Tucson.com – by Mik Jordahl

Each year, I renew a contract to provide legal services to inmates in an Arizona county jail.

I have been doing this for 12 years without complications. Lately, though, there has been some extra paperwork that has nothing to do with my work as an attorney. Now, in order to renew my contract, I am being asked to promise that I will not participate in a boycott of Israel.

Continue reading “Why can’t I represent Arizona inmates if I boycott Israel?”

Breitbart – by Neil Munro

Two pro-amnesty GOP Senators are admitting that their politically risky offer of a huge slow-paced amnesty is not generous enough to satisfy a Democratic group’s demand for a bigger and faster amnesty.

The January 4 afternoon statement from amnesty-boosters Sen. Thom Tillis and Sen. James Lankford said:   Continue reading “GOP Sens. Tillis, Lankford Admit Failure in Amnesty Push”

The Liberty Review – by Anders Hagstrom

The former supervisor of a disgraced Baltimore Police task force is expected to plead guilty to corruption Friday, becoming the sixth city officer to do so in an ongoing federal racketeering case.

Sgt. Wayne Jenkins is accused of working with other members of the Gun Trace Task Force to rob drug dealers and innocent civilians, the Baltimore Sun reported Thursday. Jenkins is one of eight officers to be indicted in the case, which the FBI is handling. So far, city prosecutors have been reconsider 850 cases potentially tainted by one of the officers’ involvement.   Continue reading “Sixth Baltimore Officer Pleads Guilty to Corruption in Racketeering Case”


DHS and the US army have created an active shooter training scenario designed to turn teachers into first responders.

Watching the above video reveals how DHS uses our fear of mass shootings to keep the ‘War on Terror’ alive.

DHS and the US Army claim their latest ‘War on Terror’ video will be free to all school teachers this year.   Continue reading “DHS and the US Army are turning teachers into first responders, who’s next?”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Chicago, IL — In the land of the free, if you try to help someone from freezing to death in subzero temperatures, you can and will be arrested and have your house stolen from you by state agents. A good Samaritan in Chicago is learning the hard way about the police state who is now forcing him tostop helping homeless people—or they will condemn his home and charge him.

When the brutally cold winter struck the Midwest last month, Greg Schiller did an amazing thing. This selfless individual opened up his empty basement to a group of homeless people who may have otherwise died sleeping out on the street. He offered them food, warm beverages, and cots to sleep on. He even provided the entertainment and played movies for them.   Continue reading “City Tells Man to Stop Sheltering the Homeless from the Cold or They’ll Take His House”

Truth Revolt – by Brian Lilley

After shutting down the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Thursday to call for voter identification laws to be enacted across the nation.

The Commission had been set up by Trump in the wake of the 2016 presidential campaign and was supposed to collect data on voters from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. After several states, including Democrat-controlled Virginia and California, refused to supply any voter data, Trump disbanded the group but he didn’t give up the issue.  Continue reading “Trump Pushes For Voter ID Laws”

WPXI 11 News

A Meadville man is suing over a case of mistaken identity.

Eugene Wright, 63, says he still has nightmares after what happened to him just six months ago.

Wright, now retired, said he was outside his home in June of last year when Meadville police and a representative with Stairways Behavioral Health confronted him.
Continue reading “Man wrongly taken into custody, forced to take antipsychotic drugs, attorney says”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

This is a start, but it’s just not good enough, Mr. Sessions!

On Wednesday, it was made official by the Department of Justice that Bundy Ranch standoff prosecutor Steven Myhre was demoted to his previous position as First Assistant US attorney.   Continue reading “Bundy Ranch Prosecutor Steven Myhre Gets a Demotion – But That’s Just Not Good Enough!”


WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. companies closed out 2017 with strong hiring in December, adding the most jobs in nine months.

Payroll processor ADP says that businesses added 250,000 jobs last month, up from 185,000 in November. The gains were led by robust hiring in health care, professional services such as accounting and engineering, and retail.   Continue reading “Survey: US businesses add a strong 250,000 jobs in December”

Newser – by Rob Quinn

Tobacco giant Philip Morris says it is giving up cigarettes—and its customers should, too. In full-page ads placed in British newspapers, the Marlboro maker says its New Year’s resolution for 2018 is to work toward stopping selling cigarettes in Britain and to replace them with products like e-cigarettes and heated tobacco, Business Insider reports. But the company isn’t going cold turkey. When asked by the BBC why it’s not going to simply stop making cigarettes, a company spokesman said: “We are trying to go smoke free as fast as we can. If we just stopped selling cigarettes tomorrow, others would sell them in our place.”   Continue reading “Philip Morris Says It Is Giving Up Cigarettes”

Breitbart – by Ezra Dulos

Mike Allen writes at Axios that Michael Wolff, author of Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, has “dozens of hours” of recordings to corroborate the controversial quotes attributed to senior White House personnel in the new book — including former White House Chief Strategist and Breitbart executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon.

“Michael Wolff has tapes to back up quotes in his incendiary book — dozens of hours of them,” Allen reports. “Among the sources he taped, I’m told, are Steve Bannon and former White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh.”   Continue reading “Report: ‘Fire and Fury’ Author Wolff Has ‘Dozens of Hours’ of Tape Recordings Confirming Quotes in Book”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States announced Thursday it was suspending security assistance to Pakistan for failing to take “decisive action” against Taliban militants targeting U.S. personnel in neighboring Afghanistan.

The State Department’s declaration signaled growing frustration over Pakistan’s cooperation in fighting terrorist networks, but it was not immediately clear how much money and materiel was being withheld. The vague details suggested the primary goal was to substantiate President Donald Trump’s surprising New Year’s Day tweet that accused Pakistan of playing U.S. leaders for “fools.”   Continue reading “US suspends security assistance to Pakistan”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON — Sen. Cory Gardner, R.-Colo., on Thursday threatened to block all nominees to Justice Department posts in response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s decision to end Obama-era policies that let legal marijuana thrive. Gardner also warned that the looming Justice Department announcement would make things harder for 2018 Republican candidates in states where pot is legal.

“It certainly lights up a new challenge for them,” Gardner told Yahoo News in a telephone interview.   Continue reading “Republican Sen. Gardner torches Sessions over pot reversal”

Forbes – by Trevor Nace

Since New Years Day Mount St. Helens has experienced 40 earthquakes within its vicinity as aftershocks continue every few hours. The most powerful earthquake was a magnitude 3.9 that occurred around midnight west coast time about 5 miles from Mount St. Helens and 23 miles from the town of Morton.

The 3.9 magnitude earthquake was felt in Portland but there were no reported injuries or damage. Since that earthquake there have been 16 more earthquakes, averaging about every half hour with magnitudes from 0.6 to 2.6. The USGS reports that the M3.9 earthquake to the northeast of Mount St. Helens is aligned with regional stress as opposed to the localized Mount St. Helen’s stress axis, thus, they do believe this earthquake is related to the nearby volcano.
Continue reading “Mount St. Helens Is Rumbling Again With 40 Earthquakes Since New Years Day”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Rossville, GA – A family is heartbroken after their grandfather was shot and killed in his own home by police officers who arrived at the house in the middle of the night, and opened fire 30 seconds after they claim that they saw him in the kitchen with a firearm.

Video has yet to be released and details are still emerging from the Jan. 1 shooting that killed Mark Steven Parkinson, 65. Police have admitted that the beloved grandfather was not the target of the alleged welfare check that was being carried out by the sheriff’s deputies who knocked on his front door.   Continue reading “Cops Respond to Fake 911 Call & Kill Innocent Grandpa In His Own Home”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Pennsylvania — It is entirely legal in the state of Pennsylvania to use and possess marijuana so long as the user has a valid issued patient Medical Marijuana Card. Also, there is no law in Pennsylvania that states medical marijuana patients have to turn in their guns. However, the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) care not about state laws and have issued a statement demanding anyone with a Medical Marijuana Card turn in their guns—or you are in violation of the law—therefore you will be arrested.   Continue reading “State Police Tell Medical Marijuana Patients to Turn in Their Guns Or Be Arrested”

Breitbart – by Sean Moran

The Donald Trump administration hopes to unveil a new Labor Department regulation in June requiring drug testing for unemployment benefits.

Republicans used the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to repeal an Obama-era regulation that limited states’ ability to limit drug testing for people who apply for unemployment benefits.   Continue reading “Labor Department Plans Drug Test Regulation for Unemployment Benefits”