World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: People just never seem to learn from history. The human mind is amazingly foolish at times. In one minute a people can be resolute in their belief and the next completely throw it out the window due to psychological warfare…

I am talking about school shootings. Something like that completely changes the perception of ones mind as it affects our youth and “obviously” guns are the problem.
Continue reading “Gun Owners Hand In 57,000 Firearms And A Rocket Launcher During Amnesty In Australia”


Tehran has announced that purchase orders by merchants that are based on US currency would no longer be allowed to go through import procedures.

According to local media, the policy is in line with an official request by the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and is specifically meant to address fluctuations in market rates of the US dollar.   Continue reading “Iran bans use of US dollar in trade”


New research has cast doubt on the claim US diplomats in Havana were the victims of a sonic weapon attacks. Some 21 embassy staff in Cuba were affected by a mystery illness in August last year.

Diplomatic staff were reportedly the victims of targeted attacks on their homes and hotel rooms in the Cuban capital. Those taken ill reportedly heard a loud, grinding noise before they were struck down with damage to their hearing, vision, balance and memory. Investigators were said to have suspected a “sonic attack.” Now, in a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers from the University of Pennsylvania say that despite individuals suffering injuries to “widespread brain networks,” the cause remains unknown.   Continue reading “Mystery illness struck ‘widespread brain networks’ of US embassy staff in Cuba – study”

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A public school strike in West Virginia entered its second week as teachers balked at returning to the classroom in all 55 counties. Instead, they went back to the state Capitol on Thursday to monitor the Legislature’s progress on a 5 percent pay raise for them.

The state Senate was expected to consider Gov. Jim Justice’s proposed raise that passed the House of Delegates 98-1 Wednesday. Senate President Mitch Carmichael expressed skepticism about the governor’s suddenly higher projected tax revenues that would pay for the pay boosts but said that chamber would review it.   Continue reading “West Virginia teachers continue strike, await Senate action”

NEW YORK (AP) — A defense lawyer says it was an act of madness. Prosecutors will begin trying to prove Thursday that it was murder. Five years ago, Yoselyn Ortega, a trusted nanny to a well-to-do family, took two young children in her care into a bathroom at their Manhattan apartment, slaughtered them with a knife and then slit her own throat.

The killings of Leo Krim, 2, and Lucia Krim, 6, shocked New Yorkers, especially the thousands of parents who depend on loving nannies to take care of their children. At a trial that begins Thursday, the central mystery isn’t whether Ortega killed the children, but why she did it — and whether she was too mentally ill to be held responsible.   Continue reading “Madness or murder? Trial begins for nanny who killed 2 kids”

Fox News

Authorities in San Francisco released body camera videos on Tuesday of a dramatic shootout in which police officers fired their weapons at least 65 times in 15 seconds at a murder suspect.

The San Francisco Police Department said the shooting happened on Feb. 17 in the city’s Mission Bay neighborhood when officers confronted 31-year-old homicide suspect Joel Armstrong inside an RV at a homeless encampment.   Continue reading “San Francisco cops fire 65 shots in 15 seconds at murder suspect in dramatic video”

State Journal-Register – by Brandon Moore

Invigorated by gun control advocates who flooded the Capitol Wednesday, the Illinois House passed a series of gun control measures that included a ban the sale of bump stocks and a requirement for gun dealers to be licensed.

The measures come just two weeks after tragedies involving firearms, including the death of Chicago police Cmdr. Paul Bauer and the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, caught the nation’s attention and sparked widespread outcry over the previous lack of action on the issue.   Continue reading “Collection of gun control bills passes out of Illinois House”

Huffington Post – by Dustin DeMoss

There’s no doubt that the rising veteran suicide rate is one of the most serious issues currently being discussed in the news. With various reports focusing on different statistics and emphasizing different areas of concern, however, it can be difficult to determine precisely what information is being conveyed. What is the suicide rate among military veterans, and how have these numbers been compiled?   Continue reading “Is the 22-Veterans-Per-Day Suicide Rate Reliable?”

Henry Makow

“The evidence available thus far from the Valentine’s day massacre has been mounting against the Hogg family as undercover accomplices and beneficiaries in the clandestine operation that killed 17 students and teachers. David Hogg has zero right to talk about “gun control” when his father works for the most murderous part of the assault-rifle industry, the killer-training program known as Cubic Simulation Systems, a nice name for Murder Inc. Version 2.”

Hogg works for a company that simulates terror attacks among other kinds of firefights.   Continue reading “Kevin Hogg is Prime Suspect in Parkland Shooting”

WREG 3 News

HORN LAKE, Miss. – – A device used to fire a semi-automatic rifle faster is flying off store shelves. It’s called a bump stock, and it’s something President Trump is trying to ban.

We went to check on sales in our area, and found that there seems to be another item that’s selling even faster.

At Bullfrog Corner Pawn and Gun, AR-15’s are selling like hot cakes. The shop is averaging ten sales a day, and sold more than $30,000 worth this past Saturday alone.   Continue reading “Bump stock, AR-15 sales up”


SPRINGFIELD, Ore. — Meth is making a comeback across the country, and Oregon is seeing some of the worst of it.

“Prices have really dropped and the availability has gotten greater, probably certainly within the past three years,” an undercover Springfield Police narcotics officer said.

An ounce of meth four years ago would have been $1,000; today, it’s half that price.  Continue reading “As meth makes a comeback across US, Oregon sees some of the worst”

ProPublica – by Ginger Thompson

Powerful Democrats in both the House and Senate called Tuesday for an investigation into Drug Enforcement Administration-led operations in Mexico that played a role in triggering violent drug cartel attacks. These attacks left dozens, possibly hundreds, of people dead or missing, including many who had nothing to do with the drug trade.

The call was issued in a letter signed by ranking members of the committees that oversee America’s foreign law enforcement operations and draws heavily on two stories last year by ProPublica and National Geographic that documented the attacks and the DEA’s role. One storyreconstructed a 2011 massacre by the Zetas cartel in the Mexican state of Coahuila. It revealed that the wave of killings was unleashed after sensitive information obtained during a DEA operation wound up in the hands of cartel leaders, who ordered a wave of retaliation against suspected traitors.   Continue reading “Top Lawmakers Call for Investigation of DEA-Led Unit in Mexico”


AM NY – by Lauren Cook

A Brooklyn man was arrested Wednesday in connection with an explosion that killed a Queens landlord over the summer, though the bomb was actually meant for an NYPD officer, officials said.

Victor Kingsley was taken into custody at his home on East 43rd Street, near Linden Boulevard in East Flatbush, around 1 p.m. following a 7-month-long joint investigation by the FBI and NYPD, according to Chief of Detective Robert Boyce.   Continue reading “Queens porch bomb that killed landlord was meant for NYPD officer, officials say”

Legal Insurrection – by Mary Chastain

The subject of school safety has become a hot topic after Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. Arguments in favor of strict gun control are based on the claim, among other things, that there is an epidemic of school shootings that have increased in the past several decades.

Northeastern University released a study Monday, however, that calls that assumption into question. The study that found schools are still the safest spot for children. The study also found that school shootings aren’t as actually common as portrayed in the media and are not as common as decades ago.   Continue reading “University Study: Schools safer than in the 90s, and school shootings not more common”

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

I’m sure all of you are aware of the dramatic power play pulled off over the weekend by China’s Communist Party to eliminate term limits for both the president and vice president. Prior to the move, Chinese leaders have stuck to two five-year terms since the presidency of Jiang Zemin (1993-2003), but that’s about to change as wannabe emperor Xi Jinping positions himself as indefinite ruler of the increasingly totalitarian superstate.

While the weekend announcement was illuminating enough, I found the panicked reactions by Chinese authorities in the immediate aftermath far more telling. The country’s propagandists took censorship to such an embarrassing level in attempts to portray the decision as widely popular amongst the masses, it merely served to betray that opposite might be true.   Continue reading “What’s Going Down in China is Very Dangerous – Part 1”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

President Trump asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to add her “assault weapons” ban to the overarching school safety bill during a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers on Wednesday.

Feinstein’s bill, which is an enhanced reintroduction of a bill she has put forward again and again, bans over 200 different firearms.   Continue reading “President Trump Asks Dianne Feinstein to Add ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban to School Safety Bill”

Reason – by Lenore Skenazy

Giving new meaning to the “snowflake” generation, a headmaster in Britain has forbidden all 1,500 of his students from even touching snow.

Ges Smith is the headmaster of the Jo Richardson Community School in Dagenham, East London, and where others see fluffy white flakes of winter wonder, he sees the wide and icy path to hell.

“It only takes one student, one piece of grit, one stone in a snowball in an eye, with an injury and we change our view,” he said.   Continue reading “School Forbids Students from Touching Snow”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

President Donald Trump embraced Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) gun control bill but rejected Rep. Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) push for national reciprocity during a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers Wednesday afternoon.

After listening to Sen Chris Murphy (D-CT), Trump looked at toward the end of the table and asked Sens. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) to detail their gun control bill.   Continue reading “Trump Wants Joe Manchin’s Gun Control, Rejects Steve Scalise’s National Reciprocity Push”

Anti-Media – by Darius Shahtahmasebi

The United States, the United Kingdom, and France are gearing up for a renewed assault on Syria and North Korea. Earlier this month, French President Emmanuel Macron said France will strike Syria if chemical weapons have been used against civilians in the Syrian war in violation of the international treaty banning chemical weapons — even though he admitted he had not yet seen proof this was the case.

“On chemical weapons, I set a red line and I reaffirm that red line,” Macron told reporters. “If we have proven evidence that chemical weapons proscribed in treaties are used, we will strike the place where they are made.”   Continue reading “US, UK, and France Are Making the Case for War Against Both Syria and North Korea”