Weekly new unemployment claims dropped last week to 388,000 which is the lowest they have been since July of 2008.  Of course we have seen the highest retail spending on Christmas since 2008.  Do you think the two might have something to do with one another?  The fact is the number of people receiving long term unemployment rose for the week.

We will get to see the ugly truth when the yearly unemployment report is released sometime in the next two weeks.  The way the mainstream propagandists are back peddling from their positive growth dogma, I have to believe the yearly report will show unemployment to be unexpectedly high.
Continue reading “99er Unemployed, Do Not Let Evil Men Triumph”

The Economy Policy Institute reported that U.S. companies created 1.4 million jobs this year.  There is just one small problem.  They were all created overseas.  If these jobs had been American jobs they would have lowered the unemployment number to 8.9%.

So why are American businesses doing their hiring overseas?  They say it is because of over-regulation and excessive corporate taxes.  Of course they fail to mention CAFTA, NAFTA, and GATT, which are American made laws that give incentives to hire workers in other countries.
Continue reading “99er Unemployed, 1.4 Million Jobs Outsourced”

Well we are closing in on the New Year and it would be nice to be looking at 2011 as a new start with potential for new opportunities.  But then that god damned old reality keeps getting in the way.  A rich corporate business man, speaking on Bloomberg, said that the rich were still holding on to $2 trillion because the uncertainty in reference to taxes was still looming.  In essence the huge tax cuts given to the top 2% is not going to create one job.

This rich fellow went on to state that a majority of the stimulus monies were being spent on investments in China, and of course he was laughing when he said it.  He finished by saying that he predicted that the states, in order to stay fiscally solvent, will be cutting between one and two million jobs from the public sector.
Continue reading “99ers Get Ready, It’s Coming”

Barrack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro is truly amazing.  While playing golf and sipping Mai Tais out of pineapples on the private beach we paid for him to stay at, he managed to go above and beyond in his multitasking.  A provision that was pulled from his health care plan, the end of life counseling which equates in reality to the formation of death panels, was reinserted back into the health care law.  Many have labeled this provision as an inevitable death sentence for Grandma and Grandpa but it is far more diabolical.

You see, I live in Oregon where the eugenicists practice their evil before unleashing it on the rest of the country.  We have a lot of rural areas that are under complete control of international corporate interests.  Without any legislation being in place to make their actions lawful, the hospital where I live has enacted policy wherein if you go there for something as minute as a blood test, you are forced to sign a document that gives the hospital absolute control over your treatment for one year. If you refuse to sign you are denied service.
Continue reading “The Choice is to Fight or Die”

The slant of the propaganda is now taking on the face of deregulation.  For the past two years we have been force fed the idea that the deregulation during the Bush era is what caused our most recent economic collapse.  How many times will they be allowed to use the same con over and over before we stand up in unison and say, “No more.”

Most 99ers are old enough to remember the savings and loans collapse of the 1970s.  And what did they say to us back then?  It is not right that you tax payers are having to bail the banks out who caused this collapse through criminal mismanagement.  They further said that we are going to put such regulations on the banks that it will be insured that this will never happen again.  Now we have gone from, “We must regulate” to “We must deregulate” in just two years, which tells me that another mass screwing is on the horizon.
Continue reading “99ers It’s Time to Reflect”

Well we made it through Christmas so what lies ahead?  There will be that quiet lull between Christmas and New Years and then we start the whole thing over again.  Many states are facing a budget shortfall, which means they will be looking for bailouts from the federal government.  We need to remember that every state is in reality just another business, or in this case, failing business.  Like Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.

When the failing states (businesses) come for the bailouts we will see the same scenario.  You see states are too big to fail and if they are allowed to do so it could cost millions of jobs and a double dip recession. They will continue to use the same catch-all excuse until somebody either calls their bluff or the whole country is finally thrown into bankruptcy.
Continue reading “99ers, This Is War”

Peace on Earth, good will toward men.  Sounds like a noble pursuit but every day we move further away from that reality.  The propaganda brainwashing of the day is centered on selfishness and greed.  It has become a virtue to acquire those thirty pieces of silver by any means under the guise that it creates jobs.

I expect any day to see a remake of The Passion wherein Judas is portrayed as a caring business man who rose above those in his poor company through brilliant ingenuity.  And then portraying Christ as an undesirable trying to disrupt commerce and hurt the economy.
Continue reading “99ers, What Would Jesus Do?”

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; So why was it so quiet? I’ll tell you, I know, The house was repoed some six months ago;

There was no stocking, no tree, no hope, not a care, Which makes perfect good sense as there was nobody there; The kids were long gone; it was as if they were dead, You see CPS took them because of something I said.

Mama in her long johns and I just a cap, Had lain down in our tent for a long winter’s nap; When out in the park there arose such a clatter, I jumped to my knees and said, “Now what’s the matter?”
Continue reading “Twas the Night before a 99er’s Christmas”

The stock market continues to rise as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  The international corporate mafia is seeing maximum profits on the $4 billion they invested in the 2010 elections.  Never in the history of this nation has the purchase of political power been so blatantly obvious.  The advocates of the elite are at present holding up a bill that would provide health care and cash benefits to those who were once deemed 911 Heroes.

Many are asking the question how those in the Senate can possibly justify ignoring the plight of the first responders.  Well, they began by using their massive propaganda machine to instill into the American psyche that it is okay to ignore the suffering of 7 million 99ers who lost their jobs through no fault of their own.
Continue reading “99ers Attack Mainstream Media in Every Venue”

99ers held candlelight vigils across the nation Monday night.  No one knows how many participated as the event went unreported by the mainstream media.  The vigil appears to have had no effect.  Why?  Well I will tell you.  The international corporate mafia consists of hard core criminals.  They are not impressed by candlelight vigils.  Their modus operandi is to divide and rule by force, and until the 99ers realize that the only way to defeat force is through force, we are doomed to obscurity.

How naive it is to think that anyone who works for our enemies is going to do anything to help us.  The traitors that occupy our highest seats of power see us as no threat to their structure.  Why?  Because we do not have wealth and our numbers are too fragmented and our cause too undefined to effect change.  They own the mainstream media which is too heavily relied upon by us for communication.  These propagandists must be considered their front line troops as they have a vested interest in seeing the plans of the international corporate mafia succeed.
Continue reading “99ers Take this Fight to the Streets”

The American 99ers Union held a nationwide candlelight vigil last night.  If these people ever had an original thought it was lonely.  I’m telling everybody reading this that I am on the verge of pulling this site as I will not have the strategies developed in the Think Tank used to promote the cause of socialism.

I had contact a while back from Gregg Rosen, co-founder of American 99ers Union, wherein he asked me why I so vehemently attacked his organization.  To which I replied that I would never accept socialism as a remedy for unemployment.  In his next email he stated emphatically that the American 99ers Union was not a socialist organization.  Continue reading “99ers Cannot Allow Socialism to Prevail”

Well the multi-million dollar propagandists have achieved in assuring that every multi-billionaire can afford a new Mercedes Benz in the coming year.  So what is next on their agenda?  They are now expounding like evangelist preachers that the hands of the rich are being tied by that nasty old minimum wage.

The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.  A typical family of four with both adults working 40 hours per week at minimum wage is $30,160 in a year.  After state taxes, Social Security, Medicare, and health care expenses are figured into the equation, the average family of four with both parents working is living at or below the poverty level.  This being said it should seem absolutely reasonable to all concerned that they should settle for less.
Continue reading “99ers Launch a Counter-Attack”

Arkansas’ Ex-Governor Mike Huckabee, commenting on Fox News, addressed the issue of the long term unemployed.  He put forth the same rhetoric designed at demonizing the 99ers that has become a mainstay of the mainstream propagandists.  They always say the word 99er before stating that the existence of unemployment deters the unemployed from looking for work, confusing the issue in indicating that the 99ers will not find work because they are receiving unemployment.  This is a propagandist con man trick.  Every time one of these scum bags tries to use it we must immediately counter with the undeniable fact that 99ers are receiving no unemployment.
Continue reading “99ers and Tier 5: Mainstream Media Enemies and Oppressors”

The midnight Congress overwhelmingly passed the Bush era tax cuts extensions for the top 2%.  The so called conservative Republicans are calling the passage a victory for the American people.  But what does the passage of the bill really equate to?  Well this is what happened.  Our so called representatives were given a choice.  Let the Bush era tax cuts sunset, which was a part of the original bill, or borrow billions of dollars to continue paying taxes for the rich.  They chose the latter.

So now the taxes of the top 2% will be paid by our grandchildren.  By the time the smallest among them reaches maturity they will be $500,000 in debt.  The children of the rich are assured a life of prosperity and being served by the children of the poor. The rich have been careful to throw enough scraps to the middle class to keep them complacent for a couple more years while they whittle away at its lower tiers.
Continue reading “99ers Sold out by the Whores in the Mainstream Media”

Demopublicans and Republicrats became as one to pass the tax cuts extensions for the top 2% at the eleventh hour.  They had played the game as long as they possibly could, though they have saved enough time to push through the legislation that is truly important to their commie arses, and that is, “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”  They should all make it home in time to open their elaborate Christmas presents from the filthy rich.

Of course the 99ers are told once again, “Eat snow.”  The fact is the Demorats could have passed tax cut legislation excluding the top 2% back when they had their super-majority. Continue reading “99er Unemployed, the Top 2% get theirs, 99ers Left to Rot in a Hole in the Ground”

Could a Tier 5 realistically be passed at this late date?  The answer is yes.  The House at present has the Bush tax cuts extension legislation at a standstill.  There is talk among the Democrats of making alterations to the legislation and sending it back to the Senate.  The changes they are considering are to the estate tax.  They want to lower the rate exempt and increase the rate on that which is not exempt.

But what if on top of that change they also add a Tier 5 unemployment extension for six months.  When the legislation went back to the Senate it would have to be voted on and those votes would be recorded.  There is no doubt that a proposed Tier 5 extension being added would be all over the mainstream news.  And every voting 99er would be watching.  If the Senate dared vote the legislation down, the 99ers would make sure that those responsible would not be reelected to office in 2012.
Continue reading “Tier 5 Unemployment Extension Added to Bush Tax Cuts Legislation?”

Millions of Americans are busy completing their Christmas shopping.  We 99ers are not among them.  This will be the first year that I will not be able to afford to buy a single present for my children and grandchildren.  Am I disheartened?  No I am not, I’m mad as hell.

There is $8 billion in pork barrel spending contained in the budget legislation which I assure you will be passed by the lame duck congress.  Some of the items that are more important than American citizens starving to death in the cold are studying peanuts in Georgia, studying arthropod damage in Nevada, an $8 million Institute for the U.S. Senate in the name of Edward M. Kennedy, and roundabouts in Mississippi.
Continue reading “99ers Pray for Reason and Prepare for War”

Stuart Varney of Fox Business News expounded his British tenacity to new heights yesterday when he stated that the extension of the Bush era tax cuts are “A done deal” and “I told you the Democrats would not commit political suicide in trying to stop them.”

Who the hell does this Tory think he is?  The fact is at the time Varney was making these statements the tax cuts legislation had not even made it through the Senate, let alone the House.  This multi-million dollar propagandist thinks he can manipulate our Congress by pretending to be a news man and reporting hypotheticals as facts.
Continue reading “99er Unemployed get New Job Creating Green Energy – Not”

Upscale homes in Cape Cod, Massachusetts are being targeted by arsonist(s) who it is speculated may be waging an anarchist type war against the rich.  There is also the possibility that the arson is being perpetrated for other reasons and the signatures left by the arsonist(s) are designed to throw authorities off their trail.  The arsonist(s) reportedly spray painted “F*@% the Rich” on the side of one of the houses that was attacked.

Some are speculating that if this is a form of class warfare it is being fueled by comments being made in Washington DC by lawmakers like Bernie Sanders who frequently mentions class warfare. Continue reading “99ers Unemployed Class Warfare?”

Alexandra Jarrin, a 53 year old 99er from Vermont has started a letter writing campaign directed at Senator Bernie Sanders of her state.  Apparently she wants 99ers to send letters to her depicting their deplorable plight, after which she prints them and delivers them to Bernie Sanders’ office.

Wow, what an idea.  Why couldn’t I have thought of that?  I mean, all we really have to do is print all those letters that we have been sending to their emails and bam, they are going to say, “This is real.  We have to help them.  They took the time to actually print the letters and deliver them to our office.”
Continue reading “99ers are Busy Plotting Revenge”