The Watchdog Blog – by JEFF HORSEMAN

Earlier we covered the outrage that erupted when a New York newspaper published an online map showing the names and addresses of people with handgun permits in two counties. Critics said the map endangered the public and violated gun owners’ right to privacy.

The Journal News’ publisher defended the map, which was created using information obtained from public records requests. It accompanied a story about the debate over how much the public should know about gun ownership.
Continue reading “New York county refuses to release gun info”

Mainstream propaganda has jettisoned back into the idiocy in an attempt to pull our minds away from the treachery of a fraudulent election and its end result, the status quo theft of America into the future.  We are going on five years now of “We need to address the problem of jobs” and rather than hear an opposing view from either side of the false left-right paradigm, both are quite content to allow the lie of a 7.9% unemployment rate to stand.

We have gone over this many times but in the interest of keeping the record straight, we continue to lose more net jobs in America, day by day, through NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT.  Those of us still working continue to pay cash to international corporations based in the United States to move the jobs of our brothers and sisters out of this country.
Continue reading “The BS Mainstream and the Lull before the Storm”

Alternet – by Matt Stoller

Throughout the months of November and December, a steady stream of corporate CEOs flowed in and out of the White House to discuss the impending fiscal cliff. Many of them, such as Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, would then publicly come out and talk about how modest increases of tax rates on the wealthy were reasonable in order to deal with the deficit problem. What wasn’t mentioned is what these leaders wanted, which is what’s known as “tax extenders”, or roughly $205B of tax breaks for corporations. With such a banal name, and boring and difficult to read line items in the bill, few political operatives have bothered to pay attention to this part of the bill. But it is critical to understanding what is going on.
Continue reading “8 Huge Corporate Handouts in the Fiscal Cliff Bill”

Congressman Ron Paul

As I prepare to retire from Congress, I’d like to suggest a few New Year’s resolutions for my colleagues to consider.  For the sake of liberty, peace, and prosperity I certainly hope more members of Congress consider the strict libertarian constitutional approach to government in 2013.

In just a few days, Congress will solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic.  They should reread Article 1 Section 8 and the Bill of Rights before taking such a serious oath.  Most legislation violates key provisions of the Constitution in very basic ways, and if members can’t bring themselves to say no in the face of pressure from special interests, they have broken trust with their constituents and violated their oaths. Congress does not exist to serve special interests, it exists to protect the rule of law.
Continue reading “Ron Paul: New Year’s Resolutions for Congress”

The fiscal cliff has been avoided.  The legislation was signed apparently in the middle of the night, which is when con men and thieves are at their best.  It is truly sickening watching the praise being heaped on the traitors in Washington for twisting the knife they have buried in our collective back.  Of course everyone understands what is really going on here, which is another stalling tactic.  The con man Barry Soetoro threw just enough money to his insurgent forces on the ground to keep them engaged in the theft of America.

The legislation raises taxes on those making $400,000 for a single person or $450,000 for a couple.  Perfect.  Perfect.  Considering the destroyed dollar, this puts what little is left of privately owned small businesses in the United States smack dab in the cross hairs.
Continue reading “Fiscal Cliff Legislation Passed – The Great Con Goes On”

White House Dossier – by Keith Koffler

In a move that is rich in irony, President Obama agreed Tuesday night to sign an emergency deficit reduction bill that does almost nothing to rein in spending and then jetted out to Hawaii to resume his vacation at an extra cost of more than $3 million to taxpayers.

The price tag is in addition to more than $4 million that is already being spent on the Obamas’ Hawaii idyll, bringing the total cost of the excursion to well over $7 million.
Continue reading “Obama Returns to Hawaii at an Added Cost of Over $3 Million”

National Report – by Douglas Quan, Postmedia News

An anti-government movement known as Freeman on the Land has become a “major policing problem” in several provinces, according to a threat assessment by Canada’s spy officials.

The report by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service lists Freeman members among “domestic extremists” who associate with issue-based causes, such as environmentalism, anti-capitalism, anti-globalization and far-right racism.
Continue reading “Anti-government freemen movement creating ‘major policing problem’: report”

Go 213 mph

NEVER, EVER, EVER, GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS! Throughout recorded history Gun Control Legislation has ALWAYS led to eventual Gun Confiscation which has ALWAYS been followed by the MASS MURDER of innocent men, women, and children at the hands of their very own Governments! (This does NOT include soldiers who died in battle.  These deaths were Extermination / Genocide)

You may think this could never happen in your lifetime, and maybe you’re right.  But, it’s our children and grandchildren who are growing up in a totalitarian police state and because most of you remain SILENT, our kids think this is completely normal!
Continue reading “250 Million Innocent Civilians Exterminated by Their Own Government in the Past 100 years!”

Business Insider – by Joe Weisenthal

Last night just before 2 AM, the Senate overwhelmingly agreed to pass a bill that will avert the Fiscal Cliff.

The bill is pretty straightforward. Income tax rates will only rise on those making over $400K (liberals wanted $250K, GOP wanted no taxes to rise). Spending cuts will be delayed for 2 months to give the sides more time to address them.
Continue reading “6 Things You Won’t Believe That Are In The Fiscal Cliff Bill That The Senate Passed At 2 AM While Most Americans Were Drunk”

The Daily Sheeple- by Kimberly Paxton

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control public service announcement included many top celebrities endorsing “a plan”. These celebrities are endorsing the defilement of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. They are using their fame and influence to manipulate the people into supporting the abolition of the rights of responsible American gun owners in a propaganda attack. While they travel with a cadre of armed bodyguards, while their children attend private schools with armed security, they want you to “demand a plan” to become defenseless.
Continue reading “Boycott Gun-Control Advocate Celebs”

The mainstream is reporting that the fiscal cliff has been averted via a Senate proposal that will be considered in the House of Representatives on this New Years Day.  Technically, if you buy into the BS, we went off the cliff at 12:01 Eastern time on New Year’s morning.  Just goes to show you how phony this whole fraud is.

Initial reports of the so called agreement purport that it will be passed in the Congress, but as the morning has worn on, doubts have risen.  And while we are looking at the right hand, the left hand is sticking it up our backsides with the enactment of the socialist Obamacare.  How much do they want to take from we the people?  Well that is an easy one.  The answer is everything we have.
Continue reading “The Real Debate on the Fiscal Cliff”

Ian 56

The neocon GOP and MIC propaganda is all pervasive.
(MIC is the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address in 1961. Here is the clip
Please watch it, if you haven’t already done so. It is only 2 minutes long.)

This propaganda appears on ALL TV channels and ALL the main papers.
Continue reading “What the mainstream media and the politicians are NOT telling you about military spending” The Times-Picayune – by Gordon Russell

Federal authorities who were ordered to conduct a deeper investigation into an online commenting scandal in former U.S. Attorney Jim Letten’s office have issued a subpoena to The Times-Picayune’s parent company, asking it to provide, among other items, information about 11 commenters on The company’s lawyers have objected to providing the information thus far, instead asking the feds to demonstrate they have a basis for seeking the information.
Continue reading “Feds seeking information on 11 additional commenters: Update”

Borei class nuclear submarine Vladimir Monomah at the “Sevmash” shipyard before its launch in Severodvinsk. (RIA Novosti/A. Petrov)RT News

Super-modern, powerful and almost noiseless Russian nuclear submarine Vladimir Monomakh has been put in water to become the third ship of the Borei project. The cruiser is about to begin sea trials and mooring to become fully operational in 2013.

Vladimir Monomakh was laid down at Russia’s largest shipbuilding complex Sevmash, located on the shores of the White Sea in the town of Severodvinsk in northern Russia on March 19, 2006 – the 100th anniversary of the Russian submarine fleet.
Continue reading “Silent sub: Russian noiseless Borei class nuclear submarine immersed”