sodaAlterNet – by Scott Thill

According to a Swedish study from Lund University recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it takes a single daily can of soda to increase a man’s  risk of prostate cancer by 40 percent, compared to a man who never touches the stuff.

So where is the public outcry warning Americans, who are always in search of newer and better drugs anyway, off these lucrative yet carcinogenic vehicles for addictive substances like caffeine, sugar and perhaps worse? They are likely hiding, at least for now, from an industry loathe to let cold-hearted science and much-needed reason lead the way. Continue reading “Say It Ain’t So — A Can of Soda a Day Can Increase the Risk of Cancer for Men by 40 Percent?”

Sussex County Sheriff Jeff ChristopherAmerican Free Press – by Pat Shannan (posted April 8, 2012)

Sheriff Jeff Christopher of Sussex County, Delaware, when he was elected to the office in 2010, thought he was handpicked by the people to represent them as the highest-ranking law officer in the county. Instead, he has found himself in the middle of a fight for the future of American law enforcement as a result of a nationwide effort to abolish the sheriff’s office altogether. Continue reading “Sheriffs Bushwhacked”

chris matthewsThe mainstream propaganda machine, having lost all credibility and being completely dismissed via the alternative media, has pulled an old tool out of the box in what appears to be an attempt to counter the facts that have caused the great awakening of the American people – the infamous ‘conspiracy theory’ theory.

If I reject the mainstream propaganda, say in an instance like Sandy Hook wherein there was one shooter, there were two shooters, no there were three shooters, no there was just one shooter, there was a purple van with the back window shot out and the fellow driving it was arrested in a nearby town, no, no, that is not right, there was just one shooter with two handguns, no, four handguns, no, no it was a Bushmaster .223, but no, that gun was out in the car, no it wasn’t, yes it was, stay tuned and the State Police Sergeant will give you the official story and tell you that to say anything to the contrary on social media will result in your arrest, but wait, wasn’t Brian Lanza the shooter?, no, that was yesterday, today it is Adam Lanza who had Brian Lanza’s identification, I guess his driver license didn’t have a picture, but wait, he hadn’t seen his brother in three years, and what about those nuns?, what happened to the nuns?, I am so confused, I don’t know what to believe, I don’t know if anything happened, and if it did, I don’t know what it was, I am a conspiracy theorist.  Continue reading “Chris Matthews Speaks out on Conspiracy Theories”

hackersThe Hill – by Kyle Balluck

The hacking group Anonymous says it hijacked the U.S. Sentencing Commission’s website early Saturday in retaliation for the death of Internet activist Aaron Swartz, according to media reports.

The commission’s site had a message warning that when Swartz committee suicide earlier this month “a line was crossed,” the Associated Press reports.  The site is currently unavailable.  Continue reading “Report: Hackers take over U.S. Sentencing Commission’s website”

morgan gliedmanHenry Makow

( On Jan. 9, Morgan Gliedman got 30 Days in Rehab for heroin addiction. Her father put up the $150,000 bail for arms-related offences.)  

Two possible Illuminati Jewish terrorists get VIP treatment from NYC Police & Media. If they had been Muslims, would they have been treated so kindly? Continue reading “Will NYC Jewish Terrorists Get Free Pass?”

hillaryWND – by Joseph Farah

Does anyone else see Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi testimony before the Senate committee for what it is – contempt of Congress?

That’s what it is called when you lie, make excuses, obfuscate and basically tell members in sworn testimony that matters of national security and life and death are none of their business. Continue reading “Hillary’s Contempt Of Congress”

obama_holderFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

The irony of someone like Attorney General Eric Holder taking the first steps on Friday to begin implementing some of Barack Obama’s 23 executive orders is quite telling, especially since he is still embroiled in the midst of a bloody gun running scandal known as Fast and Furious. Holder released three proposals that are “intended to promote public safety, to enhance the efficiency of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) operations, and to resolve difficulties created by unforeseen processing conflicts within the system.” Continue reading “AG Holder Begins Implementing Obama’s Executive Orders On Gun Control”

Infowars – Kurt Nimmo

Globalist kingpin, renowned war criminal and Rockefeller co-conspirator Henry Kissinger is talking up a nuclear conflagration.

Speaking at the one-worlder confab held in Davos, Switzerland, Kissinger said a crisis involving a nuclear Iran in the “foreseeable future” will lead to a nuclear war and “a turning point in human history,” the BBC reports. Continue reading “Kissinger Predicts Nuclear War with Iran”

smokerRT News

Smokers, beware: tobacco penalties under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act could subject millions of smokers to fees costing thousands of dollars, making healthcare more expensive for them than Americans with other unhealthy habits.

The Affordable Care Act, which critics have also called “Obamacare”, could subject smokers to premiums that are 50 percent higher than usual, starting next Jan 1. Health insurers will be allowed to charge smokers penalties that overweight Americans or those with other health conditions would not be subjected to. Continue reading “‘Obamacare’ to hit smokers with huge penalties”

wiscsheriffFinally a Wisconsin cop speaks up! In a novel way.

Fox News – Associated Press

A sheriff who released a radio ad urging Milwaukee-area residents to learn to handle firearms so they can defend themselves while waiting for police said Friday that law enforcement cutbacks have changed the way police can respond to crime.
Continue reading “Wisconsin sheriff urges residents to arm themselves”

Huffington Post by Jaweed Kaleem

A little over five years ago, Alison and Doug Kirk held their 9-year-old daughter’s hand as she lay on a futon in their Nashville living room, told her they loved her, and watched her take her last breath.

The Kirks had known for a long time that their little girl, Caroline, would die. In her last weeks, she was under hospice care, lived off an oxygen machine, was fed through a tube, and spoke only in small murmurs. It was the normal course for a child born with Niemann-Pick, a terminal disease that gradually leads to the breakdown of the nervous system, brain and lungs. Continue reading “Home Funerals Grow As Americans Skip The Mortician For Do-It-Yourself After-Death Care”

Dear Mr. Taeschner:

Thank you for contacting my office. Your thoughtful comments are greatly appreciated.

The views of Washingtonians are very important to my work. I will keep your thoughts in mind, and I encourage you to stay in touch. If you would like to know more about my work in the Senate, please feel free to sign up for my weekly updates at Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Continue reading “Correspondence between Senator Patty Murry and Sean Regarding our 2nd Amendment”

Gazette Extra – by STEPHEN P. HALBROOK

OAKLAND, CALIF. — EDITOR’S NOTE: The writer is addressing the question, “Is putting armed guards in the nation’s schools a good idea?”

When he heard police arrive at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a “gun free zone,” Adam Lanza ended his murder spree by killing himself. Continue reading “Pro: Armed school guards are our best bet to stop future Newtowns”

Bloomberg – by Heidi Przybyla & Jonathan Salant

A proposed ban on sales of assault weapons would be defeated in the U.S. Senate today unless some members changed their current views, based on a Bloomberg review of recent lawmaker statements and interviews.

At least six of the 55 senators who caucus with Democrats have recently expressed skepticism or outright opposition to a ban, the review found. That means Democrats wouldn’t have a simple 51-vote majority to pass the measure, let alone the 60 votes needed to break a Republican filibuster to bring it to a floor vote. Continue reading “Assault Weapons Ban Lacks Democratic Votes to Pass Senate”

Boston Globe – by Mary Williams Walsh

Fresh from persuading a $5 billion pension fund in Chicago to divest from companies that make firearms, the city’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, on Thursday urged the chief executives of two major banks to stop financing companies ‘‘that profit from gun violence.’’

Emanuel sent letters to TD Bank, which provides a $60 million credit line to Smith & Wesson, and to Bank of America, which provides a $25 million line to Sturm, Ruger & Co., asking the CEOs to push the companies to ‘‘find common ground with the vast majority of Americans who support a military weapons and ammunition ban.’’ Continue reading “Chicago’s mayor tries to enlist banks in anti-gun campaign”

New York Daily Sun – by Lawrence Sellin

The US federal government has strayed so far from the Constitution and the rule of law that it can now be considered rogue and illegitimate.

The thoroughly irresponsible rate of government spending projected over the next twenty-five years will drive federal debt to unsustainable levels. The country is heading for a financial meltdown and economic ruin. Continue reading “Only rebellion can save America”

California communist Diane Feinstein proposed 150 new infringements upon the absolute, inalienable, cannot be infringed upon 2nd Amendment right of we the American nationals.  Then, to add insult to injury, she proposed more tax money to the ATF goons for the enforcement of the 150 infringements.

It is good to see the people somewhat awake in that they have begun to identify the infringements, not as reasonable law and/or policy, not as gun control or gun safety, but as what they are – infringements.

The Bill of Rights is the people’s law, not to be confused with the Uniform Commercial Code which is the government’s law.  The inalienable rights described in our Bill of Rights are the people’s rights, not the government’s.  And government employees cannot so much as discuss our rights/law in any coalition with their law.   Their law and our law can in no way be adjoined as they are opposed in subject matter.  Continue reading “The Common Law Cause for the Revolution”

Yahoo News – Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warned on Thursday that a major cyber attack is a looming threat and could have the same sort of impact as last year’s Superstorm Sandy, which knocked out electricity in a large swathe of the Northeast.

Napolitano said a “cyber 9/11” could happen “imminently” and that critical infrastructure – including water, electricity and gas – was very vulnerable to such a strike. Continue reading “False Flag Alert: U.S. homeland chief: cyber 9/11 could happen “imminently””