The Connecticut False Flag Gun Confiscation Production is being crammed right back down the throats of the communists before they can even get it regurgitated. Gun sales have spiked with records being set across the nation and what is the number one top seller? That is right, assault rifles. Once again, the communists’ plot has backfired and they are seething.
The low life scum bag sleaze weasel commie puke, Piers Morgan, had his pompous ass handed to him by Larry Pratt, President of Gun Owners of America, the true advocates of we American nationals. Morgan was left looking almost as pathetically stupid as he actually is as Pratt sited the statistics that show that gun control produces nothing more than a monopoly on guns for criminals and leaves honest folk without self defense. By the end of the interview, Morgan was reduced to childishly trying to insult Larry Pratt, which only made him look smaller, if that is at all possible.
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