
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is expected to name the chief executive of Exxon Mobil Corp as the country’s top diplomat, a source familiar with the situation said on Saturday, an appointment that would put in place an official with close ties to the Russian government.

News of Rex Tillerson’s possible appointment comes as U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Trump win the White House.  Continue reading “Trump likely to name Exxon CEO secretary of state – source”

Buzz Hourly – by Cherrey

You would probably think these bench designs were purposely set up like a puzzle and were made deliberately playful. Truth and behold, these designs were created to ward-off society’s homeless people.

Some urban cities have developed creative zones for playful social interaction within its shared spaces. However cities with high rate of homelessness added self-delimiting and counter-intuitive designs to ward off people from lingering in the shared zones and preventing the area to be converted into potential sleeping lounges.   Continue reading ““Homeless, You’re Not Welcome” Benches – Clever, Hostile or Uncomfortably Practical?”

Liberty Fight

In researching President-elect Trump’s pick for DHS Chief, General John F. Kelly, I learned that he led a squadron of U.S. Marines in Los Angeles during the 1992 Rodney King riots.

Of course most ‘aware’ people don’t like the idea of “troops in the streets” and military used as domestic law enforcement. They might immediately use this fact to demonize General Kelly and post sensational headlines such as Trump’s DHS Chief Ran Gitmo, Led Troops On U.S. Streets!!   Continue reading “Harvey Levin (WAY Before TMZ) Stuck In 1992 Los Angeles Rodney King Riots: “It Looks Like Something Out Of Desert Storm – I’m Scared!””

Anchor Editions – by Tim Chambers

The military seized her photographs, quietly depositing them in the National Archives, where they remained mostly unseen and unpublished until 2006
Continue reading “Dorothea Lange’s Censored Photographs of FDR’s Japanese Concentration Camps”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

You can really see how coordinated the effort is for political leaders and their lapdog mainstream media to call for the shutting down of free speech under the label “fake news,” which is really just another way of them saying, “Things that go against our agenda” or “The only fake news you get to watch or read is *our* fake news!” *whine*   Continue reading “Are They Actually Calling for a “Ministry of Truth” Now?”

CBS News

Ever find yourself caught up in a vivid memory of an event that, you later realize with confusion, didn’t really happen the way you thought? According to new research by psychologists at the University of Warwick in the U.K., you are far from alone.

The study demonstrated that about half of individuals will come to believe a fictional event occurred if they are told about that event and then repeatedly imagine it happening.   Continue reading “Study: Half of people “remember” events that never happened”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Because the government must maintain direct control over everything we consume, the FDA is now set to ban access to over-the-counter antiobiotic medications. Such medications, classified as veterinary antibiotics, are often used by pet owners to treat bacterial infections in fish and livestock. For those preparing for a breakdown of emergency services in the event of widespread disaster where hospitals may be closed down and medical personnel unavailable, the banning of these drugs means that preppers can no longer purchase these medications over the counter and outside of view of prying surveillance state eyes.   Continue reading “FDA Set To Ban Prepper Access To Over-The-Counter Antibiotics: “We Can Surely Expect To See Shortages””

Health Impact New – by Paul Fassa

The recent controversy over the documentary “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,” despite being attacked by so many who haven’t seen it, is bringing public attention to real life episodes of vaccine damaged children and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) whistleblower Dr. William Thompson’s attempt to reveal fraud in the CDC.

But this accurate CDC episode reveals only one episode of hiding data to deal disinformation publicly that doesn’t support vaccine safety. There have been several other vaccine report cover-ups and other types of fraudulent activity in addition to the Dr. Thompson whistleblower episode.   Continue reading “The U.S. Centers For Disease Control – A History of Corruption”

USA Today

Pope Francis joined the chorus of condemnation of media organizations that spread disinformation and compared their focus on “ugly things” to one of the more unsavory fetishes.

Francis said, although positive “in themselves,” communications media can be harmful and used to slander people, “especially in the world of politics,” during an interview Wednesday with the Belgian Catholic weeklyTertio. He added that anyone who uses means of communication to defame someone is committing a sin.   Continue reading “Pope Francis compares media focus on scandals to fecal fetish”

Yahoo News

Mexico City (AFP) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said Friday troops will remain in the streets to combat drug violence after his defense minister issued a rare complaint about the controversial deployment.

Although Pena Nieto acknowledged that the soldiers and marines have been doing law enforcement tasks that “don’t correspond to them in the strictest sense,” he said the armed forces are “determined to continue” policing the streets.   Continue reading “Mexico says army to stay in streets”

New York Post – by Bob Fredericks

Hillary Clinton and her supporters spent a record $1.2 billion for her losing presidential campaign — twice as much as the winner, Donald Trump, according to the latest records.

The president-elect, who confounded critics during the campaign by saying there was no need to raise or spend $1 billion or more, ended up making do with $600 million.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton’s losing campaign cost a record $1.2B”

Yahoo News

On Thursday, Rep. Sam Johnson, a Republican from Texas and chair of the Ways and Means Committee, introduced legislation to significantly cut Social Security.

The bill introduced by Johnson, who is also the chair of the Social Security subcommittee, slashes benefits, adds means testing, and would raise the retirement age from 67 to 69.   Continue reading “GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security”

Hollywood Reporter – by Rebecca Ford

The Sundance Film Festival will open with a follow-up to An Inconvenient Truth, former Vice President Al Gore’s two-time Academy Award-winning documentary about the world’s climate crisis.

From Participant Media, and directed by Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk, the sequel follows Gore as he continues his decades-long fight to build a more sustainable future for the planet.     Continue reading “‘An Inconvenient Truth’ Sequel to Debut at Sundance Opening Night”

Guns America – by Jordan Michaels

Yoga mats. Ferns. Air diffusors. Small decorative waterfalls.

These are the items one expects a yoga instructor to keep in her bedroom. A Taurus .38 Special is less expected, but, it turns out, more necessary.   Continue reading “Gun-Wielding Yoga Instructor Kills Two of Four Home Invaders”