Year: 2018
The Knesset approved in a preliminary vote a bill that would make it easier for military courts to sentence terrorists to death, in a close vote of 52-49, following hours of coalition infighting on Wednesday.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came out in favor of the initiative, saying that the death penalty is “justice in extreme situations.” Continue reading “Terrorist Death Penalty Bill Passes Early Knesset Vote”
Yahoo News – by Kyle Mizokami,The National Interest
In the world of firearms, there are plenty of boutique guns and calibers out there. Many are very powerful, but may have a very small market audience. Among the unique class of very, very big handguns, the Smith & Wesson 500 packs both popularity and power in a ridiculously lethal package, with a killing power equal to high-powered rifles . . . and a recoil described as “beastly.”
Continue reading “Smith & Wesson 500: The Gun That Has As Much Firepower As a Rifle”
He obviously snitched on his buddies, then tried to get the hell out of town!!!
Alaska Airlines is calling in an exterminator after the company says a rat boarded one of its planes at Oakland International Airport and forced it to cancel the flight.
The airline says passengers were boarding the Portland, Ore.-bound flight Tuesday when the rat jumped from the jetway onto the plane. Continue reading “Rat boards flight at Oakland airport, forces cancellation”
A poll of likely 2018 voters shows two-to-one support for President Donald Trump’s pro-American immigration policies, and a lopsided four-to-one opposition against the cheap-labor, mass-immigration, economic policy pushed by bipartisan establishment-backed D.C. interest-groups.
The poll for NumbersUSA is another reminder to politicians that the business-funded ‘Nation of Immigrants” polls distract attention from voters’ private views, which were shockingly displayed on the evening of November 8, 2016. Continue reading “Poll: Voters Show Massive Support for Trump Immigration Policies”
Redress Information & Analysis – by Stuart Littlewood
Being racist normally invites strong disapproval, a ban, perhaps criminal prosecution. So why is supporting a racist regime like Israel not only tolerated but actively encouraged in the West’s corridors of power and often rewarded with high office?
“If opposing Israel is anti-Semitism, then what do you call supporting a state that has been engaged in brutal ethnic cleansing for seven decades? What does that make you?”
It’s a question posed by Miko Peled, an Israeli Jew and son of an Israeli general, former Israeli soldier and now a leading voice in the struggle for Palestinian freedom. You couldn’t find a more authentic insider. Continue reading “What do you call somebody who supports Israel?”
Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville
During the first few days of the Iranian protests, it was somewhat unclear as to whether or not the demonstrations were indeed organic expressions of Iranians angry with religious and legal oppression as well as economic stagnation. As the days passed and the violence grew and as more and more Iranians began speaking out, it subsequently became more and more clear that the demonstrations were something other than organic expressions of anger. Indeed, now on day six, it is abundantly clear that the protests are nothing more than another warfront for the United States, NATO, GCC, and Israel. Continue reading “Iran Protesters Want Sanctions, No Support For Syria, Lebanon, Palestine – Call Themselves “Freedom Fighters””
The Next Web – by Tristan Greene
If you woke up today feeling like the world wasn’t a very scary place, and for some reason you didn’t want to continue feeling that way, we’ve got the remedy for you. “Slaughterbots” is seven minutes and forty-seven seconds of sheer horror designed to be a fictional warning against a future full of killer robots.
The issue at hand is autonomous weapons with the ‘ability’ to kill people without meaningful human direction. It’s a very real concern for some of the world’s top scientific minds including Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking. Continue reading “This fictional video about AI-powered weapons makes The Terminator look like a Disney film”
A “privilege test” was given to 150 eighth-grade students at a Wisconsin public school in December and consisted of 55 statements participants checked off such as:
- I am white
- I am a man
- I am heterosexual
- I feel comfortable in the gender I was born in
- My family and I have never lived below the poverty line
- My parents are still married
- I do not have any physical disabilities
HURON, S.D. Half of Puerto Rico is still without power following Hurricane Maria’s devastating hit more than 3 months ago. As the people recover, many are looking for work in places as far away as Huron.
Dakota Provisions, a turkey processing plant in Huron, is working to recruit hurricane victims to South Dakota. Continue reading “Huron turkey plant recruiting workers from Puerto Rico”
The Daily Caller – by Benny Johnson
Chelsea Clinton has some ‘splaining to do.
It all started when the former first daughter wished a well-known Satanic organization a “Happy New Year” Tuesday night.
The full exchange, which ultimately included The Church of Satan, Chrissy Teigen and Hooters culminated in Clinton wishing the satanic group a “Happy New Year.” The Church of Satan for its part responded in kind. Continue reading “Chelsea Clinton Denies Worshiping Satan”
In the current wave of UFO disclosures, the press (in particular, the New York Times) has decided to use Luis Elizondo, a career intelligence case officer, as its main source.
This choice reveals a time-honored strategy of elite news operations: cherry-pick who is reliable and who isn’t.
Of course, the press presents its case as flowing FROM the source. But that’s not true, because reporters and editors could have used other “reliable sources” to tell a different, or even contradictory, story. Continue reading “UFO disclosure: the insider game of “reliable sources””
The FBI believed Hillary Clinton and her aides broke the law by using an insecure server to email classified data, yet drafted an exonerating statement even before the probe was over, according to several Republican senators.
The unnamed Republicans on key congressional committees looking into the Clinton probe have uncovered passages in FBI documents stating that large amount of classified data that passed through Clinton’s private emails was proof of criminality, The Hill reported. By doing so, the lawmakers have confirmed and expanded on earlier reports in the US media. Continue reading “FBI thought Hillary broke the law, drafted acquittal despite ongoing investigation – report”