Fox Business

Montany Attorney General Austin Knudsen sent letters to logistics companies UPS and FedEx demanding information on their altered policies on firearms and whether they are in cooperation with federal agencies.  Continue reading “Montana AG concerned FedEx, UPS may be tracking gun ownership for White House”

Yahoo News

(Reuters) -Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones filed for bankruptcy on Friday, less than two months after a jury ordered him and the parent company of his Infowars website to pay nearly $1 billion for spreading lies about the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting. Continue reading “Alex Jones files for bankruptcy following $1 billion Sandy Hook verdict”

Educate Yourself – by Ken Adachi

Of all the great inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla, nothing stood out with greater potential benefit to the whole of humanity than his discovery of Radiant Energy in 1889. The series of observations that led to the discovery of Radiant energy initially grew out of experiments that Tesla had conducted in an attempt to duplicate the results that Heinrich Hertz had claimed to achieve in affirming the existence of electromagnetic waves, the discovery of which Hertz announced in 1887. Continue reading “Radiant Energy: Unraveling Tesla’s Greatest Secret”

Border Hawk – by Alan Wall

In the month of October, Customs and Border Protection reported 230,678 “encounters” with illegal aliens.

This term refers to both apprehensions and expulsions, including multiple “encounters” with the same individuals. Continue reading “What Nationalities Are Entering at the Border?”

The Covid Blog

We always try and maintain neutrality when evaluating content from creators trying to expose the vaccine genocide. Our original review gave the Stew Peters documentary “Died Suddenly” 6.7 out of 10 stars. But we updated that to 5.7 out of 10 stars because Peters completely excluded Dr. Jane Ruby from the documentary. She’s the one who first broke the story of the plastic/rubber clots. But the fallout is getting worse. Continue reading ““Died Suddenly” update: Stew Peters lost all credibility for including footage from a heart surgery that happened in 2019”

Dakota News Now

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) – An icy accident Wednesday afternoon caused upwards of $45,000 in damage, according to Sioux Falls Police.

The initial accident happened near 19th St. and Southeastern Ave. around 1:15 p.m. when dump truck slid down the hill and hit a power pole. The impact knocked down a power line, which landed on a nearby home and started a small fire on the roof. Continue reading “SFPD: Icy accident caused $45,000 in damage to parked vehicles, fire trucks”

Daily Mail

A reparations committee in California has suggested that descendants of slaves in the state could be compensated $223,200 each for ‘housing discrimination’. Continue reading “Gavin Newsom’s reparations committee will recommend handing out $223,200 per person to all descendants of slaves in California”

Technocracy News

On the heels of Biden’s September 12th Executive Order titled The National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative, I wrote two days later that it “is a complete capitulation of our government to Big Pharma, the biotechnology industry and the entire transhuman cabal that wants to create Humanity 2.0 by changing our genetic structure.”  Continue reading “Biden Has Handed America Over To The Biodefense Cartel”

Yahoo News

The image of three men discovered balancing on the rudder of a ship for 11 days across the ocean from Nigeria to the Canary Islands has left people in shock.  Continue reading “People shocked at the image of three migrants discovered on ship’s rudder”

Yahoo News

The city of Raleigh released a small portion of police officers’ body camera video Thursday showing the confrontation between police and the suspect in the mass shooting in the Hedingham neighborhood in October. Continue reading “‘Officer down’: Raleigh police release video of confrontation with mass shooting suspect”


Effective 0001 Saturday morning Dec. 3, Fort Huachuca will be at Health Protection Condition Bravo until further notice.

Beginning 0001 Wednesday morning Nov. 30, all personnel including Service members, DOD Civilians, Contractors, military trainees, Family members and installation visitors will wear a mask in all buildings on the installation, including Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center, the Commissary and all Army & Air Force Exchange locations.

Continue reading “Fort Huachuca mandates masks indoors”

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Archive: TWFTT 12-1-22

Bill of Rights Day is December 15th. That’s just two weeks away. Got me considering how some could expand on it, bring more attention to it, to our Bill of Rights that the fake powers so desperately try to hide and ignore. They know it’s The Supreme Law of Our Land and if that gets out, they’re sunk, because they have tried to trample it in every way possible. Continue reading “Bill of Rights Day”

The Expose

The New Zealand (“NZ”) Blood Service at present does not separate blood or blood products depending on vaccination status and many people, quite rightly, have concerns about potentially receiving blood from vaccinated donors.  The right to choose what goes into our bodies has come to a head in the case of four-month-old baby Will. Continue reading “Discrimination and Harassment of Baby in New Zealand Shows There Is No Limit to Covidians’ Intent on Death and Destruction”

Breitbart – by Simon Kent

French gun owners are surrendering their weapons in record numbers at police collection points across the country as a round up of unlicensed firearms winds down.  Continue reading “French Surrender Firearms in Record Numbers During Government Crackdown”

PJ Media – by Rick Moran

Seventy-one percent of the earth’s atmosphere is made up of nitrogen, but we’re told that too much of it can be very, very bad. So the Nitrogen Minister of the Netherlands (yes, that’s a real job), Christianne van der Wal, is spearheading a government effort to drastically reduce nitrogen emitted by too much greenery — especially on very productive farms — and especially close to “environmentally sensitive” areas. Continue reading “Green Gone Wild: Dutch Government Demands ‘Compulsory Purchase’ of 3,000 Farms to Comply With EU Environmental Rules”