Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the state of Idaho must provide gender confirmation surgery to inmate Adree Edmo.

The panel of judges agreed with U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill’s ruling in Edmo’s favor last December, writing that his findings were “logical and well-supported” and that “responsible prison officials were deliberately indifferent to Edmo’s gender dysphoria, in violation of the Eighth Amendment.”  Continue reading “9th Circuit Court: Idaho must provide transgender inmate with gender surgery, state to appeal”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

“A deep and boiling anger” is the sentiment behind a recent poll conducted this month, showing just how utterly pissed off Americans are with their government. Despite Americans being pitted against each other with divisive partisan tactics rammed down their throats on a daily basis by the political establishment and the media, this recent poll shows they agree on one thing—the government serves the connected elite and no one else.  Continue reading “Poll: 70% of Americans ‘Angry’ at Political System for Only Serving Insiders With Money and Power”

Breitbart – by John Binder

About 109 counties across the United States have become majority-minority in less than 20 years, new demographic data reveals.

The latest Pew Research Center study finds that between 2000 and 2018, 109 U.S. counties across 22 states have had their non-Hispanic white populations drop below 50 percent, while the Hispanic, Asian, and black American populations have all grown.  Continue reading “Pew Research: 109 U.S. Counties Become Majority-Minority Since 2000”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

After pro-Iran allies in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq were all hit in suspected Israeli strikes in the space of less than 24 hours, signalling a new aggression out of Tel Aviv and willingness to risk yet another major Middle East war, Arab capitals are now alerting their armed forces to be on a war footingContinue reading “Lebanon’s President Announces Israeli Attacks Are “Declaration Of War””

Sara Carter

Two women from Queens New York pleaded guilty Friday morning to ‘teaching and distributing information pertaining to the making and use of an explosive, destructive device, and weapon of mass destruction intending that it be used to commit a federal crime of violence,” according to a Department of Justice Press release. Both women were inspired by radical Islamist terrorist organizations and intended to follow through with their plans to commit a violent act on U.S. soil, prosecutors stated.  Continue reading “Two Women From Queens Charged With Plans To Make Weapon of Mass Destruction”

Free Beacon – by Graham Piro

A New Jersey Democrat told constituents that illegal immigrants are necessary to do jobs that Americans are not willing to take (like “mowing our beautiful lawns”) during an appearance at a coffee shop in his district. Rep. Tom Malinowski (D.) made the remarks Tuesday at a “Coffee With Your Congressman” event, according to the Washington ExaminerContinue reading “New Jersey Dem: Illegal Immigrants Mow ‘Our Beautiful Lawns’”

The Guardian – by Richard Luscombe

The crystal blue waters of Ginnie Springs have long been treasured among the string of pearls that line Florida’s picturesque Santa Fe River, a playground for water sports enthusiasts and an ecologically critical haven for the numerous species of turtles that nest on its banks.

Soon, however, it is feared there could be substantially less water flowing through, if a plan by the food and beverage giant Nestlé wins approval.  Continue reading “Nestlé plan to take 1.1m gallons of water a day from natural springs sparks outcry”


SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A new U.S. government management plan unveiled Friday clears the way for coal mining and oil and gas drilling on land that used to be off limits as part of a sprawling national monument in Utah before President Donald Trump downsized the protected area two years ago.

The plan released by the Bureau of Land Management would also open more lands to cattle grazing and recreation and acknowledges there could be “adverse effects” on land and resources in the monument.  Continue reading “Plan allows drilling, grazing near national monument in Utah”

New Eastern Outlook – by Tony Cartalucci

Claims that Western interests are driving unrest in Hong Kong to undermine China have been decried across the Western media as “fake news,” “disinformation,” and even grounds for censorship from platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Yet a look at the organizations directly involved in leading the unrest and those supporting it reveals unequivocally that it originates in Washington DC – not organically from within Hong Kong itself.  Continue reading “Hong Kong Crisis: Made in America”

Natural News – by Edsel Cook

Are you making prepping plans for food independence over the long term? Plant fruit trees at your home and bug-out shelter to serve as a source of sustenance when SHTF.

The typical fruit tree looks pretty enough that even the strictest neighborhoods will not mind if preppers plant them. Planting these trees is a stealthy prep that hides in plain sight.  Continue reading “Long-term food independence: Fruit trees are a critical prep before SHTF”

Fox News

Increasingly, few if any genuinely safe places exist as a refuge from armed, angry, addicted young men pumped up on violent video games and suffering from the absence of a moral core. Schools, churches, shopping centers, businesses, and almost every place people gather have become targets for deranged individuals who are set on perpetrating evil and in possession of lethal weapons. At what point will we have the courage to acknowledge that our nation has a problemContinue reading “Tony Perkins: Solution to gun violence isn’t what you think, says former police officer”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The violence between Hong Kong riot police and anti-government protesters escalated on Sunday – one of the most violent nights of pro-democracy demonstrations which began three months ago.

While largely peaceful, a group of more violent protesters broke away from the day’s march – pelting police with bricks and fire bombs. In response, police deployed tear gas and two Mercedes-Benz crowd control water cannons for the first time in 12 weeksContinue reading “Hong Kong Police Use Water Cannons For The First Time, Fire Live Warning Shots After Protesters Hurl Bricks And Fire Bombs”

Breitbart – by Amy Furr

New Jersey police shot and killed an emotionally disturbed man who allegedly charged at them with a pair of scissors on July 23.

Dramatic bodycam footage shows the moment James P. Manzo, 27, was shot by officers responding to a call about a man behaving erratically at the Asbury Inn.  Continue reading “NJ Police Shoot, Kill Man Who Lunged at Them with Scissors”

ABC News 7

LANCASTER, Calif. (KABC) — A Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department deputy who was reported shot in Lancaster this week made up the incident, authorities announced during a rare Saturday night news conference.

The deputy claimed that he was shot in the shoulder Wednesday, which triggered a massive manhunt and evacuations of an apartment complex next to the agency’s Lancaster station, authorities said.  Continue reading “Lancaster deputy confesses to fabricating sniper shooting, authorities say”

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

Two Arizona cops, who in 2008 found themselves at the center of a near fatal police contact with a mentally ill man, have found themselves all the way to the top of their career ladders. After shooting a mentally ill man in the back — paralyzing him and causing him to drop his baby and fracture her skull — the two sergeants were not removed from duty, but instead they climbed all the way through the ranks to the top.  Continue reading “Cop Promoted to Asst. Chief After Shooting Unarmed Man in the Back, Causing Him to Drop His Baby”

Daily Caller – by Chris White

The Trump administration is considering a proposal that would use Google, Amazon and Apple to collect data on users who exhibit characteristics of mental illness that could lead to violent behavior, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The proposal is part of an initiative to create a Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA), which would be located inside the Health and Human Services Department, the report notes, citing sources inside the administration. The new agency would have a separate budget and the president would be responsible for appointing its director. Continue reading “Trump Admin Is Considering Using Amazon Echo And Apple Watch To Determine If Citizens Should Own A Gun”