Conservative Treehouse – by Sundance

As you review this story keep in the back of your mind that U.S. DC Attorney Jessie Liu has been recently moved to head the Financial Crimes Division of the Treasury Department.

CTH noted last year when John Fry, an intelligence analyst with the IRS’s law enforcement arm, was arrested that something more was happening in the background of his case and the DOJ case against Natalie Sours-Edwards.   Today Ms. Sours-Edwards pleads guilty to downloading & distributing the financial records of people connected to the Trump orbit. Continue reading “Former Senior Treasury Financial Crimes Official Pleads Guilty To Leaking Records of Cohen, Manafort, Gates, Butina and More…”

CBS Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) – School officials say about 40 children and adults were affected Tuesday when jet fuel dumped by a Delta airliner making an emergency return to Los Angeles International Airport fell onto several area schools.

Approximately 20 children and 11 adults at Park Avenue Elementary School reported a reaction after they were exposed to jet fuel that fell on a playground, according to Los Angeles County firefighters.  Continue reading “Delta Flight Dumps Jet Fuel Over LA Schools; Dozens Of Students, Adults Treated For Exposure”


The Iran Conflict and the terrorists who walk freely among us!

Our archives at ALIPAC are filled with reports documenting that the Iranian backed Hezbollah terrorist group has been active on America’s tattered border for many years.  Continue reading “Terrorists inbound: Iran conflict & illegal immigration”

Breitbart – by Alana Mastrangelo

A shocking new poll has discovered that 47 percent of young Democrats believe that other countries are better than the United States. Moreover, many young Americans admit that they wouldn’t mind other countries becoming as militarily powerful as the United States.

Slightly more than one third — 36 percent — of Americans 18 to 29 say that other countries are better than the United States, according to a recent poll released by Pew ResearchContinue reading “Poll: 47% of Young Democrats Prefer Other Countries over America”

Gateway Pundit – by Eric A. Blair

A Facebook glitch recently discovered by some astute computer users shows that climate alarmist Greta Thunberg’s Facebook posts come from her father Svantes Thunberg and “Climate Crisis activist” Adarsh Prathap.

“[A] bug that was live from Thursday evening until Friday morning allowed anyone to easily reveal the accounts running a Page, essentially doxing anyone who posted to one,” Wired reported Friday.  Continue reading “Facebook Glitch Reveals Greta Thunberg’s Posts Are Written by Her Father: Report”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

A Republican-led Florida Senate committee bucked the NRA to pass new controls for gun shows in the Sunshine State.

The gun control got the support of State Sen. Tom Lee, the same Sen. who voted to reinstate disgraced Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel in October 2019.  Continue reading “GOP-Led FL Senate Committee Bucks NRA, Passes Gun Control”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Virginia Democrats withdrew an AR-15 confiscation bill Monday after thousands of NRA members showed up to oppose new gun controls.

The NRA asked members to flood the January 13, 2020, Virginia Senate meetings and ensure pro-Second Amendment voices drowned out those calling for gun control.  Continue reading “VA Dems Drop AR-15 Confiscation After 1000s of NRA Members Show”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

An undercover operative for Project Veritas has filmed a rabid Bernie Sanders field organizer who claims that “cities will burn” if President Trump is reelected this year, and that Trump supporters will need to be reeducated in literal gulags, similar to what Germany did to ‘Nazified’ Germans after World War II.

“Do you even think, that some of these, like, MAGA people could be “re-educated?” asks the Veritas journalist in a preview of Tuesday’s exposé (set for full release at Noon, ET).  Continue reading “‘Gulags Weren’t That Bad’: Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supporters Will Need To Be ‘Re-Educated In Camps’”

The Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton

Gun owners across Maine would be subject to a first in the nation and potentially expensive new mandate just for owning a firearm under a proposal put forward by Rep. Janice Cooper of Yarmouth. The proposal will be considered by the Legislative Council of the Maine Legislature later this month before it can move forward.

Listed on the website of the Maine Revisor of Statute’s website is the proposed bill, LR 2645 “An Act To Require a Person Who Owns a Firearm To Purchase Liability Insurance.”  Continue reading “Maine could become first state to require gun owners to carry liability insurance”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

A bill in New Jersey that would’ve stripped parents and children of their right to informed consent by allowing them to object to mandatory vaccinations failed on Monday. Much to the chagrin of the tyrants who claim ownership over the bodies of others, the bill that would have eliminated religious exemptions to mandatory vaccinations failed to pass the New Jersey state legislature.  Continue reading “Mandatory Vaccine Bill Fails After Thousands Show Up to Protest in New Jersey”

Ron Paul Institute – by Ron Paul

President Trump’s decision earlier this month to assassinate Iran’s top military general on Iraqi soil – over the objection of the Iraqi government – has damaged the US relationship with its “ally” Iraq and set the region on the brink of war. Iran’s measured response – a few missiles fired on an Iraqi base after advance warning was given – is the only reason the US is not mired in another Middle East war.  Continue reading “US to Iraq: ‘Vote All You Want, We’re Not Leaving!’”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

During President Donald Trump’s interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Friday, the commander in chief boasted about using U.S. military troops as bargaining chips across the planet by quite literally selling them. Naturally, anyone who is paying attention came out raging against it, including yours truly.  Continue reading “Libertarian Congressman Blasts Trump for ‘Selling Troops’ to Country Who Helped Carry Out 9/11”

Fox News

The mother of an 11-year-old Hamburg, New York boy who recently died from flu-related complications doesn’t want her son to be remembered as “just a statistic” but rather as “the wonderful boy he was.”

Luca Calanni died Saturday at Oishei Children’s Hospital, his mother, Ashley Calanni, told local news station WTKR.   Continue reading “New York boy, 11, dies from flu: ‘We don’t want Luca to become just a statistic’”

Health Impact News

New Jersey is one of the most recent states where lawmakers want to remove vaccine exemptions, specifically religious exemptions.

Del Bigtree’s HighWire program has captured Senator Sweeney’s denial that today’s vaccines contain human DNA from aborted babies, and then presents the truth that contradicts Senator Sweeney’s denial.  Continue reading “Pro-Vaccine NJ Senator Caught Denying Aborted Fetal Tissue is Used in Today’s Vaccines to try to Stop Religious Exemptions”

If Americans Knew – by Alison Weir

Republican Marco Rubio and Democrat Chris Coons have introduced legislation expected to give Israel a minimum of $38 billion over the next 10 years. (The text for the bill, S.3176, is not yet available on the Congressional website.)

The new bill has been introduced because a similar one introduced last year, S.1, had stalled. The new version reportedly omits a section that would have let state governments punish Americans for boycotting Israel, which had caused some Senators to oppose it on First Amendment grounds.  Continue reading “Senators introduce another bipartisan bill to give Israel billions of dollars”

Collective Evolution – by Arjun Walia

How is it that Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide is still on North American shelves being sold in a number of places? The answer is simple, I believe it’s deceit and corruption. Corporations like Monsanto (Bayer), have completely undermined our federal health regulatory agencies, making them nothing short of a cesspool of corruption.  Continue reading “Monsanto Emails: ‘Let’s Beat the S*** Out of’ Moms Worried About Cancer-Linked Weedkiller’”

The Mind Unleashed – by John Vibes

In a bizarre filing, a Kansas man has asked an Iowa court to honor his request for trial by combat in a custody hearing with his ex-wife. The 40-year-old man, David Ostrom, wants to meet his ex-wife and her attorney “on the field of battle where I will rend their souls from their corporal bodies.

David Ostrom claims that his ex-wife, Bridgette Ostrom has “destroyed (him) legally.Continue reading “Man Requests Trial by Combat in Divorce, Wants to Forge His Own Swords”