The Organic Prepper

Last week I wrote an article in response to the media’s vilification of preppers in the aftermath of the horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.  The article was quoted in an article on, to my great astonishment, and that is when I saw how little most people understand about prepping.  You can see in most of the 4492 comments the article received that many folks just don’t “get it”.
Continue reading “What Does It Mean to “Prepare for the Economic Collapse”?”

Geoengineering Watch – by Dane Wigington

Can Snow Storms Really Be Engineered?

What do a mountain of data including recorded experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, and observations on the ground, and existing patents, say absolutely? Two known patents for the process of “artificial ice nucliation for weather modification” are posted at the bottom of this article.
Continue reading “Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc around the Globe”

The Economic Collapse – by Michael

Will this be the last normal holiday season that Americans ever experience?  To many Americans, such a notion would be absolutely inconceivable.  After all, in the affluent areas of the country restaurants and malls are absolutely packed.  Beautiful holiday decorations are seemingly everywhere this time of the year and children all over the United States are breathlessly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus.
Continue reading “Say Goodbye To The Good Life”

Belief Net – by Rob Kerby

Kitty Werthmann survived Hitler.

“What I am about to tell you is something you’ve probably never heard or read in history books,” she likes to tell audiences.

“I am a witness to history.

“I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history.

“We voted him in.”

If you remember the plot of the Sound of Music, the Von Trapp family escaped over the Alps rather than submit to the Nazis. Kitty wasn’t so lucky. Her family chose to stay in her native Austria. She was 10 years old, but bright and aware. And she was watching.
Continue reading “She survived Hitler and wants to warn America”

Another Christmas Eve and another taxpayer financed luxurious Hawaiian vacation for the traitor Obama and his family.  As poor children in America shiver, hungry in the cold, the Obamas will be eating the finest cuisine and basking on a sandy beach.  As the children of American nationals, who can trace their lineage back to the colonies, sleep in tents and in storm drains, Obama’s brats will enjoy room service on a silver platter.

This is the stuff that revolutions are made of.  Our founding fathers warned that unless we were diligent and kept close guard of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, we would wind up homeless on the continent our forefathers conquered.  But how could they have ever envisioned a foreigner occupying the White House and under the control of an international elite hell bent on the enslavement of the American people?
Continue reading “Christmas 2012 – The Stuff that Revolutions are made of”

We have been witnessing a media blitz specifically targeting the 2nd Article of our precious Bill of Rights.  This is nothing new, but it is pure hypocrisy as law abiding gun owners set square in the cross hairs, there is an intentional cover up afoot.  It is said that 11,000 Americans were killed last year in the US with guns and this is a number the enemies of freedom want left alone.  I think it would be prudent to break those numbers down, but as usual, through lack of recording by the insurgent government and lack of reporting by the mainstream media, the numbers are scattered and obscure to the point that they cannot be ascertained.

Here are the questions I would like to see answered by the so called expert providers of information.  How many of the 11,000 killed were shot by police and how many were killed by foreigners here illegally in this country?  There is absolute gun control in Mexico and 20,000 of their unarmed innocents were killed last year with guns.  But when you bring this fact up the propagandists counter, “Well, there is a drug war there.”
Continue reading “Confiscate Firearms from Americans but Leave the Drug Gangs Alone”

Twenty children were killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, a tragedy as the enemies of our Constitution push for gun confiscation.  The depth of the Sandy Hook murders is spotlighted with pictures of little faces, alternating with the pictures of assault rifles and handguns and the propaganda is being pushed to the point that it should be questioned as to the motive.

It is true that the American public has been conditioned to quickly digest the most heinous acts as they are sucked through the news cycle.  Only last month, November 14th through November 21st, Israeli war planes and field artillery caused the murder of 28 little Palestinian children, but the incident was pushed into the annals of history and forgotten within a week.
Continue reading “Little Innocent Children Murdered in Connecticut, Kabul, Bagdad, Tripoli, Damascus, and the Gaza Strip by the Same Psychos”

A new Fox Poll out says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s job performance is rated as follows: 59% approve, 29% disapprove, and 12% are unsure.  This, as Hillary is playing hooky from the Congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack that left a US ambassador and his body guards dead.

This is a classic example of propaganda polling to bolster the image of one of these criminals when they find themselves in a compromising position.  These polls are the bullshit of all bullshit.  The label says the poll was conducted December 9th through the 11th with the question presented to 1,012 registered voters with a margin of error of + or – 3%.  Bull, bull, bull, bullshit.
Continue reading “Hillary Clinton, America’s Darling”

Lone Star Watchdog

It is hard to show to your kids at time what is really going on. It is hard to share with them what we are fighting for. It is so ugly and so harsh to share the true reality. The other day I was watching with my kids a Christmas show. I watched this very show when I was their age. It is nice to watch shows with our children we watched as a generational thing every time around the Holiday.

Tyranny is my words is being deprived of the very thing we hold dear. The right to free speech and the right to keep and bear arms. The right to be secure in our persons, effects and our homes. I watched this Christmas show all my life and it was under my nose all these years. No one smiles in a tyranny because people are deprived even a tasty meal and the other social graces we enjoy.
Continue reading “A Good Christmas Show as a Good Example of Teaching our Kids about Tyranny and Resistance”

In an event every bit as staged as the Sandy Hook shooting, NRA Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, called for a government police officer in every school as a foundation for a full blown police state to be implemented through the nation’s public schools. This is the NRA’s answer to ending gun violence in the United States, with NRA members as proposed participants to make the police state seem like an evil implemented via the consent of we the people.

LaPierre went on to blame violent video games and offer the NRA’s support for censorship, which no doubt will be designed to lead straight to the internet and control thereof.  LaPeirre made no mention of the pharmaceutical industry and its mind altering drugs that have been crammed down the throats of a whole generation of Americans, literally from the time they could walk, right up to the day they lose their minds.
Continue reading “NRA Proposes a Police State in Response to Sandy Hook Massacre”

After being thoroughly thrashed by Larry Pratt (President of Gun Owners of America) on Tuesday night, Piers Morgan returned on Wednesday surrounded by his communist brothers and sisters, allowing only a couple of stooges from the controlled opposition to attend what he billed as a debate.

Morgan has only been in this country for seven years but declares himself the champion for the abolishment of our 2nd Amendment.  Morgan is an agent of the Queen of England, a Tory who should be arrested immediately and charged with agitating for insurrection and overthrow of the Republic of the united States of the Americas.
Continue reading “Piers Morgan Charged with Conspiracy to Insurrection against the Republic of the United States”

Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

The Sandy Hook elementary shooting and false assertions of Peter Lanza’s connection to LIBOR are a complete distraction from the schemes of the US government to take guns from US citizens and veterans – hidden in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

In the Senate, as part of a defense cuts proposal is an amendment to curb the rights of US veterans to access guns. Senator Tom Coburn would like for the veterans deemed “mentally incompetent” to have the Department of Veterans Affairs decide that they would have their 2nd Amendment rights revoked and not be able to purchase or possess firearms.
Continue reading “Operation Gun Grab: Covert Control Via 2013 NDAA to Regulate Civilians & Veterans Gun Ownership”

Kathy sent me the following report and with her permission I am posting it.

There has been a rumor and now confirmed this morning by “the media” if you can call them that!

There was one little girl in the class that was totally executed that was not shot at all.  She was covered in the blood of her classmates and she PLAYED DEAD!  She came out alive.
Continue reading “Report from Kathy in Newtown, Connecticut”