Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

After a late 1:30 pm start to the hastily organized afternoon press conference, President Donald Trump signed a $1.3 trillion spending measure Friday averting a government shutdown at midnight, acting just hours after saying he was considering a veto. He wasn’t.  Continue reading ““Unhappy” Trump Signs $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

New York, NY — Currently, within the city of New York, it is against the law to smoke a cigarette on mass transit, in public restrooms and restaurants, businesses, libraries, sports arenas and gyms, zoos, bars, and parks, and a myriad of other places. These smoking bans are upheld by police who enforce them and they can and will use extreme force to make sure you comply.

Now, however, lawmakers want to have police go after people who dare to smoke and walk at the same time. On Thursday, a Queens Democrat proposed legislation to the New York City Council to ban smoking while walking. Seriously.  Continue reading “New Law Will Make it Illegal for People to Walk and Smoke at the Same Time”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump made a surprising threat on Friday to veto Congress’ newly passed $1.3 trillion spending bill, a move that raised the specter of a government shutdown ahead of a midnight deadline to renew funding for federal agencies.

In a tweet on Friday morning Trump said he was displeased about immigration issues in the bill, even though the White House had given assurances on Thursday that he would sign it.   Continue reading “Trump threatens to veto budget, raising risk of government shutdown”


Shooting and hostage-taking at a supermarket has been reported in southern France, local media say. Police have confirmed that the operation is underway.

The incident took place in the town of Trebes in the south of the country, the French Interior Ministry said on Twitter.   Continue reading “Shooting & hostage-taking at supermarket in south France, police op underway”

Guns America – by SH Blannelberry

Suppose Trump turns out to be a tyrant.  Then what?  That’s basically the question Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-Long Island) asked a crowd at a town hall event last week.

“It’s really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,” Suozzi said in a video on March 12. “This is where the Second Amendment comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?”   Continue reading “Democratic Congressman Talks Armed Insurrection Against Trump”

NBC News

In a move apparently designed to appease President Trump’s recent promise to execute narcotics traffickers, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions this week released a memo urging federal prosecutors to seek the death penalty for “dealing in extremely large quantities of drugs.”

Smarting from Sessions’ opposition to state-legal marijuana in places like California, Colorado and Washington state, the new guidelines sent chills through some in the cannabis community.   Continue reading “Legal pot business owners ponder the possibility of death row after Trump administration policy shift”

Fox News – by John R Lott

Congressional Republicans are jeopardizing the Second Amendment rights of 4.2 million senior citizens. At the same time, they have voted to funnel tens of millions of dollars to gun control organizations and support other actions that Democrats will love.

All of this is wrapped up in the giant $1.3 trillion spending bill that the House of Representatives approved Thursday on a 256-167 vote and sent to the Senate.  Continue reading “The Second Amendment rights of more than 4 million Americans are at risk thanks to Republicans in Congress”

The Hill – by Jordain Carney

The Senate rushed to approve a $1.3 trillion government funding bill early Friday morning, sending the mammoth legislation to President Trump‘s desk less than 24 hours before a deadline to avert another government shutdown.

Senators voted 65-32 on the measure, well over the simple majority needed to approve it, despite late drama after the bill easily cleared the House on Thursday afternoon. It now goes to the White House where Trump is expected to sign it.  Continue reading “Senate approves $1.3 trillion spending bill, sending to Trump”

CBS News – by John Blackstone

TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — A car loaded with propane tanks ran through the main gate at Travis Air Force Base in northern California on Wednesday night. Military personnel ran up to the burning car that exploded in flame after breaching the security gates.

In video posted on an Air Force forum on Facebook, firefighters are seen attempting to put out the flames.   Continue reading “New details in possible attempted attack at Travis Air Force Base in California”

The Daily Caller – by Joe Simonson

The media is getting its pom-poms out for a major anti-gun protest in Washington, D.C., this Saturday, with some networks devoting around-the-clock coverage starting as early as Friday.

Nearly every network will replace the entirety of their normal Saturday programming with live coverage of what is expected to be the largest anti-gun protest in U.S. history, according to press releases from many major news networks.   Continue reading “Media Will Spend Nearly Two Days Giving Anti-Gun Protest Wall-To-Wall Coverage”

Seattle Times – by Daniel Beekman

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Councilmember M. Lorena González said Wednesday that they plan to propose legislation to require gun owners to lock up firearms left in their homes and vehicles.

The legislation also could increase penalties for people who fail to report lost and stolen guns, they said, describing the move as a response to a widespread gun-violence crisis and to shootings in Seattle.
Continue reading “Seattle officials to propose law requiring owners to lock up guns”

Busy – by TheHoneyBee

“When the Department of Justice is the group urging Congress not to expand criminal law and Congress does it anyway, something is very wrong.” –How the Congress Censored the Internet

The new “Monster Hybrid” FOSTA-SESTA package, was passed 97-2 in the Senate today. The bill is a confusing mishmash of a bill, an act, some major overreach, and the facade of being a solution to #endhumantrafficking. After the scandal and child exploitation showing up on platforms such as Youtube, Twitter and Facebook, how can one be against legislation that thwarts sex trafficking and protects children??? Well, that’s exactly what they are counting on, our ignorance and small, independent platforms being crippled by the fear of committing a federal crime.   Continue reading “Fosta/Sesta Will Destroy Us All”

B’Man’s Revolt – by Tom Mysiewicz

Criticize Israel—cause distress to a Jew anywhere—and wind up in an Israeli prison…or executed?

To all the Jews in the United States, I want to convey an unequivocal message. We are very sorry, from the bottom of our hearts….We are good Jews, we do not hate you. There was no hatred here…He was motivated solely by the disease.”  Quote attributed to father of Michael Kadar.   Continue reading “Dual Loyalist + Hate Charges = Precedent”

Forward – by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Trump named as his national security adviser John Bolton, a hawk who has said military strikes may be inevitable as a means of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

The White House announced Thursday evening that H.R. McMaster was leaving the position and that Bolton would take his place by April 9.  Continue reading “Trump Names Pro-Israel Iran Hawk John Bolton As National Security Adviser”