Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

With the Amazon ‘on fire’, everybody expected the climate talks at the G-7 Summit this weekend to be particularly contentious, as leaders like France’s Emmanuel Macron insisted that the international community must do something, while President Trump refused to support anything along those lines. But in a ‘symbolic’ gesture that was quickly seized upon by the media, President Trump skipped the G-7 session on climate change, giving photographers ample opportunity to snap photos of his empty chair. Continue reading “Trump Skips G-7 Climate Meeting, Says Won’t Risk US Wealth On “Dreams””

Reason – by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

For nearly a decade, Backpage has been demonized by politicians, denounced in legislatures, and dramatically mischaracterized by the press, Hollywood, and well-funded activist groups. As early as 2010, top prosecutors from 21 states claimed the classified-ad platform was “exploiting women and children.” In 2012 Washington state passed the first (but not last) law aimed specifically at toppling Backpage, and by 2015 U.S. senators were investigating the company.  Continue reading “Secret Memos Show the Government Has Been Lying About Backpage”

AIER – by Peter C Earle

Higher Ground, the production company founded by Michelle and Barack Obama, has released the first of a planned seven-film series on Friday. American Factory chronicles the opening of a Chinese factory near Dayton, Ohio, where a GM plant closed in 2008. It’s reasonable to suppose that the point was to alarm us about the wiles of global capitalism. Oddly, the film might have the opposite effect on many viewers. It certainly did for me.   Continue reading “The Obama Film American Factory Backfires”

Event Horizon Chronicle

I will eventually get to your question that has to do with what Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin want, but first let me propose that all mainstream media commentators and analysts and virtually all alternative media personalities are profoundly misstating and misapprehending how the world really works, and has worked for a very, very long time.  Continue reading “Who Really Runs This Planet: Organized Crime’s Nefarious Grip On Humanity”

Breitbart – by Robert Arce

The Secretariat of the Navy of Mexico (La Secretaría de Marina–SEMAR) has reported a major fentanyl seizure believed to be of multi-ton in the Mexican port city of Lázaro Cárdenas in the state of Michoacán.

The Mexican government announced the major fentanyl seizure of initially reported by local media outlets to be approximately 25.75 tons (23,368 kilograms or 51,517 pounds) of powdered fentanyl that originated in Shanghai China and was headed to Culiacán, Sinaloa, the home base for the Sinaloa Cartel. According to a government spokesperson, the seizure was a result of a joint operation led by the Mexican naval elements of the 10th naval zone and Lázaro Cárdenas customs enforcement personnel as reported by local media. Michoacán is located in western Mexico and has a stretch of coastline along the Pacific Ocean.  Continue reading “Major Fentanyl Shipment from China Seized in Mexico”

Boing Boing

The Supreme Court of California decided unanimously on Monday the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement agencies within in the state must disclose to prosecutors a deputy’s history of misconduct if and when the deputy plans to testify in a criminal case.  Continue reading “California Supreme Court backs expanding access to police misconduct cases”

Breitbart – by Amy Furr

Video of onlookers taunting New York Police Department (NYPD) officers as they tried to place a suspect inside a police cruiser has surfaced online.

The footage, retweeted by Mike Reilly, a Republican and New York assemblyman, shows the four officers struggling to place the man inside the police vehicle while one of them calls for backup on his radio.  Continue reading “NYPD Officers Taunted by Public as Suspect Resists Arrest”


U.S. prosecutors will seek the death penalty for a Pennsylvania man accused of bursting into a Pittsburgh synagogue last year with a semi-automatic rifle and shooting 11 people to death, according to court papers filed on Monday.

Robert Bowers, 46, shouted “all Jews must die” as he fired on congregants gathered for Sabbath services at the Tree of Life synagogue on Oct. 27, authorities said. Continue reading “U.S. to seek death penalty for accused Pittsburgh synagogue shooter”

Abel Danger

Ed.’s note: Why is it these US congressional members need to spend all that money traveling to Israel when all they have to do is visit the Israel-United States Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) and the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), both located in the US which is where all the science and technology transfers are made from America to Israel? BIRD and BSF make it possible for Israel to lead in agricultural, water, energy and technological innovation? What we have been saying all along about the US economy being transferred to China with Don the real estate guy softening the blow to the American people, is turning out to be correct. The only winners in this scenario are Israel and China.  Continue reading “Feeding the BIRD”


NORMAN, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on Oklahoma’s opioids case against Johnson & Johnson (all times local):

3:10 p.m.

An Oklahoma judge has found Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiaries helped fuel the state’s opioid drug crisis and ordered the consumer products giant to pay $572 million to help address the problem.  Continue reading “Oklahoma judge finds J&J fueled opioid crisis”

Independent Sentinel – by S. Nobel

The text of the TAPS Act, “Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety Act of 2019,” gives unlimited and arbitrary authority to 24 bureaucrats. It is written in double-speak with loopholes for the pencil pushers. Bottom line — it’s a behavioral police force that self-empowers to deprive us of our constitutional rights if they don’t like our behavior. It’s bipartisan too!

The bill doesn’t mention guns. It is meant to control people, period. It’s very Orwellian. This gives you an idea of where our politicians want to take us, some with the best of intentions.  Continue reading “Did You Hear About HR 838, It Creates a Behavioral Police Force”

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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A prominent Mississippi businessman is facing serious charges after he admitted to stealing luggage from the Memphis airport.

Dinesh Chawla is charged with felony theft of property.  Continue reading “Mississippi hotel owner charged with stealing luggage from Memphis airport”

Democracy Now

Author R.J. Hillhouse caused a stir in Washington last month when she revealed more than 50 percent of the National Clandestine Service has been outsourced to private firms. Now Hillhouse has exposed private companies are heavily involved in the nation’s most important and most sensitive national security document — the President’s Daily Brief. And there appears to be few safeguards preventing corporations from inserting items favorable to itself or its clients into the President’s Daily Brief in order to influence the country’s national security agenda.

Continue reading “Outsourcing Intelligence: Author R.J. Hillhouse on How Key National Security Projects Are Contracted to Private Firms”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

Human smugglers in Mexico are now charging Central American migrants up to $9,000 each as increased border security makes crossing more difficult. Some of the fee is paid to Mexican cartels while other parts are paid to local smugglers near the border and along the route.

In the recent past, migrants would pay approximately $1,500 each to human smugglers to get into the U.S. Now, that fee has skyrocketed to as much as $9,000, according to a report by KTSM NBC9 in El Paso.  Continue reading “Smugglers Charge Migrants up to $9K Each, Says El Paso Border Patrol”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Chino, CA — Li Xi Wang, 49, was shot and killed by Chino police officers last month as he stood in his home, unarmed, hiding behind a door. Video released this week shows how unnecessary his death was as the officer shot him immediately. Not a single weapon was found inside the home to justify such a level of force. And, the entire raid was carried out over growing weed in a state with legal weed.  Continue reading “‘Show Me Your Hands’ BOOM! Cop Instantly Kills Unarmed Man Over Growing Weed in California”