Moon of Alabama

The White House claims that the Syrian government is preparing “chemical weapon attacks”. This is clearly not the case. Syria is winning the war against the country. Any such attack would clearly be to its disadvantage. The White House announcement must thereby be understood as preparation for another U.S. attack on Syria in “retaliation” for an upcoming staged “chemical weapon attack” which will be blamed on the Syrian government.   Continue reading “White House Says It Will Fake “Chemical Weapon Attack” In Syria”

The Hill – by Max Greenwood

White House chief strategist Steve Bannon cast President Trump’s defense policy as one that puts military power into the hands of the “warfighters.”

“The President believes the best thing to do is to let the warfighters fight the war,” Bannon told CNN.

But the chief strategist also said that Trump has ultimately held onto his ability to oversee “anything important on the warfighting side,” according to CNN, adding that he has remained deeply involved in developing military strategy.   Continue reading “Bannon: Trump’s strategy is ‘let the warfighters fight the war’”

Natural News – by  Isabelle Z.

The American Heart Association has just issued some curious advice to cardiologists, saying that people should stop consuming butter and replace it with vegetable oils instead. While it’s not surprising to see a group with strong ties to Big Pharma promoting such careless advice, it is very concerning to think of the potential effects it could have on public health if it is followed.

The AHA has long gone after healthy fats, and this time it even went so far as to say that coconut oil is bad for your heart. They would say that, of course, because eating these healthy foods keeps people from needing the prescription drugs made by the firms that support the group.   Continue reading “American Heart Association wants you to stop using butter and start using toxic vegetable oils again”

The Organic Prepper

Remember that Eternal Blue loophole created by the NSA? Well, it has been employed again in the launch of the Petya Ransomware Cyberattack. Thanks, NSA.

The attack began earlier today and has crippled some major companies across the globe. No one has taken responsibility for the virus, and according to Matthieu Suiche, the security researcher who helped fight the WannaCry attack earlier this summer, “There is no kill switch.”   Continue reading “The Petya Ransomware Cyberattack: “THERE IS NO KILL SWITCH.””

Australian Government

Below is general information about the amnesty. The information is subject to local arrangements, which you can read about by clicking on the appropriate state or territory link on the right hand side of this page.

Please note the term ‘firearms’ is used below to refer to unregistered firearms as well as unregistered firearm-related articles. Both can be handed in as part of the amnesty.  Continue reading “Australian National Firearms Amnesty 2017”

Quartz – by Ananya Bhattacharya

A former senior executive at Infosys has accused Indian software major Infosys of a racist bias that favours Indian techies over others.

Erin Green, who worked at Infosys’s Texas office from October 2011 to July 2016, has alleged that his former employer tilted the scales too far towards Indians in its 200,000-strong workforce in the US. In a lawsuit filed (paywall) with the district court in eastern Texas on June 19, Green cites the lack of diversity at the firm as proof of discrimination:  Continue reading “A former executive is accusing Infosys of racism that favours Indians”

The Oregonian – by Ted Sickenger

SALEM – A Seattle-based energy consultant implicated in a widening corruption scandal was arraigned Friday morning on dozens of bribery, racketeering, theft and tax evasion charges.

Martin Shain is accused of paying nearly $300,000 in kickbacks to a former manager at the Oregon Department of Energy, Joe Colello, who helped him broker state energy tax credit sales and earn lucrative commissions. Colello pleaded guilty to accepting bribes and other felonies earlier this week.   Continue reading “Key figure in Oregon bribery scandal arraigned on 78 charges”

Forbes – by Thomas Fox-Brewster

Ukraine’s government, National Bank, its transportation services and largest power companies are bearing the brunt of what appears to be a massive ransomware outbreak that’s fast spreading across the world and hitting a significant number of critical infrastructure providers.

Whispers of WannaCry abound, though some security experts said on Tuesday that a different breed, named Petya, was to blame. “[We’re seeing] several thousands of infection attempts at the moment, comparable in size to WannaCry’s first hours,” said Kaspersky Lab’s Costin Raiu, who added that the infections are occurring in many different countries.  Another firm, BitDefender, said it believed a similar strain called GoldenEye was responsible. Later, security firms, including Kaspersky and Avast, said the malware responsible was actually an entirely new ransomware that had borrowed Petya code.  Continue reading “Another Massive Ransomware Outbreak Is Going Global Fast”

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The Hill

Senate Republicans are delaying their effort to vote on legislation repealing ObamaCare until after the July 4 recess after a number of members said they opposed the current bill.

“I think we need a little more time,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told reporters before getting into an elevator.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told members of the decision on Tuesday at a closed-door meeting.   Continue reading “Senate GOP delays ObamaCare repeal vote past recess”

Raising the minimum wage only increases operating costs thus raising the prices of goods and services. Until taxation and regulation burdens are lessened or negated the only effects raising the minimum wage will have is slowly destroying the dollar and making life harder for the working class.

Fox 10 News

– A Chandler restaurant says the minimum wage increase in Arizona is forcing them to close their doors for good.   Continue reading “Minimum wage increase forces Chandler restaurant to close”

Washington’s Blog

A top U.S. missile and chemical weapons expert has documented for months that the Syrian government did not carry out a chemical weapons attack against civilians, and that contrary claims by the Trump White House, French intelligence services, the New York Times, CNN and other “mainstream” sources are wrong … and worthless propaganda.

Former top military and intelligence officials  – including many who warned against the faulty Iraq intelligence in advance of the Iraq war – have long said that the claims that Assad carried out the chemical weapons attacks was bunkum.   Continue reading “U.S. Military Officials: There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria … Trump Bombed Syria DESPITE Advice From Military and Intelligence Chiefs”

BBC News

China has accused India of incursion into its territory between Sikkim and Tibet, in a dispute which has raised tensions between the countries.

Officials said Indian border guards had obstructed “normal activities” on the Chinese side, and called on India to immediately withdraw them.

India also recently accused Chinese troops of incursion on its side.  Continue reading “China ‘asks India to withdraw troops’ from Nathu La pass”

My Fox 8

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — The US Army’s Redstone Arsenal post in Huntsville, Alabama, is on lockdown because of a “possible active shooter,” the facility’s Twitter account said Tuesday.

There were reports of a shooter at Building 5301 — the Aviation and Missile Command building — at the post’s Sparkman Center, Army spokeswoman Kim Hanson said.

“Installation is locked down. Run hide fight,” the post’s Twitter account said.   Continue reading “Possible active shooter causes lockdown at Army post outside Huntsville, Alabama”

BBC News

The Queen is to receive an 8% increase in income from public funds, after the Crown Estate’s profits rose by £24m.

The Sovereign Grant, which pays for the salaries of her household, official travel and upkeep of palaces, is to increase by more than £6m in 2018/19.

It comes as accounts revealed the Queen’s official net expenditure last year increased by £2m, to almost £42m.   Continue reading “Queen to receive £6m pay increase from public funds”

The Week – by Jeva Lange

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) has just days left before he gets to return to his own bed in Utah, leaving his Capitol Hill office cot behind for good. But before he goes, Chaffetz has called for a $2,500 monthly housing stipend to help lawmakers afford living in D.C.

“Washington, D.C., is one of the most expensive places in the world, and I flat-out cannot afford a mortgage in Utah, kids in college, and a second place here in Washington, D.C.,” Chaffetz told The Hill. “I think a $2,500 housing allowance would be appropriate and a real help to have at least a decent quality of life in Washington if you’re going to expect people to spend hundreds of nights a year here.”   Continue reading “Congressmen make $174,000 a year. This Republican wants an extra $30,000 ‘housing allowance.’”

If Americans Knew is a nonprofit organization that focuses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the foreign policy of the United States regarding the Middle East, offering analysis of American media coverage of these issues. The group’s website declares its aim is to provide “what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine.”[1] The site is generally critical of U.S. financial and military support of Israel. It has accused The New York Times and other mainstream news organizations of being biased against Palestinians.[2][3][4][5]
Continue reading “If Americans Knew”

NPR – by Bill Chappel

A federal judge in Michigan has temporarily barred U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement from deporting a group of more than 1,400 Iraqi nationals for at least two weeks, expanding an order that initially applied only to those in the Detroit area.

The Iraqis covered by the injunction have been convicted of crimes in the U.S. — in some cases, decades ago. Since then, they’ve been allowed to remain in their communities under supervision. They face deportation because Iraq recently agreed to issue travel documents for their repatriation — but the Iraqis say they need a chance to show why they should be allowed to stay in the U.S.   Continue reading “Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Deportation Of 1,400 Iraqis Nationwide”


According to a Stanford Institute project called “The Open Policing Project” which looked at over 100 million police traffic stops.

“Police pull over more than 50,000 drivers on a typical day, more than 20 million motorists every year.”

Does that mean 50,000 people are breaking the law everyday?  Is there an epidemic of lawbreakers on our streets?   Continue reading “Police stop and question 20 MILLION motorists every year or 50,000 every day”