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Continue reading “Owner of online gun store helped capture carjacking suspect”
I’ll pass on any Govt. agency sticking a needle in me!
MSM Every American born between 1945 and 1965 should be tested for the liver-destroying virus hepatitis C, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended Thursday.
One in 30 Baby Boomers is infected with the virus and most don’t know it. Hepatitis C is a leading cause of liver cancer and other liver diseases, and is the leading cause of liver transplants, the CDC said.
Continue reading “Test All Baby Boomers For Hepatitis C: CDC”
Young insurgents all around our country took to the streets yesterday to line up for amnesty. Apparently you go in the front door a foreign felon and come out the back door with more rights than any American national in our generation has known. And still this is not enough.
Now we are supposed to start shedding tears for their parents who brought them here illegally and are here right now illegally, working our jobs illegally, sucking off our safety net, taking up our children’s seats in our colleges. But this is really no surprise. Treason out in the open for all to see is the order of the day.
Continue reading “Foreign Insurgents Declare Victory”
Activist Post – by Brandon Smith It is inevitable. There comes a point in the development of every crisis, every catastrophe, every impending disaster, every act of methodical dictatorship, in which the generations selected by fate or destiny to endure the trial must attempt to look beyond the intellectual and the psychological, to deeply consider the greater philosophical or spiritual questions of their epoch.
Certain moments in history demand that truly free individuals relinquish their cynicism, and embrace that inherent world of form and conscience that exists in each of us but remains largely unexplained. Without this act of “faith”, or intuitive knowing, good cannot exist, inspire, or prevail.
Continue reading “8 Rules To Defeat Tyranny”
We have been reporting for the past few days on the pathetic attempt by the propagandists to sell us on a reality wherein there is going to be an election and the people are going to come out to vote for either Obama’s vision or Romney’s. And as we have said, the propaganda is failing. Already the propagandists are trying to do damage control in lowering expectations for voter turnout.
CNN has put out a poll showing that 61% of Democrats are thinking about the election and 74% of Republicans are. This poll in its essence highlights the desperation. 61% or 74% looks like a big number unless you consider that it is a percentage as in 74% of 100 is 74 people.
Continue reading “The Propaganda Machine is Falling Apart Before our Very Eyes”
The Examiner – by Gregory Patin Over the past five years at least 49 people in 16 American cities have drawn the ire of authorities for coloring things with chalk. Most were arrested for sketching designs or writing messages on public streets or sidewalks.
On Saturday in Madison, Steve Books, a long-time Veterans for Peace activist, wrote “This is far, far, far from over” in chalk on a sidewalk next to the Capitol building. As a result, he was taken away in handcuffs by Capitol Police and issued a citation for “conduct otherwise prohibited” under Wisconsin Administrative Code 2.14 that in Books’ case carries a fine of $205.05.
Continue reading “The war on chalk”
Yahoo News A nearly 400-foot deep sinkhole in Louisiana has swallowed all of the trees in its area and enacted a mandatory evacuation order for about 150 residences for fear of potential radiation and explosions.
The 400-square-foot gaping hole is in Assumption Parish, La., about 50 miles south of Baton Rouge.
The Daily Bell Mitt Romney has picked the youthful warmonger Paul Ryan to be his running mate.
From my point of view, this leaves the junior senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, standing near the altar like a jilted bridesmaid. Not a very pretty picture.
And now what has Rand Paul got?
Continue reading “What Did Rand Paul Gain?”
FOX News A Pennsylvania woman who offers free lunch every day to low-income children in her neighborhood faces a $600-a-day fine next summer if she continues because she did not clear the food giveaway with township officials.
Angela Prattis donates her time to distribute the meals — supplied by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia — and adheres to strict paperwork, like filling out weekly reports and being visited bi-weekly from a state worker, MyFoxPhilly.com reports.
Continue reading “Philadelphia woman faces $600-a-day fine for feeding needy neighborhood kids”
Once again the propaganda machine has shifted into high gear as the two diametrically opposed visions of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are being pushed like a sofa at a going out of business sale. These propagandists are not news reporters. They are sales men and women. They are overbearing and aggressive and desperate to make a sale as their careers depend upon it.
It is nauseating to observe the tactics being used, like the intensive coverage of Paul Ryan’s home state of Wisconsin. I heard one fellow say he would vote for Mitt Romney just because Paul Ryan is from Wisconsin. This is mental retardation and quite pathetic. I heard another one say, “Mitt Romney has a vision.”
Continue reading “Romney, Obama, and Visions of Destruction”
- Could be used by shops to offer discounts to customers
- System already being trialled in Nashville shops and bars
- Users must sign up to take part and ‘teach’ system what they look like
Continue reading “The Facebook camera that can recognise you every time you walk into a shop”
The American people have been inundated with the propaganda push designed to make Paul Ryan into an established patriot on a crusade to save America. This action has caused an effect in that millions have flocked to the internet to find out who Paul Ryan really is and in doing so have been exposed to more of the truth on every front. In reality the headlines of today should be, “GOP will attempt to disenfranchise a majority of voters at its Convention beginning the 27th”.
The mainstream propaganda is now forced to remove itself completely from reality in its last ditch effort to preserve the status quo. They have failed in dividing we the people via race, religion, gender, age, and economic status and can only put forth the program as dictated to them by their corporate masters.
Continue reading “Dr. Paul, We Have Not Forgotten”
The international socialist insurgents within the US government have just made another large purchase of ammunition. The Department of Homeland Security has just put in an order for 9.766 million rounds.
Following the staged false flag in Aurora, Colorado the communist propaganda was centered on James Holmes’ purchases of firearms and online purchases of ammunition, body armor, a gas mask, and smoke grenades, all legal purchases. The insurgents immediately began pushing to monitor online sales of ammunition; saying that no one purchases 6000 rounds for legitimate purposes and those who are making these large purchases must be intending to massacre Americans. (Would this include purchases made by the government?)
Continue reading “The American People Continue to Arm and Organize in the Face of Insurgent Anti-Gun Propaganda”
A recent report coming out of Israel via The Times of Israel shows the dilemma the wannabe conquerors find themselves in, considering the international awakening to the reality of Zionism. For the past 64 years, the Zionists have enjoyed the status as the victims of the German holocaust.
However now, thanks to our Creator and the internet, the peoples of the world, and most importantly, the peoples of the United States have become aware of the reality of Zionism and the fact that there are different sects of Jews, most notably those of Jesus Christ and then the Khazars, the evil corrupt Jews of money and power.
Continue reading “Israel Stands Alone as Zion Faces Destruction”
Houston Chronicle DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer was left with a gaping hole on one side after it collided with an oil tanker early Sunday just outside the strategic Strait of Hormuz.
The collision left a breach about 10 feet by 10 feet (three by three meters) in the starboard side of USS Porter. No one was injured on either vessel, the U.S. Navy said in a statement.
Continue reading “US Navy ship collides with oil tanker in Persian Gulf”
Policy Mic Throughout the Republican primaries, the Mitt Romney campaign did a fairly decent job at keeping Romney above the fray. He made the occasional $10,000 bet on national television and agreed with Obama’s signing of the NDAA, but for the most part, he remained low key. It was his front-runner position to lose after all, right? Instead of critiquing the assumed front-runner, the mainstream media hyped up the “anti-Mitt” candidate.
Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum — who claimed “Romney was the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama,”then later endorsed Romney — were all considered top contenders. Now that the spotlight is focused on the presumptive nominee, his flaws are all too apparent. Is Romney really the best choice for conservatives?
Continue reading “Ron Paul Would Beat Obama: Why Romney Must Be Replaced If the GOP Hopes to Win in 2012”
The Atlantic Under Paul Ryan’s plan, Mitt Romney wouldn’t pay any taxes for the next ten years — or any of the years after that. Now, do I know that that’s true. Yes, I’m certain.
Well, maybe not quite nothing. In 2010 — the only year we have seen a full return from him — Romney would have paid an effective tax rate of around 0.82 percent under the Ryan plan, rather than the 13.9 percent he actually did. How would someone with more than $21 million in taxable income pay so little? Well, the vast majority of Romney’s income came from capital gains, interest, and dividends. And Ryan wants to eliminate all taxes on capital gains, interest and dividends.
Continue reading “Mitt Romney Would Pay 0.82% in Taxes Under Paul Ryan’s Plan”
Guardian UK The shock of losing a precious job in a town afflicted by high unemployment is always hard. A foundation for a stable family life and secure home instantly disappears, replaced with a future filled with fears over health insurance, missed mortgage payments and the potential for a slip below the breadline.
But for Bonnie Borman – and 170 other men and women in Freeport,Illinois – there is a brutal twist to the torture. Borman, 52, and the other workers of a soon-to-be-shuttered car parts plant are personally training the Chinese workers who will replace them.
Continue reading “‘I’m sick to my stomach’: anger grows in Illinois at Bain’s latest outsourcing plan”