Natural News – by Russel Davis

 Vancouver resident Carol Francey, 70, attributed cannabis use of more than five decades to her excellent health today. According to Francey, she smoked cannabis to alleviate various conditions such as arthritis, sciatica, and insomnia. Francey added that her previous medications used to affect her balance and slurred her speech. However, the use of various forms of cannabis proved helpful in relieving her conditions without the unwanted side effects from her medications.   Continue reading “Cannabis more effective than prescriptions: Seventy-year-old grandmother threw out all her pills, says smoking cannabis manages her ailments”

News Alert

The Chicago Tribune reports:

Democratic governor candidate Chris Kennedy on Wednesday accused Mayor Rahm Emanuel of leading a “strategic gentrification plan” aimed at forcing African-Americans and other minorities out of Chicago to make the city “whiter” and wealthier.
Continue reading “Chris Kennedy accuses Rahm Emanuel of ‘strategic gentrification plan’ to force blacks out of Chicago”

USA Today

Police in New Castle, New York, have confirmed a fire at the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua, a town north of New York City.

Police declined to give further details on the fire at 15 Old House Lane where the Clintons have lived for nearly 20 years after buying it for $1.7 million in 1999.

Scanner reports said it was a bedroom fire and has been extinguished.   Continue reading “Fire reported at Bill and Hillary Clinton’s New York house”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Wichita, KS — In just a matter of a few days, cops in Wichita have proven their incompetent and dangerous nature and shown the country that they are in dire need of de-escalation training. Last week, an innocent man was murdered by Wichita police for the ‘crime’ of opening his front door in front of frightened trigger happy cops. Now, TFTP has learned that just days after that, a little girl was shot by police inside her own home.

Over the weekend, a Witchita cop was placed on administrative leave after discharging his firearm inside a family’s home—in a cowardly attempt to kill a dog—and hitting a little girl instead.  Continue reading “Frightened Cop Tries to Kill Dog, Misses, Shoots Little Girl in the Head Instead”

Activist Post – by Aaron Kesel

Former independent Black Ops Contractor Robert “Cody” Snodgres took to the airwaves early last month to allege he was offered a massive $1 million dollar paycheck from the CIA to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City prior to the mysterious deadly explosion in the 1990s, hours later he was in a serious car accident according to reports.

The 1990s’ 9/11, so to speak, where evidence doesn’t add up was originally and officially blamed on fertilizer bombs perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh and his accomplice Terry L. Nichols.  It’s a weaved web of deceit; the investigation was a cover-up in every sense of the word, and may finally get wings for exposure.   Continue reading “Black Ops Agent Claims He Was Paid To Bomb OKC in the 1990s By Deep State; Hours Later Has A Car Crash”

Daily Mail

The BBC has been hit by accusations of anti-Semitism by Jewish groups following the airing of its new crime drama McMafia.

McMafia explores the world of organised crime and follows the story of Alex Goodman, played by actor James Norton, the English-raised son of Russian exiles with a mafia history.   Continue reading “BBC is hit by complaints that ‘all villains are explicitly Jewish’ in Sunday night crime hit McMafia”

Fox News

Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan said California “better hold on tight” after its liberal Democratic governor allowed a sanctuary state law to take effect this week.

Neil Cavuto said that Gov. Jerry Brown claimed the law will protect illegal immigrants living quietly in the shadows of society from law enforcement intent on “yanking them out of there.”   Continue reading “‘CA Better Hold On Tight’: ICE Dir Promises Doubling of Officers After ‘Sanctuary’ Law Signed”


The world’s biggest carmakers and technology companies are spending billions of dollars to perfect your ability to drive without thinking. Nissan Motor Co. is taking a different direction — trying to “decode” your thinking so hands-on driving is more fun.

The Japanese company will unveil and test its “brain-to-vehicle” technology at next week’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The “B2V” system requires a driver to wear a skullcap that measures brain-wave activity and transmits its readings to steering, acceleration and braking systems that can start responding before the driver initiates the action.   Continue reading “Nissan’s Car of the Future Will Read Your Brain Waves”

Wired – by Rachel Botsman

On June 14, 2014, the State Council of China published an ominous-sounding document called “Planning Outline for the Construction of a Social Credit System”. In the way of Chinese policy documents, it was a lengthy and rather dry affair, but it contained a radical idea. What if there was a national trust score that rated the kind of citizen you were?   Continue reading “Big data meets Big Brother as China moves to rate its citizens”

CBS News

President Trump unleashed a scathing statement against his former chief strategist Steve Bannon Wednesday, saying that when Bannon was fired from the White House, “he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.”

The president’s official statement came as criticisms Bannon made about the president surfaced in an upcoming book. In “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” by Michael Wolff, Bannon apparently called Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with Russians “treasonous” and “unpatriotic,” according to the Guardian, which has a copy of the book.
Continue reading “Trump disavows Steve Bannon: “When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind””

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Adult and child sex trafficking is an unfortunate and horrifying reality that plagues countries around the world. As TFTP has reported, people have been arrested recently attempting to purchase children as young as three-months-old to abuse them. Now, one of these former child sex slaves has come forward to tell her story and provides insight into the elite sickos who have the money and resources to deal in the lives of children.   Continue reading “Rescued ‘Sex Slave’ Reveals How She Was Sold to Up and Coming Political Elite as a Child”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

East Knox County, TN — Kenny Bailey had committed no crime and had done nothing wrong when multiple Knox County Sheriff’s deputies walked onto his private property and killed one of his three dogs. Bailey and his wife are now suing the sheriff’s office for the death of their pitbull which was captured on body camera.   Continue reading “Cops Trespass on Family’s Property, Ignore 14 ‘Beware of Dog’ Signs, Kill Their Dog”

Natural Blaze

Citizen Scientists Find Anomalous High Levels, Pilot Project Resolution passed at Convention, in Oroville, CA

At the recent Guild’s annual convention, representatives from 40 chapters deliberated on 25 resolutions in 7 categories: Agriculture, Communities, Energy, Government, Health, Education, and Natural Resources.  Continue reading “Guild Wants Tests For Aluminum In Air, Water And Soil After Finding Anomalous High Levels”

Breitbart – by Ildefonso Ortiz, Brandon Darby

Individuals outside of Mexico who sent money home in 2017 broke all prior records with more than $26.1 billion in 11 months.

The latest figures from Mexico’s Central Bank (Banxico) show 2017 being a record-breaking year for receiving remittances by Mexicans abroad. From January to November 2017, Mexicans sent $26,167,00,000, the highest figure to date. In 2016, another record-setting year, Mexicans sent $24.1 billion. Banxico reports that 97 percent of the funds sent to Mexico came through wire transfers. Mexico’s second largest source of income was the export of oil for $18.5 billion in the first 10 months of 2017.   Continue reading “Cash Remittances to Mexico Set $26B Record in 2017, Says Central Bank”

ABC News

So says President Donald Trump, who ignited a new war of the words Tuesday with North Korean leader Kim Jong Unover the size of his purported “nuclear button.”

Trump tweeted, “North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the ‘Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.’ Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”   Continue reading “President Trump to Kim Jong Un: My ‘nuclear button’ is ‘much bigger’ and ‘more powerful’ than yours”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The ongoing feud between Steve Bannon and various members of Trump’s inner circle, including family members Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr., is hardly a secret (we wrote about it here: Steve Bannon In “Self-Imposed Exile” After Disputes With Trump’s Inner Circle).  But, if The Guardian‘s reporting on excerpts from an explosive new book penned by Michael Wolff are even directionally accurate, then Bannon has just taken his White House feud to a whole new level.   Continue reading “Bannon Goes Nuclear: Calls Don Jr. Meeting In Trump Tower “Treasonous””