Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Documents uncovered as part of a separate court case reveal that multi-millionaire Silicon Valley elitist Anthony Levandowski started a religion based around the concept of worshipping artificial intelligence as a God.

Levandowski, who is currently embroiled in a high profile lawsuit with Google over accusations he stole sensitive data about their self-driving car program and gave it to Uber, founded a religious organization called Way of the Future two years ago.   Continue reading “Silicon Valley Elitist Starts Religion To Worship Artificial Intelligence As God”

ABC News 7

This fall, National Mall visitors might be surprised to find a giant sculpture of a naked woman near the Washington Monument. If the organizers’ permit is approved, the sculpture would become a temporary fixture, allowed to stand there for four months.

For a third year, organizers of Catharsis on the Mall, similar to the Burning Man festival in Nevada, plan to bring music, art and activism to the National Mall over Veteran’s Day weekend.   Continue reading “Giant naked woman sculpture planned for National Mall”

The Organic Prepper

Things are dire in Puerto Rico. We haven’t heard much directly from people there since Hurricane Maria took out power for the entire island, but what we do know is that the situation is desperate. This is a shocking, real-life glimpse into what it’s really like when the S hits the fan.

I saw a post from a friend of a friend who has family in Puerto Rico. I don’t have permission to share names, but here’s what she said:   Continue reading “Puerto Rico: What It’s Really Like After the SHTF”

The United Nations General Assembly, which kicked off on September 12 at the headquarters of the international organization in, New York has just ended. During the meeting, the priority was given to the issues of global security and combating terrorism. The settlement of crisis in Libya was also touched.

On September 20, the UN envoy to Libya Ghassan Salame at a closed meeting proposed an action plan for resolving the Libyan conflict. Mr. Salame told journalists that the plan had been allegedly based on the needs of the Libyans who deserved the cessation of uncertainty and unpredictability. The plan for emerging the crisis implies amending the current Libyan Political Agreement (LPA), namely the reduction of Presidential Council to three members, forming new transitional government, holding a constitutional referendum and general parliamentary elections.   Continue reading “U.S. and Gulf States Hinder Libyan Crisis Settlement”


Imagine driving down a highway and seeing a personalized billboard ad directed at you. Now imagine advertisers using billboards to send messages to your smartphone.

That’s the future of’ ‘advertised spying’ in America. (Yes, I made that term up.)

An article in McClatchy, warns that a new generation of “smart digital billboards will detect the make, model and year of oncoming vehicles and project ads tailored to the motorist.”
Continue reading “Smart billboards target individual motorists and spy on license plates and cellphones”


New York, 27 September (Argus) — US crude exports reached 1.5mn b/d last week, breaking the previous record of 1.3mn b/d set earlier this year in the week ending 26 May, as a glut of light crude in the Gulf coast following Hurricane Harvey improved export economics.

Most of the exports have been heading to Asia, with charterers including South Korea’s SK Energy, Japan’s Cosmo and China’s Unipec, and traders such as Trafigura, Vitol and Mercuria, according to shipbrokers.   Continue reading “US exports record volume of crude weeks after Harvey”

Reason – by Scott Shackford

The head of the Salt Lake Police Association has watched the country’s outrage over the videos showing a nurse getting arrested for refusing to draw a man’s blood without a warrant and has decided the correct response is to complain that the public got to see what its officers did.

Union head Stephen Hartney sent a letter to the city’s mayor and police chief to complain video of the brief arrest of nurse Alex Wubbels has made “pariahs” of Det. Jeff Payne and his watch commander at the time of the incident, Lt. James Tracy.   Continue reading “Police Union Complains That Public Got to See Them Roughing Up Utah Nurse”

The Hill – by Mallory Shelbourne

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced early Thursday that President Trump has waived the Jones Act, lifting shipping restrictions to bolster relief efforts on hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico.

“At @ricardorossello request, @POTUS has authorized the Jones Act be waived for Puerto Rico. It will go into effect immediately,” Sanders tweeted, referring to Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló.   Continue reading “Trump lifts Jones Act to bolster Puerto Rico relief”


It appears that in its eagerness to accuse Russian hackers of meddling in the US presidential election, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wrongly claimed California’s election systems had been breached.

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla released a statement in which he confirmed that DHS officials had told him that the state’s election system had been “scanned” by Russian hackers.   Continue reading “‘Year late & bad info’: California says DHS falsely accused Russia of hacking its voting systems”

BALI, Indonesia (AP) — More than 120,000 people have fled the region around the Mount Agung volcano on the Indonesian tourist island of Bali, fearing it will soon erupt, an official said Thursday. The disaster mitigation agency’s command post in Bali said the number of evacuees has swelled to about 122,500. The figure is more than double the estimated population within an immediate danger zone but people further away are leaving too.

Those who have fled are scattered in more than 500 locations across the island famed for its beaches, lush green interior and elegant Hindu culture, taking shelter in temporary camps, sports centers and other public buildings.   Continue reading “More than 120,000 flee menacing Bali volcano”

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — First, Hurricane Maria knocked out power and water to Puerto Rico. Then diesel fuel, gas and water became scarce. Now, it’s money. The aftermath of the powerful storm has resulted in a near-total shutdown of the U.S. territory’s economy that could last for weeks and has many people running seriously low on cash and worrying that it will become even harder to survive on this storm-ravaged island.

There are long lines at the banks that are open with reduced hours or the scattered ATMs that are operational amid an islandwide power outage and near total loss of telecommunications. Many people are unable to work or run their businesses because diesel to run generators is in short supply or they can’t spend all day waiting for gas to fill their car.   Continue reading “Now even money is running out in storm-hit Puerto Rico”

DENVER (AP) — The man who opened fire on a crowded movie theater in suburban Denver in 2012, killing 12 people and wounding 70 others, is being housed at a facility in Pennsylvania, the Federal Bureau of Prisons disclosed Thursday.

James Holmes’ location had been a tightly held secret after he was moved out of Colorado last year because he was attacked by another inmate. Colorado prison officials had argued that they could not say where he was being held because of an agreement with states that take in out-of-state prisoners.   Continue reading “Colorado theater shooter transferred to Pennsylvania prison”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

The swelling population of illegal immigrants and their kids is costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill, according to the the most authoritative report on the issue yet.

And despite claims from pro-illegal immigration advocates that the aliens pay significant off-setting taxes back to federal, state and local treasuries, the Federation for American Immigration Reform report tallied just $19 billion, making the final hit to taxpayers about $116 billion.   Continue reading “Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY”

Yahoo News

As of Wednesday afternoon, more than 35,000 people had signed a petition to remove a Ray Lewis statue from the Baltimore Ravens’ stadium, after Lewis knelt during the national anthem before a game with current Ravens players last Sunday.

Where to even start with this one …

The petition on was started by Eric Moniodis of Hydes. He wrote: “To kneel during (the national anthem) is disrespectful, regardless of what you are protesting. I will not stand for that kind of disrespect towards our country, especially from a legend such as Ray Lewis.” Many people obviously agreed, since the petition grew quickly.   Continue reading “35,000 sign petition to remove Ray Lewis statue after he knelt for anthem, Lewis says he was praying”

Breitbart – by Erich Pratt

An Oklahoma man uses his AR-15 to kill three armed intruders in his home. A very petite mother chases three burglars out of her home simply by racking the slide of her AR-15. A concealed carryholder, sitting on the front porch of his Houston home, grabs his AR-15 rifle to defend himself against a drive-by-shooting attack — killing two of the goons and hospitalizing the third.

Each of these gun owners faced multiple attackers. Each utilized a standard capacity magazine, equipped with multiple rounds. Sounds pretty cut-and-dry, right?   Continue reading “Erich Pratt: Gun Owners of America Fights for AR-15s Before Supreme Court”

Fox News

Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine, died Wednesday at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles, surrounded by loved ones, the magazine said in a statement.

He was 91. He died of from natural causes, the statement read.

With a bon vivant philosophy, urbane sophistication and sheer marketing brilliance, Hefner was an icon for the sexual revolution of the 1960s, the man-about-town embodiment of the lifestyle he promoted with gusto and a sly wink to readers.   Continue reading “Hugh Hefner, Playboy founder, dead at 91”

Teaching American History

“Ignorance and inconsideration are the two great causes of the ruin of mankind.” This is an observation of Dr. Tillotson, with relation to the interest of his fellow men in a future and immortal state. But it is of equal truth and importance if applied to the happiness of men in society, on this side the grave. In the earliest ages of the world, absolute monarchy seems to have been the universal form of government. Kings, and a few of their great counselors and captains, exercised a cruel tyranny over the people, who held a rank in the scale of intelligence, in those days, but little higher than the camels and elephants that carried them and their engines to war.   Continue reading “John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law (1765)”

CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Mysterious metal towers are popping up at local tunnels, and soon they’ll start appearing at bridges, too.

But even people on the MTA board in charge of the towers can’t say why they’re being used or what’s in them, CBS2’s Dave Carlin reports.

Jose Lugo said the tall metal towers quickly appeared up after the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel tolls booths came down.   Continue reading “Mystery Surrounds Metal Towers Popping Up In Tunnels & Bridges”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

We have written frequently over the past couple of weeks about the disastrous public pension funds in Kentucky that are anywhere from $42 – $84 billion underfunded, depending on which discount rate you feel inclined to use. As we’ve argued before, these pensions, like the ones in Illinois and other states, are so hopelessly underfunded that they haven’t a prayer of ever again being made whole.   Continue reading “Teachers Demand $3,200 From Each Kentucky Household To Fund Pension Ponzi For 2 Years”