Breitbart – by Kurt Zindulka

The Jingye Group, a company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), has agreed in principle to purchase British Steel for an estimated 70 million pounds ($90m).

The acquisition deal could save up to 4,000 jobs in the UK, as British Steel has been propped up by the government since it went into liquidation in May. The Associated Press reports the sale will include the steelworks at Scunthorpe, U.K. mills and shares of FN Steel BV, British Steel France Rail SAS and TSP Engineering and the Redcar Bulk Terminal.  Continue reading “Company with Ties to Chinese Communist Party Buys One Third of British Steel Industry”

LA Times – by Maria L. LaGanga

This city sure knows how to roll up the welcome mat — that is, if you happen to move here from California.

Just consider last week’s mayoral election. It was the most competitive race in recent memory, a referendum on growth in the rapidly expanding capital of Idaho. And candidate Wayne Richey ran on a very simple platform: Stop the California invasion. Continue reading “‘Go back to California’: Wave of newcomers fuels backlash in Boise”

I will tell you something that if you do not already understand, I cannot believe you are coherently capable.  You should know that what the enemy of humanity has planned for you is playing out right in front of your eyes on the stupid box screen.

Pro-democratic and anti-democratic groups in Hong Kong were going at each other (brother against brother, father against son, it is an old tale).  One shot another last night and another from the other side was set on fire.  Those being labeled Freedom Fighters screamed “Democracy”, while their foes advocated for communism, both of which are the same thing, reminiscent of our Civil War, where each side screamed “Freedom” as they butchered one another and weakened the whole to the point that all could be enslaved. Continue reading “Communism 101 Right Here in the USSR”

Huffington Post – by Sara Boboltz

A Florida detective successfully obtained a warrant to search the company GEDmatch’s full database of user-provided genetic information, even if users had opted out of appearing in police search results, HuffPost has confirmed.

The warrant, signed by a judge in Florida’s Ninth Judicial Circuit Court in July, will likely earn praise from law enforcement and criticism from privacy advocates wary of how DNA databases could be abused.  Continue reading “Judge Says Police Can Search Company’s Entire DNA Database”


The controversial White Helmets, also known as the ‘Syrian civil defense’ group, have confirmed that James Le Mesurier, the man behind their support and training, was found dead in Istanbul, Turkey.

Le Mesurier’s body was discovered near his home in Istanbul’s Beyoglu district. The circumstances surrounding his death are still being investigated.  Continue reading “White Helmets co-founder & ex-British officer Le Mesurier found dead in Istanbul”

“There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights.”

“War is a racket. It always has been… A few profit – and the many pay. But there is a way to stop it. You can’t end it by disarmament conferences. You can’t eliminate it by peace parleys at Geneva. Well-meaning but impractical groups can’t wipe it out by resolutions. It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war.”  Continue reading “In light of Veterans Day, some quotes by Major General Smedley Butler”

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

Spokane, WA — Spokane Police Department Officer Dan Lesser didn’t actually quit on his own terms. He was either forced to step down or requested to stop being a K-9 handler following a viral video depicting a violent arrest in which Lesser sicced his police K9 attack dog on a man while threatening to kill him.  Continue reading “‘I’m Going to F**king Kill You’—Cop Quits After Threatening to Kill Man, Siccing K9 On Him”

Natural News – by JD Heyes

There is ‘out of touch’ and there is outright tone-deafness, and the head of a large California power company just set the new standard for the latter.

You may have heard that California energy company PG&E has been engaging in rolling blackouts for several weeks after the producer was blamed for several large, deadly wildfires over the past few years. Continue reading “CEO of California’s PG&E says people who lost refrigerators full of food should visit “food banks,” and thank him for “not burning down any houses””

Breitbart – by Simon Kent

Turkey is following through on its promise to repatriate captured Islamic State terrorists, signalling Monday that NATO allies France, Germany, Denmark, and the U.S. will be the first on the receiving end of returned jihadists.

Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu warned last week Ankara would begin to send back Islamic State militants to their home countries even if their citizenships have been revoked, as Breitbart News reportedContinue reading “Turkey Begins Deporting Captured Islamic State Terrorists to U.S., Germany, France”

ABC News

A 21-year old protester was shot by police with a live round and a pro-China man was set on fire as Hong Kong woke up Monday to chaos on its streets.

Protesters, answering an online call, attempted to disrupt the Monday morning commute all across the city with what they dubbed as “Operation Dawn.” Groups of protesters fanned out across the city setting up blockades and vandalizing subways stations and intersections.  Continue reading “Hong Kong protester shot by police while a pro-China man is set on fire”

I’m sure you’ve attended the finest schools, studied tirelessly, learned a lot, and are now home to a wealth of information, but I’m also sure you’ve never bothered to investigate what knowledge may have been intentionally excluded from your education, or how much of it is simply untrue.

Let’s not forget that deception is our enemy’s stock-in-trade, and that a comprehensive propaganda and censorship mechanism exists that decides what you’ll see on TV, read in books or newspapers, or learn in school.  Continue reading “Deception”

Campus Reform – by Jonathan McCormick

A student at the University of Michigan is being investigated by campus police after he was recorded stealing and destroying recruitment materials from a conservative student group. The video shows the vandal dumping items onto the ground, tearing-up signs and throwing property in the trash.

When one of the TPUSA members told the vandal “Stop it. It’s against the law to steal,” the vandal replied, “You know what else is against the law? Hate speech.” Another member asked the vandal “What were we doing that was hateful, sir?” to which he replied, “Nothing.”  Continue reading “Vandal deems conservative group’s speech ‘hateful,’ destroys their property”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

With billionaire gun controller Michael Bloomberg testing the waters for a presidential run it is time to think about some of his favorite gun control proposals and how they would impact gun owners on a national level.

Some of the gun controls listed below represent Second Amendment restrictions Bloomberg and/or one of his gun control groups actively supported. Others represent instances Bloomberg and/or his groups fought against the exercise of Second Amendment rights, as in their opposition to campus carry for self-defense. Continue reading “Michael Bloomberg’s Top 10 Gun Controls”