Oregon Live – by Denis C. Theriault

Gov. Kate Brown on Tuesday announced a shakeup atop the state’s Employment Department, replacing the agency’s director just days after a state audit raised concerns about security lapses and tax troubles involving the department’s aging computer systems.

Kay Erickson, the state’s budget manager, will serve as the department’s acting boss while Brown’s office looks for a permanent hire. Erickson, whose appointment “is effective immediately,” replaces Lisa Nisenfeld.   Continue reading “Kate Brown ousts Employment Department head after scathing audit”

NBC San Diego

A young girl’s family is speaking out after a TSA agent patted her down for nearly two minutes at an airport over the holiday break, leaving the girl feeling like screaming.

Her father shot video of the incident at an airport in North Carolina, for a flight back to San Diego. Kevin Payne told NBC San Diego he’s all for airport security and making sure people have a safe trip, but he and his daughter feel the pat-down was uncomfortable, long and inappropriate.   Continue reading “Video Shows TSA Agent Pat Down 10-Year-Old Girl ‘Over and Over’”

Activist Post – by Nicholas West

By now, nearly everyone is familiar with just how massive the State surveillance apparatus has become. The question is no longer about whether or not we are under surveillance, but how much further will the intrusion expand.

As facial recognition technology becomes more sophisticated, and the ease of camera and sensor installation makes all barriers to entry a non-issue, we are beginning to see the advent of real-time tracking that is looking for emotion as well as our data.   Continue reading ““The Creepy Study” – Surveillance Cameras Analyze Emotions”

The Daily Mail

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been accused of treating the announcement of the new head of his spy agency like the unveiling of a reality TV show winner.

The country’s media were full of praise for the appointment of Yossi Cohen to lead the once-secretive Mossad.

However, the circus that surrounded the whole announcement has been criticised by the Israeli press.   Continue reading “Israeli PM treated spy chief announcement ‘like a reality TV show’”

The Daily Bell

Obama wipes away tears as he calls for new gun measures … The president gets emotional as he remembers Sandy Hook victims and fiercely calls for more rights for those vulnerable to gun violence. – Politico

Dominant Social Theme: Once we get guns out of the hands of the people we can worry about knives … and fists.   Continue reading “Real Reason for Gun Control”

NBC News

One of the armed protesters occupying a federal wildlife refuge in rural Oregon said he would rather die defending the building than be arrested by the FBI.

The occupation at the remote headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, 250 miles from Portland, entered its fifth day Wednesday.

While law enforcement has not attempted to recapture the outpost, the FBI is leading efforts to resolve the impasse and several of the occupiers said they believe there are arrest warrants against them.   Continue reading “Oregon Occupier LaVoy Finicum Warns FBI He’d Take Death Over Jail”


YREKA, Calif. — Hundreds will be marching up Sacramento’s capitol steps on Wednesday morning. It is just one step closer to statehood for the state of Jefferson.

The Jefferson Declaration Committee’s spokesperson, Mark Baird, said the 51st state is making its way on a map soon, and the committee is not stopping until it happens.   Continue reading “State Of Jefferson Is One Step Closer To Statehood”

Constitution Rising – by Rick Wells

Puerto Rico is unique among failed banana republics in that its citizens are all also born with American citizenship, though many lack an affinity with or respect for traditional American values. They are Spanish speaking, with that similarity to the Latin American invaders lending itself to abuse, providing an easy path to illicit gains for those willing to falsify documents, such as a birth certificate.   Continue reading “Puerto Rico Providing Back Door American Documents Source For Latino Illegal Aliens”

Papers, Please!

In response to a flurry of publicity kicked off by a story last week in the New York Times in which we were quoted, the DHS has posted several new or updated pages about the REAL-ID Act on its website, including a new page headed, “REAL ID and You: Rumor Control“.   Continue reading “DHS posts new lies about the REAL-ID Act”

Courthouse News – by Julie St. Louis

HONOLULU (CN) – Honolulu police beat and falsely arrested a man who was speaking and chanting to a seal on a beach, in an encounter caught on video, the man claims in court.

Jamie Kalani Rice says he was at Nanakuli beach in Honolulu at around noon on Sept. 10, 2014, when he saw an endangered Hawaiian monk seal lying by the shore.   Continue reading “A Monk Seal, a Chant, a Beating, a Lawsuit”


North Korea has announced it has successfully tested a miniaturized hydrogen bomb following an “artificial seismic event” that has likely become the country’s fourth known nuclear test.

In a “special and important” announcement at noon, North Korean TV claimed that the country has successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test at 10:00am local time.   Continue reading “North Korea claims fully successful ‘miniaturized hydrogen bomb’ test”


WASHINGTON (AP) — A major pesticide harms honeybees when used on cotton and citrus but not on other big crops like corn, berries and tobacco, the Environmental Protection Agency found.

In its first scientific risk assessment of the much-debated class of pesticides called neonicotinoids and how they affect bees on a chronic long-term basis, the EPA found in some cases the chemical didn’t harm bees or their hives but in other cases it posed a significant risk. It mostly depended on the crop, a nuanced answer that neither clears the way for an outright ban nor is a blanket go-ahead for continued use.   Continue reading “EPA says pesticide harms bees in some cases”

Fox 5 Atlanta

– A Georgia State Senator wants to make it harder for certain people going through a divorce to buy a gun.  State Senator Doc Rhett, Democrat from Marietta, said SB250 would prevent a person who is going through a divorce and has a violent history or a restraining order, from buying a gun without a judge’s permission. SB250 would not pertain to a spouse who wants a gun for protection.  “If they want to purchase a gun to protect themselves, that’s fine because they’re not the aggressor,” said Sen. Rhett.    Continue reading “Ga Senator Wants New Gun Laws For People Going Through Divorce”


Ammon Bundy, a leader of the armed protesters who took over a federal building in Oregon, and his family are known for battling the federal government.

But Bundy told CNN on Tuesday that he’s not opposed to government and said that taking a six-figure loan from the Small Business Administration doesn’t conflict with his political philosophy.   Continue reading “Leader of armed protesters in Oregon took out $530,000 federal loan”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Healthcare, economy, unemployment, immigration, and terrorism are mere sideline issues among most Americans, according to a recent Gallup poll. The number one problem in America today–is America–or, at least, the government which represents it.

In 2015, for the second straight year, the largest problem Americans have faced is the United States Government.   Continue reading “New Gallup Poll — ‘Number 1 Problem Facing Americans Today’ is the U.S. Government”

Freedom Outpost – by Suzanne Hamner

“The wind began to switch — the house to pitch and suddenly the hinges started to unhitch. Just then the Snitch — to satisfy an itch, went lying to the press club, schlumping for Ms. Lynch.” (Sing to the tune of The Wizard of Oz “Munchkin Land”)

Yes, Josh Earnest, the mouthpiece for the lying criminal traitor Obama, paraded out on Monday night to inform the lamestream enemedia that Hussein Soetoro would announce his unlawful, illegal, unconstitutional gun grabbing agenda on Tuesday. It’s common knowledge at this point that Hussein Soetoro will expose his plan for infringing further on the Second Amendment. But, what really stuck out worse than a “goose egg” on a forehead was the statement made by the administration, aka Hussein Soetoro, and relayed by Josh Earnest, aka “the Snitch.” “White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, said the administration anticipates that the gun lobby will have a ‘creative legal theory’ to oppose the actions.”   Continue reading “White House & Talking Heads Discuss Obama’s Treason as if it were Law”


One of two 16-year-old girls accused of plotting to kill classmates and staff at their Colorado high school last month was formally charged as an adult on Tuesday with conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, prosecutors said.

Sienna Johnson appeared in Douglas County Court to face allegations that she and another girl planned to attack Mountain Vista High School in the Denver suburb of Highlands Ranch, said District Attorney George Brauchler.   Continue reading “Colorado girl charged with plotting to kill high school classmates”