Daily Paul – by RPvGoldman Sachs  ATTENTION ALL ATTORNEY’S “AT” [against] LAW: You can either cease and desist now – or face the wrath of the now stirring masses when they come to full consciousness! Judgement day is coming!


“The practice of Law CAN NOT be licensed by any state/State.”

(Schware v. Board of Examiners, 353 U.S. 238, 239)
Continue reading “PROOF: “BAR” attorney’s are AGENTS of a FOREIGN power and most of them KNOW it.”

Here’s more about what he said on his Facebook page. I really don’t see what he said that was so bad.

Business Insider  The former Marine who was detained by the federal government over Facebook posts critical of the government is being held in a psychiatric ward, Peter Bacqué of the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports.

“I’m currently in John Randolph in the psychiatric ward being held against my will,” Brandon Raub said in a telephone interview with the Times-Dispatch. “[Authorities] were concerned about me calling for the arrest of government officials.”
Continue reading “Former Marine Brandon Raub Is Locked In A Psych Ward Over His 9/11 Facebook Posts”

We know that waiting till the last second is not a good idea, but for some it is the only option.  So we have taken three  possible average scenarios and broken them down for you.   All scenarios will include a family of 4 – Mom, Dad and two kids under high school age – living in the suburbs of a megaplex city…

 Scenario #1

Continue reading “3 Last Minute Survival Scenarios”

The propagandists are moving at a hundred miles an hour in their effort to divert our attention away from the ever deteriorating state of our union.  Paul Ryan says Obamacare will take $716 billion from Medicare.  Biden says he is lying.  Obama says Romney wants to continue giving $250,000 per year tax breaks to those making $3+ million per year.  Ryan says Obama wants to expand the welfare state.  Harry Reid says Romney has paid no taxes in the past ten years.

It would seem this dirty corrupt election is being reduced to nothing more than the international corporate mafia airing its dirty laundry in public, after which we the people are expected to continue accepting the status quo, right up until the day we die of hunger in our land of plenty.
Continue reading “Campaign Promises 2012”

The estimated 700,000 foreign insurgents from south of our border to be affected by the insurgent Obama’s unconstitutional Dream Act dictate, has morphed to 1.7 million, then 1.8 million, and now 2 million as the illegals fill our streets to get in line to claim their piece of our pie.

I believe this number will go as high as 10 million before anyone in the mainstream says, “Whoa, wait a minute.”  But by then 10 million will be a fait accompli and there will be another 40 million who have crossed into our country and will be taking our jobs, receiving welfare, public health care, and free education as they await the next act of amnesty, that is if we allow this outrage to continue.
Continue reading ““Dreamers” Foreign Insurgent coming out of the Woodwork to Claim the US”

The Israeli push for an attack on Syria and Iran has quieted down again as we Americans are making it clear out here on the internet that we will defy our government if it allows us to be pulled into another war or wars as dictated by the Zionists infiltrators in our government.

I have noticed in the footage coming out of Syria the big guns mounted in the backs of pickup trucks.  We can all remember those from the Libyan regime change.  What this tells me is that the industrial war complex’s CIA and Mossad have effectively enacted black ops wherein the US government is secretly purchasing these weapons and smuggling them to the Al Qaeda that make up the insurgency in Syria.  To think otherwise is just plain foolish.
Continue reading “We Must Have War to Achieve Peace – We Must Have War”

Before It’s News  – by Hang the Bankers  US assassination drone strikes have left at least 21 people dead in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal region near border with Afghanistan during the past 48 hours, Press TV reports.

Pakistani officials told Press TV that nine people were killed after a US drone fired four missiles at two vehicles in Mana area of Shawal district in North Waziristan on Sunday morning.
Continue reading “US Drone Attacks Leave 21 Civilians Dead In Pakistan In Under 48 Hours”

Before It’s News – by Truth Excavator  “On his Infowars.com Web site, Jones headlines his page with “Because There Is a War on for Your Mind.” True enough, which is why science and reason must always prevail over fear and irrationality, and conspiracy mongering traffics in the latter at the expense of the former.” – Michael Shermer, “Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories,” Scientific American, August 18, 2012.

“The repression and revised imposition of September 11th and the attendant “war on terror” on the public mind have important implications not only for the integrity of public discourse, but also for the collective sanity of western culture and civilization.
Continue reading “Why People Reject Conspiracy Theories”

Daily Comet  NEW ORLEANS — At least some of the seven people arrested in a fatal shootout with Louisiana deputies have been linked to violent anarchists on the FBI’s domestic terrorism watch lists, a sheriff said Saturday.

Detectives had been monitoring the group before Thursday’s shootout in Laplace in which two deputies were killed and two more wounded, said DeSoto Parish Sheriff Rodney Arbuckle. His detectives and other law enforcement discovered the suspects were heavily armed adherents to an ideology known as the “sovereign citizens” movement.
Continue reading “Suspects in deputy killings linked to extremists”

The propaganda production, “Paul Ryan Goes to Florida”, pulled out all the stops in the effort to divide we the people via our age.  Florida is noted for its population of retirees, so the propagandists figure that in concentrating on the retired in Florida, they can set the minds of the retired across our nation.

Ryan said in a speech, “Medicare should be the promise that is kept to our ‘current’ seniors, period, end of story.”  Ryan has made it clear that everyone age 55 and younger is to sacrifice all and those over 55 are to be untouched, in spite of the fact that many age 55 and younger have paid into their Social Security and Medicare accounts for 20, 30, and 40 years.
Continue reading “Neo-Con Treasonous Seniors Supporting Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney”

Prophezine  For the past few months I have been getting reports that I have to say are a bit disturbing.

In fact most people tend to blow this off and call in for the “Tin Foil Hat Brigade”

When so many are “poo-pooing” the information saying “surely this isn’t true” then tossing it on the conspiracy pile, that is when I start to do some digging and see what is going on.
Continue reading “The Russians Are Coming? Yea, But That’s Not All”

CNN ran a piece yesterday featuring an American, Matthew Vandyke, who went to Libya to fight on the side of the rebels against the Gaddafi regime.  Vandyke will now be going to Syria where he intends to join the rebels there.  This is all part of a propaganda push to get the United States involved in the Syrian Civil War, which in reality we already are as our CIA, working in coalition with Israeli Mossad, are smuggling arms to the rebels through Turkey.

What part of “NO” does our government not understand?  No, we do not want to be involved in any more foreign wars.  And no, we do not want to finance any more foreign insurgencies against other sovereign governments.
Continue reading “US to Intervene in Syria”

AOL  In the age of Facebook and Twitter, a new crime has hit America: “Sharpie parties,” gatherings of party revelers armed with “Sharpie” magic markers and lured by social media invitations to wreak havoc on foreclosed homes.

Five years into the U.S. foreclosure crisis, Sharpie parties are a new form of blight on the landscape of boarded-up homes, brown lawns and abandoned streets. They are also the latest iteration of collective home-trashing spurred by social media.
Continue reading “‘Sharpie Parties’ Wreak Havoc on Foreclosed Homes”

Monday Morning  In a riveting interview on CNBC, legendary investor Jim Rogers warned Americans to prepare for “Financial Armageddon,” saying he fully expects the economy to implode after the U.S. election.

Rogers, who for years has been an outspoken critic of the Feds policies of “Quantitative Easing,” says the world is “drowning in too much debt.” He put the blame squarely on U.S. and European governments for abusing their “license to print money.” In the U.S. alone, the national debt has surged to nearly $16 trillion, that’s more than $50,000 for every American man, woman and child.
Continue reading “Jim Rogers: It’s Going To Get Really “Bad After The Next Election””

The End Run  Jenny Gallagher, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning.

“She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly toldIreland’s Herald earlier today.
Continue reading “Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46”

Uh huh if you say so.  What about the other 1+ billion rounds?

FOX News  Obscure federal agencies triggered a firestorm of conspiracy theories this week after they put out orders for thousands of rounds of deadly hollow-point bullets.

But the agencies, most recently the Social Security Administration, are trying to put a damper on the speculation — noting the ammunition is “standard issue” and simply used for mandatory federal training sessions.
Continue reading “Damage Control Propaganda: Agencies tamp down speculation over hollow-point ammo purchases”

First time jobless claims came in at 366,000 for the week, not that anyone is really looking at this number anymore and it was hardly discussed in the mainstream media.  However it is being said that the “recovery” has stalled.  How many “recoveries” is this now?

It will be interesting to see the jobs report for August.  Last year it was originally reported that zero jobs were created in August.  This number was of course revised up three months later to 50,000 and anyone that doesn’t know that this year is worse than last year has been living in a cave.
Continue reading “Unemployment and the Road to Famine”

The Economic Collapse  If you want to figure out what is going to happen next in the financial markets, carefully watch what the insiders are doing.  Those that are “connected” have access to far better sources of information than the rest of us have, and if they hear that something big is coming up they will often make very significant moves with their money in anticipation of what is about to happen.

Right now, Wall Street insiders and central banks all around the globe are making some very unusual moves.  In fact, they appear to be rapidly preparing for something really big.  So exactly what are they up to?
Continue reading “Startling Evidence That Central Banks And Wall Street Insiders Are Rapidly Preparing For Something BIG”