World Events and the Bible
WEB Notes: There is no way on God’s green earth the Bible is going to be baned in the once great state of California. Yet, if you read the bill itself, it sure would cover the banning of some of the Bible’s teachings. Will Christians in the state stand for it? They better not. This is just another example of radicals going radical. If you want to believe you are a woman, when you were born a man. That is your business, but don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot say. Don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot teach! If you do not like what I have to say, you click the little ‘x’ in your browser and you can make it all go away. Some snow flakes melt a little too easy.
It’s interesting, for example, that Chait makes the argument just as the California State Assembly is set to vote on a bill that would actually — among other things — ban the sale of books expressing orthodox Christian beliefs about sexual morality. Continue reading “California Bill Could Ban Sale Of Some Christian Books, Including The Bible”