Breitbart – by Joel B Pollak

An Israeli intelligence report that was provided to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Cabinet, and which has leaked to the media, suggests that the Iranian regime was taken by surprise by the ongoing wave of protests, but is not in danger of collapse — at least, not yet.

Barak Ravid of Israel’s Channel 10, writing at, notes: “Big picture: The Israeli Foreign Ministry report says the Iranian regime was surprised by the mass protest and is now trying to contain it through preventive arrests and crackdown on social media — while trying to avoid violent response against protesters.”   Continue reading “Leaked Israeli Intelligence Report: Iran Protests No Threat to Regime — Yet”

Breitbart – by Charlie Spiering

President Donald Trump promised to deliver results for DACA activists who are demanding amnesty for illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children.

“Democrats are doing nothing for DACA – just interested in politics,” Trump wrote. “DACA activists and Hispanics will go hard against Dems, will start ‘falling in love’ with Republicans and their President! We are about RESULTS.”   Continue reading “Donald Trump: DACA Amnesty Activists Will Be ‘Falling in Love’ with Republicans”

Redoubt News – by Shari Dovale

Jon Ritzheimer and Ryan Payne are friends from way back. They recently met up after months of not seeing each other, and had a great time. With their ladies along side, they enjoyed everything from lunch to Go-Carts.

Then they went to the Bundy Ranch.

Now they are being punished by the Oregon Courts for not knowing they were not allowed to visit with this American family. Judge Anna Brown has decided, after the fact, that these men were not going to get away with supporting the Bundy family.   Continue reading “Patriots Punished for Going to Bundy Ranch”

The Oregonian – by Maxine Bernstein

Prosecutors on Friday urged a federal judge to allow them to retry Nevada cattleman Cliven Bundy, his two sons and a fourth man, arguing that any failure to provide evidence to the defense in the last trial was simply “inadvertent” or because they reasonably believed the law didn’t require them to share the material.

“The Brady violations found by the court are regrettable and benefit no one,” Nevada’s Acting U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre wrote in a 55-page legal brief. “But because the government neither flagrantly violated nor recklessly disregarded its obligations, the appropriate remedy for such violations is a new trial.”   Continue reading “NV prosecutors seek new trial against Bundys, say evidence violations were ‘inadvertent’”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

According to reports circulating widely in Israeli media today, the United States has quietly given Israel the green light to assassinate Iran’s top military officer, Iranian Revolutionary Guards al-Quds Force commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani. The leader of Iran’s most elite force also coordinates military activity between the Islamic Republic and Syria, Iraq, Hezbollah, and Hamas – a position he’s filled since 1998 – and as Quds Force commander reports directly to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and oversees Iran’s covert operations in foreign countries.  Continue reading “US Intelligence Reportedly Gives Israel Green Light To Assassinate Iran’s Top General”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Prominent Bridgewater Associates executive Bruce Steinberg and his family were among 10 Americans killed when a charter plane crashed into a mountain in Costa Rica on Sunday.

The news was first reported by the New York Post yesterday. Bruce and Irene Steinberg and their sons, Matthew, 13, William, 18, and Zachary, 19 were all aboard the single-engine Cessna when it smashed into a mountainous region in the Guancaste province while en route to the capital city of San José, officials said.   Continue reading “Bridgewater Executive And Family Killed In Costa Rica Plane Crash”

Natural News – by David Williams

The emergence of “big data” has been quite the revelation for many different industries. Whereas information used to be sparse and relatively hard to obtain, now it is available in such large quantities that specialized equipment and algorithms are needed to process them. The police industry is just one of the many industries that are being disrupted by big data, and now researchers have begun to look into exactly how much it could change things.  Continue reading ““Big Data” police-state surveillance the new norm: Information from multiple sources (on any citizen) now being combined to generate a “criminal risk assessment algorithm””

TROY — The veteran leader of the Troy Police Department’s drug unit was indicted by a special Rensselaer County grand jury Thursday on nine misdemeanor charges tied to the alleged forgery of an incident report to cover up the unit’s warrantless search of a home.

Sgt. Ron Epstein pleaded not guilty to the charges, which include official misconduct, falsification of records, offering a false instrument for filing and other offenses that carry a maximum penalty of a year in jail. Epstein joined the department in 1998 and was promoted to sergeant in 2007.   Continue reading “Head of Troy police drug unit accused of covering up warrantless search”

The Telegraph

The Basij militiaman, a paramilitary storm trooper of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, was reportedly swinging an electric shock baton when the crowd of angry protesters closed in around him.

“They got a Basij, hold him!” one man shouted as the demonstrators pulled away the militiaman’s baton and knocked him to the ground in the largely Kurdish city of Kermanshah.   Continue reading “Defiant Iran protesters steal Revolutionary Guard’s trousers even as death toll mounts”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

In the United States, in 2017, according to the government data, eight events took place on American soil that were classified as acts of terrorism. The combined death toll from all eight terroristic acts in 2017 is 12. Twelve people were killed on American soil by other people attempting to make a political statement through an act of violence and yet we are told the threat of terror inside the United States is at an all-time high. Nothing could be further from the truth.   Continue reading “In 2017, Nearly 100 Times More Americans Were Killed by Police Than Terrorists”


A church in a Swedish city has defended its choice of gender-neutral pronoun ‘hen’ in reference to Jesus in an advertisement. The church insists the word gives “new perspective.”

In November, the largest religious institution in the country, the Church of Sweden, advised its clergy to avoid terms like ‘Lord’ and ‘He’ in worship services in order to not highlight that God is male, in the new version of a handbook on how to conduct services. The move has triggered a backlash, with critics saying the change undermines the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity and politicizes faith.   Continue reading “Swedish church pushes for neutral gender reference to Jesus”

AlterNet – by Celisa Calacal

News headlines in 2017 were primarily dominated by coverage of President Donald Trump’s administration and tense party politics. But while most the attention was focused on the president’s antics, officers in police departments around the country killed over 1,000 civilians.    Continue reading “U.S. Police Killed Over 1,000 Civilians in 2017 While the News Was Watching Trump”

ABC News

Minutes before midnight on New Year’s Eve, a 16-year-old boy allegedly used a semi-automatic rifle owned by a family member to shoot and kill his parents, sister and a family friend inside the parents’ home in a coastal city in southern New Jersey, the county prosecutor said.

The teen, whose name has not been released, is in police custody in connection with the shooting deaths of his father, Steven Kologi, 44; mother, Linda Kologi, 42; sister, Brittany Kologi, 18; and a family friend, Mary Schultz, 70, who was residing at the Kologi home in Long Branch, New Jersey, according to Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni and a statement from his office.   Continue reading “16-year-old allegedly killed parents, sister, family friend minutes before new year”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

Gary Busby has been ordered to report to the federal Bureau of Prisons to start a six and a half year sentence on March 8, 2018. He is 65 years old.  He was convicted of one count of dealing in firearms without a license, and four counts of structuring financial transactions to evade reporting requirements.  The press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas says the firearms charge was for conspiracy to illegally manufacture firearms.  The description of the crimes appears to be illegally selling firearms, not manufacturing them. From 8 Dec, 2017:   Continue reading “Buy Receivers, Assemble Rifles, Shady Characters, Lots of Cash, Go to Jail”

Fox News

The rifle-toting man who gunned down a Colorado deputy in a New Year’s Eve “ambush-style” attack had ranted about the sheriff and a local police officer in recent online posts discovered after the assault.

Matthew Riehl, 37, fired more than 100 rounds as he was holed up in a bedroom in his apartment in Highlands Ranch, before he too was found dead at the scene. The Douglas County Sheriff’s office identified Riehl as the gunman Sunday evening.   Continue reading “Gunman in deadly Colorado deputy shooting identified as Iraq War vet with grudge against sheriff”