brother. Early in the story, the protagonist thinks to himself: “There were … whispered stories of a terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies, of which Goldstein was the author and which circulated clandestinely here and there. It was a book without a title. People referred to it, if at all, simply as The Book“.