The US is seeking to contain Iran’s rising influence in the Middle East and fend off challenges to Washington’s hegemony posed by Russia and China, the top general commanding US forces in the region told Congress.

General Joseph Votel, head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), briefed the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) on Tuesday on the efforts against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and the wars in Syria, Afghanistan, and Yemen. All of which fall under the purview of CENTCOM, “the only geographic combatant command executing active combat operations,” Votel pointed out.   Continue reading “Russia ‘threatens our ability to dominate’ – US general to Congress”

Conservative Daily Post – by Martin Walsh

The Supreme Court smacked down the liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and ruled illegal immigrants in the U.S. cannot receive bond hearings.

In a 5-3 ruling on Tuesday, the nation’s highest court held that unauthorized immigrants in the country aren’t legally allowed to have hearings to determine if they can post bail from jail.

The decision follows an appeal from the Trump administration after the left-wing Ninth Circuit previously ruled illegal immigrants should be allowed to post bond and bail in the U.S.   Continue reading “Supreme Court Rules Illegals Could Be Detained Indefinitely”

IJR – by Jason Howerton

There was blood “everywhere” in the hallway of an apartment building in Oswego, Illinois, as a man allegedly attacked a victim with a knife on Monday.

Dave Thomas witnessed the attack unfolding and knew he had to do something.

“I poked my head out the door. There was a pool of blood, blood was everywhere in the hall. There was still a confrontation going on, there were about three or four people involved at this point,” he recalled to WGN 9.   Continue reading “Bloody Knife Attack Ends Immediately When Bad Guy Sees Hero Holding AR-15”

Activist Post

The Wyoming State House today overwhelmingly approved a bill which helps restore constitutional, sound money in Wyoming.

State Representatives voted 44-14 to pass House Bill 103 sending the measure introduced by Representative Roy Edwards (R-Gillette) to the Senate for a hearing.

Backed by the Sound Money Defense League, Campaign for Liberty, and Money Metals Exchange, HB 103 is a bill that removes all state taxation from gold and silver bullion and coins and reaffirms their legal tender status in Wyoming, in keeping with Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution.   Continue reading “Wyoming House Votes Overwhelmingly to Remove Taxation from Gold and Silver”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

A major media bombshell is now confirming the shocking truth that Natural News reported first: Deputies were ordered to stand down and avoid entering the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, even as the shooting was taking place.

This irrefutable fact has been maliciously labeled a “conspiracy theory” by the fake news media (CNN, etc.), but now it is confirmed by multiple sources (as is usually the case after the fake news media gets it wrong).   Continue reading “Broward County deputies were *ORDERED* to stand down… then all radio communications were cut off while the shooting continued”

Breitbart – by Charlie Spiering

President Donald Trump has selected Brad Parscale as his campaign manager for 2020, according to an exclusive headline on the Drudge Report.

White House officials confirmed to Breitbart News that Trump was running for re-election but referred additional questions to the campaign.   Continue reading “DRUDGE: Donald Trump Selects Brad Parscale as Campaign Manager for 2020”


Presidential son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner has had his security clearance downgraded — a move that will prevent him from viewing many of the sensitive documents to which he once had unfettered access.

Kushner is not alone. All White House aides working on the highest-level interim clearances — at the Top Secret/SCI-level — were informed in a memo sent Friday that their clearances would be downgraded to the Secret level, according to three people with knowledge of the situation.   Continue reading “Kushner loses access to top-secret intelligence”

Daily Mail

Accused Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz has been given permission to meet his lawyer to pursue his late adoptive mother’s reported $800,000 inheritance.

The 19-year-old is alleged to have opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland earlier this month, killing 17 people and injuring 14 others.

Now it has emerged he signed a retainer agreement with lawyer Audra Simovitch on December 13 to pursue his share of Lynda Cruz’s estate, the New York Post reported.  Continue reading “Nikolas Cruz can meet lawyer over mother’s inheritance”

Yahoo News

Rhode Island established a new “red flag” policy on guns with an executive order that will help keep guns away from people who “could pose significant threats to public safety.”

“The executive order I signed today is an immediate step we can take to make residents safer. It sets the table for a complementary legislative effort,” Gov. Gina Raimondo, a Democrat, said in a statement Monday. “We cannot wait a minute longer for Washington to take action to prevent gun violence.”   Continue reading “Rhode Island executive order encourages taking guns from ‘red flag’ individuals”

“If the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded.”: Noah Webster – (1758-1843) American patriot and scholar, author of the 1806 edition of the dictionary that bears his name, the first dictionary of American English usage.