Ars Technica – by Dan Goodin

There’s a bug in the latest version of Internet Explorer that leaks the addresses, search terms, or any other text typed into the address bar.

The bug allows any currently visited website to view any text entered into the address bar as soon as the user hits enter. The technique can expose sensitive information a user didn’t intend to be viewed by remote websites, including the Web address the user is about to visit. The hack can also expose search queries, since IE allows them to be typed into the address bar and then retrieved from Bing or other search services.
Continue reading “Internet Explorer bug leaks whatever you type in the address bar”

American Lookout

A far left Antifa rioter in Portland, Oregon is heading to jail for five years for his involvement in an incident that left a police car burned. It’s good to see one of these thugs suffering the consequences of their actions.

The Oregonian reports:
Continue reading “Antifa Rioter In Oregon Gets Five Years In Jail For Torching Police Car”

Federalist Papers – by Seth Connell

It seems like every other week or so we are reporting on recent data breaches affecting millions of Americans. From Target to Equifax, it seems that no company with electronic databases can keep our information totally secure. That apparently also includes the popular fast-food chain Sonic.

The fast-food chain noticed some strange activity occurring with credit cards that were used at their restaurants in the past week. As of this point, the scope of the issue is not yet fully known, but Sonic is working with law enforcement and forensics experts to figure out what exactly is going on.   Continue reading “Sonic Databases Hacked, Millions of People’s Personal Information At Risk”

Bloomberg – by Thomas Korosec

JPMorgan Chase & Co. was ordered by a Dallas jury to pay more than $4 billion in damages for mishandling the estate of a former American Airlines executive, but the verdict will probably be knocked down on appeal.

Jo Hopper and two stepchildren won the probate court verdict over claims that JPMorgan mismanaged the administration of the estate of Max Hopper, who was described as an airline technology innovator in a statement issued by the family’s law firm.   Continue reading “JPMorgan Ordered to Pay More Than $4 Billion to Widow and Family”

Campus Reform – by Brandon Jones

Conservative students at California State University, San Marcos are taking issue with several “appalling” posters promoting a “P***y Power” event hosted by the Gender Equity Center.

The CSUSM College Republicans posted photos of the flyers to Facebook, remarking that “CSUSM is very progressive!”   Continue reading “‘I’m a slut’ posters promote ‘P***y Power’ event at CSUSM”

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CBS Los Angeles

SANTA MONICA (CBSLA) — A woman on a flight to Los Angeles International Airport was dragged off a Southwest plane Tuesday night by two police officers after claiming she was deathly allergic to two dogs on the flight.

Video shows the woman being forcibly removed by two law enforcement officers. She can be heard yelling, “Don’t touch me,” and at one point also accused the officers of ripping her pants.

The kerfuffle was preceded by the woman telling the flight crew that she had a life-threatening allergy to two dogs on the flight, one of which was a service animal, and her demand that they be removed from the flight.   Continue reading “Woman Dragged Off Southwest Flight Over Allergy”

Washington Examiner –  by Gabby Morrongiello

President Trump is preparing an executive order to allow Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines, a reform conservatives have long championed as a way to bring costs down and stir greater competition in the national marketplace.

The executive action gives the White House a chance to follow through on at least one promise related to healthcare reform, after Senate Republicans’ second attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare failed this week. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul first mentioned the action during a TV appearance Wednesday morning, saying Trump was considering taking matters into his own hands.   Continue reading “Trump preparing executive order to let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines”

Daily Mail

French prosecutors have ruled that an 11-year-old girl ‘consented’ to sexual relations with a 28-year-old man as she did not verbally and physically protest.

The young girl had been lured to the man’s home in the Paris suburb of Montmagny in April this year, where he sexually assaulted her.

However, prosecutors said they could not justify charging the man with rape as there was no ‘violence, constraint, threat or surprise’.   Continue reading “French prosecutors rule 11-year-old girl ‘consented’ to sex with 28-year-old and will not charge him with rape”


Unlike Russia, the US is not observing its own pledge to dispose of its chemical weapons arsenal, the President Vladimir Putin said ahead of the destruction of the last batch of Russian chemical weapons on Wednesday.

“Russia strictly complies with its international obligations, including those related to non-proliferation and reductions of weapons of mass destruction,” Putin said.  Continue reading “US long overdue destroying its chemical weapons, Putin says as Russia completes disposal”

IRBIL, Iraq (AP) — The Kurdish referendum on independence from Iraq was approved by more than 92 percent of voters, officials said Wednesday, as Iraq’s prime minister vowed to keep his country united without resorting to the use of force.

Even with the strong support, the non-binding vote is unlikely to lead to formal independence, but it has escalated long-running tensions with Baghdad, which has moved to block flights in and out of the Kurds’ autonomous region. Iraq and its neighbors, along with virtually the entire international community, are opposed to any redrawing of the map.   Continue reading “Iraq’s Kurds say 92% voted in favor of independence”

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are proposing a far-reaching, $5 trillion plan Wednesday that would cut taxes for corporations and potentially for individuals, simplify the tax system and nearly double the standard deduction used by most Americans.

The plan is sweeping in scope but omits critical, controversial details that are likely to take months to work out in a bitterly divided, GOP-led Congress. The political stakes are high for Republicans and for Trump, whose agenda has largely stalled as the GOP abandoned efforts to repeal the Obama-era health law. Republicans see tax overhaul as a once-in-a-generation opportunity that could produce a large political payoff, though some polls show the public is skeptical that average Americans will benefit much.   Continue reading “Trump, GOP tax plan would cut rates for many Americans”

CINCINNATI (AP) — A coroner’s report gives a cause of death for a young Ohioan detained for more than a year by North Korea, but couldn’t determine what led to the fatal injury. Otto Warmbier’s (WARM’-beer) parents told a Fox News show Tuesday that North Korea tortured the 22-year-old University of Virginia student. President Donald Trump tweeted after their TV appearance: “Otto was tortured beyond belief by North Korea.”   Continue reading “Coroner’s report sheds little light on Ohio youth’s death”

Speaking at a press conference in the Armenian capital Yerevan, a deputy of Syrian parliament, Zhirayr Reisyan, said recently that the liberated city of Deir ez-Zorr is a large and significant victory of the Syrian army.

Zhirayr Reisyan compared the liberated Deir-ez-Zorr with the war-torn Aleppo. Particularly the deputy draw the people’s attention to the fact that in peacetime a large number of Armenians lived both in Aleppo and in Deir ez-Zorr. However, most of them were forced to leave their homeland because of Islamists.   Continue reading “Syria Urges Citizens To Return To The Country”

The Organic Prepper

It looks like preppers aren’t that crazy after all. FEMA’s new director, Brock Long, has repeatedly said that Americans do not have a “culture of preparedness,” something that is much-needed with the startling uptick in natural disasters. Long has only been the director of FEMA since June 20 of this year and already has had to deal with a historic number of disasters in this short period of time.

It appears that Mr. Long has a mindset of self-reliance based on a couple of recent statements he has made to the media, but the MSM doesn’t seem too interested in his ideas about fostering a culture of preparedness, despite the practicality and essential nature of his suggestions.   Continue reading “FEMA Director Urges Americans to Develop “a true culture of preparedness” But No One Is Listening”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Nearly one year ago we posted an article titled, “STDs Surge To 20-Year High“.

Today, the United States has record high rates. I wonder why…

Could it have anything to do with our lack of morality?

No, of course not.
Continue reading “U.S.: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surge To Record High”