Judicial Watch

Illegal immigrants have boldly demanded everything from civil rights in the U.S. to driver’s licenses and government benefits such as welfare and discounted tuition at public universities, so why stop there?

Now they want American taxpayers to finance their organ transplants! This is even more brazen than the discrimination lawsuits illegal aliens have filed against law enforcement agencies—both federal and local—in the U.S. over the years. To make their point, the illegal immigrants have gone on a hunger strike outside an Illinois hospital demanding free organ transplants for themselves and their fellow undocumented comrades.   Continue reading “Illegal Aliens Demand Free Organ Transplants”

Manhattan, NYC (Reuters / Gary Hershorn)RT News

A New York City developer has broken ground on a midtown luxury tower that reportedly plans to separate potential tenants based on their income, going so far as to segregate occupants via drastically different entrances and exits.

Extell, a Manhattan developer, has begun construction on the glitzy tower, where 55 low-income units will be available, yet distinctly separate from the 219 market-rate condominiums overlooking the city’s waterfront.    Continue reading “Apart block: Manhattan luxury tower to have separate rich/poor entrances”

Flush Obama2Crockett Lives

As the Worst President In The History Of The Republic continues his wanton trampling over the laws and traditions of the American Way, strange rumblings are emanating from the lower 48.  Words not used in earnest political discourse since 1861 are heard once again, terms thought archaic a mere 10 years ago, an extinct vocabulary from the tumultuous past, words like “nullification” and “secession” and “revolution” –  and they’re being used not by hairy malcontents on rickety soapboxes, but by the elected governors and unhappy residents of the once sovereign states.  Why? Because today’s Jackasses are not like yer daddy’s Democrats, and Barack Obama is not like yer daddy’s presidents. Obama might be black on the outside; on the inside, he’s Red all over:   Continue reading “Flush Obama”

flickr- J. Stephen ConnRT News

Commissioners in Weld County, Colo., have unanimously voted to make ‘North Colorado’ the 51st US state. The Republican board hopes to secede from the state in protest of laws passed by the Democratically controlled state legislature this year.

The Weld County commissioners on Monday voted to add the 51st state initiative to the ballot this November.    Continue reading “North Coloradans to vote on secession and creation of 51st state”


LIMA, Peru (AP) — Members of an Indian tribe that has long lived in voluntary isolation in Peru’s southeastern Amazon attempted to make contact with outsiders for a second time since 2011, leading to a tense standoff at a river hamlet.

Authorities are unsure what provoked the three-day encounter but say the Mashco-Piro may be upset by illegal logging in their territory as well as drug smugglers who pass through. Oil and gas exploration also affects the region.   Continue reading “Isolated Mashco-Piro Indians appear in Peru”


DUNCAN, Okla. (AP) — It is a chillingly simple motive: Police say three bored teens killed an Australian collegiate baseball player attending school in the U.S. for “the fun of it.”

As authorities prepared to charge the teens Tuesday with first-degree murder, family and friends on two continents mourned 22-year-old Christopher Lane, who was being remembered as a wonderful young man whose life ended too soon. His girlfriend tearfully laid a cross at a streetside memorial in Oklahoma, while half a world away, his team in Australia placed flowers at home plate.   Continue reading “Slain Australian player mourned on 2 continents”

View image on TwitterBusiness Insider – by PAMELA ENGEL

There are reports of a gunman at Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy in DeKalb County, Georgia, according to WSBTV.

It doesn’t appear there are any injuries. Whether or not shots were actually fired is in dispute, but students were evacuated from the school upon reports of a gunman, according to Fox 5 in Atlanta.   Continue reading “REPORT: Gunman At Georgia School”

Common Dreams – by Lauren McCauley

In what they describe as an “Insurance Release,” Wikileaks posted links for a series of encrypted files to their Twitter feed and Facebook page Friday, urging readers to download and mirror the links, in a digital threat they hope will “nullify attempts at restraint.”

Though not uncommon, many are speculating that the size of the files—one at an impressive 349 gigabytes—in conjunction with the timing of their release—raises the possibility that these files contain “some serious material.”   Continue reading “WikiLeaks Posts Encrypted Data as ‘Insurance’ Against Govt Threat”

Max Velocity Tactical

Recently there have been a couple of posts by Lizard Farmer and Mountain Guerrilla that I simply felt the urge to chip in on and expand in my own direction. I noted with wry amusement the comments by LF & Mosby about not usually commenting on others posts but feeling the need to anyway – I often find a post by another sparks a thought process that turns into one of my posts. Anyway, I enjoyed Mosby’s ‘Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows….Again: Unconventional Warfare and the Modern Militia Movement’ which was written in defense of a post by LF that I have been unable to locate.    Continue reading “OPSEC & Family/ Retreat Security”

AlterNet – by Dave Johnson

We’ve got to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership that’s being drawn up in Washington before it becomes law.

The giant multinationals are pushing a trade deal that will literally let them bypass our laws. This deal is called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and it is coming at us in the next few months. The corporations are trying to switch this gravy-train onto the “Fast Track.” For them this deal is the light at the end of the tunnel of democracy and self-government that has been trying to reign them in. We need to get this runaway train back on the rails or We the People will be begging for scraps thrown from the caboose. Call your Senators and Representative today and let them know that people are paying attention and oppose “Fast Track trade authority.”   Continue reading “Multinationals Are Plotting to Steamroll What’s Left of Our Republic to Make Huge Profits”

Turkish Prime Minister Recep  Erdogan (AFP Photo / Adem Altan) RT News

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan claims Ankara has proof Israel was behind the July 3 military “coup” that toppled Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, Turkish media report.

Erdogan said the West was beginning to redefine democracy as a process that is not solely determined at the ballot box, although the poll represents “the people’s will.”      Continue reading “‘Israel behind Egypt coup’ – Turkish PM”

Illegal Immigration March - Photo by Jonathan McIntoshThe American Dream – by Michael Snyder

Instead of making sure that U.S. employers are not hiring illegal immigrants, the Obama administration has actually signed a secret deal with Mexico to protect “the rights” of illegal immigrants in the workplace.  According to this “memorandum of understanding”, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will spend U.S. taxpayer dollars to educate illegal immigrants about their civil rights, workplace safety, and minimum wage laws.  This is yet another example of how the Obama administration is openly flouting the law and doing all that it can to promote even more illegal immigration.  We are rapidly becoming a lawless nation that has absolutely no regard for the rule of law, and it all starts with the horrendous example that is being set at the very top.   Continue reading “Obama Administration Makes Secret Deal With Mexico To Help Illegal Immigrants In The Workplace”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Kurt Hofmann:

If true–if Christie really believes that this will be enough to appease gun rights advocates–he is adding insult to the injury of the extremely draconian anti-gun bills he has signed, like the one that enables the federal government to disarm anyone it chooses, simply by designating political enemies as “suspected terrorists.” One would certainly hope that gun rights advocates are both far too intelligent and far too proud to be bought off that easily.   Continue reading “Chris Christie On Guns Redux”

PIC1The Lizard Farmer – by Treaded

I’ve cobbling this entry together between uptime and downtime over the last couple of weeks so bear with me on this one. I think there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of how counter-insurgency intelligence and exploitation systems work so I’m going to touch on them a bit in this entry.  It’s by no means comprehensive as that would take an entire volume to document.  So what I’m going to attempt to do here is give the reader some insight into how an insurgency is identified, exploited, and targeted using a fairly simple and brief scenario.   Continue reading “How They Hunt”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Why is this single sentence so hard for the “scholars” to understand? 

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” – Fourth Amendment   Continue reading “Obama administration asks Supreme Court to allow warrantless cellphone searches”