The mainstream propagandists are pushing the idea that in the last month the American people have completely turned around in reference to their opinion of President Obama.  It is being said that a recent poll showed his approval rating going up by 5% in the last month.  This is another pack of lies.  The poll that showed Obama’s approval rating rise was a poll of corporations, and to say that corporations represent the American people is about as ludicrous as it gets.  They are accrediting Obama’s rise in the polls to his leadership in getting the lame duck Congress to give billions more to the rich and as they are polling corporations this makes perfectly good sense.

However they are further asserting that the American people have fallen back in love with President Obama in reaction to a couple of speeches he made in reference to the funerals of the Tucson shooting victims.  No one out there believes this crap.  So why are they doing it?
Continue reading “99ers Get Mean before it’s too Late”

I have been evaluating and reevaluating the situation with the 99ers.  I have come to the conclusion that there are two obstacles that take front and center in stifling any forward momentum in our cause.  The first one involves the 99ers themselves as they seem completely unable to take any affirmative action to save themselves.  The second is our fellow citizens that have turned their backs to our plight and are ignoring us.  At this point, for all intents and purposes, the 99ers are disappearing from the internet.

Having identified these problems, I propose the following solution.
Continue reading “99ers, Only We can Change our Situation”

The communists have geared up the rhetoric for their push to have patriots declared insane.  Their new poster child, Jared Loughner, is being described as a young man who had been disturbed for many years and who could have been helped if only someone would have intervened and if only more money had been put towards mental health.

Well let’s take a look at our young assassin.  Jared was taking the drug Ambien which is attributed with the following severe side effects. Continue reading “They can only do this to us if We let Them”

It had looked like the commies in the gun control lobby were going to back off, unfortunately they have not.  So each time they spout their treasonous rhetoric we have to shove it back in their face.  Dennis Henigan author of “Lethal Logic”, appearing on a segment of MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, and using the tragedy in Tucson as a springboard, launched into one of the most illogical attacks upon our 2nd Amendment that I have seen yet.

He stated that the gun issue is never easy but asked that in this case referring to Tucson, “Who can really defend the distribution of 30 round ammunition magazines to the general public?  That allows a degree of extraordinary firepower that you simply do not need for hunting.”
Continue reading “Push Back against Gun Control”

Our so called representatives have been parroting the phrase “We get the message” in reference to the devastating defeat of incumbents in the 2010 Congressional election.  They have also said many times that they understand that our main concern today is jobs and our failing economy.  So what are they doing to remedy the situation?

Well, last week the Obama administration announced that they would be attempting to enact the Internet ID Program.  They are trying to sell the deal to the American people under the guise that it will provide for more secure online transactions, and will of course allow the government to more effectively protect us from those bad old internet terrorists lurking around every cyber corner.
Continue reading “99ers, Part of the FBI Witch Hunt”

Well the propagandists no longer have the numbers generated by the Christmas holidays to pad their books.  So let’s see what is really going on; 445,000 new jobless claims last week, $38 billion trade deficit for one month, $15 trillion national debt, $3 trillion national budget, and hey that is just not enough according to calls for a raise in the debt ceiling, 3 million homes foreclosed on in 2010, and 2011’s foreclosures are expected to be higher, the percent of homelessness is up 3% and families becoming homeless is up 4%, food prices are on the rise, gasoline is expected to reach $4.00 per gallon by summer.

But not to worry, President Soetoro gave an exceptional speech Wednesday evening in Tucson, Arizona.  And if you look at the bright side, of course you have to be rich to look at the bright side, we are experiencing a two year high on the stock market and corporations are seeing record profits.
Continue reading “Good Times Ahead … If You’re Rich”

It’s been five days since six were killed and Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head in Tucson, Arizona. And guess what, it is another special day.  Congress convened Wednesday to pass a resolution to pay tribute to Ms. Giffords, after which they went back to their mourning.  Meanwhile millions of Americans are freezing and starving to death in the streets.  I do not mean to be callous but if one of your co-workers was killed at a production plant do you think the owners would shut that plant down for a week, a half of a week, a day?  Not a chance.  In fact, if after five days we tried to tell an employer that we just couldn’t work because we were too overwhelmed with grief; well I think we all know that wouldn’t fly.

There has been no mention in the mainstream propaganda as to what our so called representatives are intending to do in reference to getting us back to work.  In fact, since the incident Saturday, the issue of jobs has been removed from the mainstream as completely as the issue of the 99ers.  I hate to say it but I think our lawmakers are looking at this tragedy as a godsend as it has effectively diverted the attention of a lot of people away from the mess we are in.
Continue reading “Public Employees, Get Back to Work”

Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her mother forty whacks, and when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.  The following day Congress introduced legislation to ban axes.  I was hoping to refocus my attention back on the issue of 99ers and unemployment extensions but our Constitution is under attack and its defense takes precedence.

New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg says he will introduce a bill to ban high capacity gun magazines.  Of course using the tragedy in Tucson, this commie is saying that if the shooter had only had access to magazines that held ten rounds the number of people killed would have been lessoned.
Continue reading “99ers Why is the Government after our Guns?”

The “Let’s Disarm Americans” communists are using the tragedy in Tucson to attack from every quarter, though it is being reported that Jared Lee Loughner was not coaxed into insanity by another’s words or easy access to firearms.   These left-wing communists should be considered as nothing more than tragedy vultures.  Jared Loughner is a very sick individual.  It was reported that he had put up a shrine in a tent in his parent’s backyard for the purpose of what is known as “the offering of oranges” which equates to some kind of black magic voodoo.

The Tucson shootings are tragic, but they are the result of the acts of one man.  Just like the murder of John Lennon by Mark Chapman and the attempted assassination of President Ronald Regan by John Hinckley.  If you remember Hinckley’s motive was to impress Jodi Foster.
Continue reading “99ers This War is far from Over”

Six people were killed in a Safeway parking lot in Northwest Tucson, Arizona Saturday morning.  The dead were identified as Christina Taylor Greene age 9, Gabe Zimmerman age 30, Phyllis Scheck age 79, Dorothy Morris age 79, Dory Stoddard age 76, and John Roll age 63.  Mr. Roll was a federal judge.  In all twenty people were hit when a crazed gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, 22 year old white male, stepped up to a crowd and started firing at point blank range.

Among the wounded is Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords who was shot through the head and is presently in critical condition at University Hospital in Tucson where the most seriously wounded victims are being treated.  Christina Taylor Greene as previously noted was only nine years old.
Continue reading “Mass Murder in Tucson Arizona”

This news release was posted by Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. on his website.  To ignore anyone who is trying to help us would be insane.  If we do not bury Jesse Jackson in resumes we do not deserve a Tier 5 Extension.


National Effort to Dramatize Unemployment Problem Begins Today

Today, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. issued a call for resumes on the floor of the House of Representatives, in order to demonstrate the unemployment problem in the country. Following his remarks, he made the following statement:

Economists are now saying that it will indeed take four to five years for unemployment to be brought under control and that would be under the best of circumstances.  The propagandists have already been talking about eliminating 1 to 2 million jobs in the public sector.  People filing new unemployment claims still stands at 400,000+ a week.

The stimulus monies for green energy are going to China and India.  Caterpillar, and American icon, now only employs 13% of its people from the United States.  At this point a boycott on Chinese goods would rob us of most every necessity, probably including food.
Continue reading “99ers don’t be Distracted”

The unemployment rate dropped from 9.8% to 9.4% in the month of December.  No it did not, this is a bald-faced lie and the people putting it forth know it is.  This is what they did.  Remember last month when everyone was asking if the 99ers were going to have their numbers counted and made a part of the equation?

The true rate of unemployment in this country is 15%.  The 9.8% that is the rate the propagandists use is derived at by counting only those receiving unemployment benefits.  So what these scum bags did was put forth the lie that they went out and did a house by house survey and determined that 1 million of the 15 million unemployed had just decided to quit looking for work and starve to death.  (I don’t remember being asked, do you?)
Continue reading “99ers Send Barry Home”

President Obama has called on another one of his Chicago gangland buddies to come to work for him in our Whitehouse.  William Daley, son of legendary Mayor of Chicago, Richard J. Daley, and brother to current Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, is going to be Obama’s new Chief of Staff.  He served as U.S. Secretary of Commerce from 1997 to 2000 and is a lawyer and business executive.  Currently he is serving on the Executive Committee of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co that received $25 billion in bailout cash.  He reportedly opposed the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  He also led the effort to loosen regulations on accounting and auditing.  Daley is known for his supporting business friendly policies.  So, looks like we have another crooked banker in the Whitehouse.  Things are bound to get better now.

Remember when you were a kid in school, remember the big lie, no not drugs, I mean when they told us that any one of us could grow up to be president?  Year after year the same people continue to rule over us.  Our government power base has become a hereditary institution.  And year after year we have to watch new relatives being brought into the fold.  Some of which, like John Boehner, honestly appear to be mildly retarded.  What a mess.
Continue reading “Obama Brings in Hit Man”

It had all the pomp and circumstance of crowning a king as Nancy Pelosi passed the two foot, ten pound gavel to John Boehner, in effect making him Speaker of the House.  All this pomp and circumstance redefines the word “childish” and makes one wonder where these pompous idiots come from.  If you think about it, a soldier in Afghanistan serves his or her country in a tent while being paid about what John Boehner lays on the table for tips in a year.  Why do these people need marble buildings to do the business for people that cannot afford to eat?  Is it because they know they are frauds and phonies and think that the building they are in will actually change who and what they are?

One of the first things Boehner said in his acceptance speech was that he and the rest of Congress were there to protect the freedoms and liberties of the citizens who put them in office.  If this were not a bald faced lie, the first order of business for the 112th Congress would be to repeal the Patriot Act which has stripped the American citizen of his or her 1st through 8th Amendment Rights.  The second order of business would be to order the arrests of 90% of the CEOs that have stolen our wealth and left us on the verge of bankruptcy.
Continue reading “99ers Start Making Some Waves”

The U.S. National debt now stands at $14 trillion.  It is easy to type the number but I believe to truly grasp the enormity it represents is beyond the average citizen’s comprehension.  House Republicans are pledging to cut $100 billion from our $3 trillion budget.  With the quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve it has come to the point that our government no longer bothers to print the money the numbers represent.  They just keep adding zeroes on the accounts and our grandchildren just keep getting further and further in debt.

To give you some idea as to what $14 trillion represents let’s look at something we all can relate to.  $14 trillion would pay for 466 tiers of unemployment.  So you are looking at about 300 years of unemployment benefits, and remember, this is money that is borrowed and has to be paid back.  This is an impossible figure and the only way the richest country on the planet could possibly owe this amount is through fraud and deception.
Continue reading “99ers Get in the Fight”

The people of the United States have always worked toward the ultimate goal of full equality.  This ideal is preached to us every day in every way.  We have even fought wars over it.  So how is equality faring in 2011?  Well that depends on who you are.  The top 1% of the richest Americans at present have 90% of the wealth.  I think this is not equal or fair.

I have been thinking a lot about equality and fairness lately.  Is it equal that there are thousands of plush resorts around our country that many of us will never get to see except on a television screen?  Is it fair that our tax monies go to the peoples of Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands when they pay nothing in?  Many will say that you get what you work for.  These are the same people that make idols out of Paris Hilton and the Saudi Crown Prince.  Think about it.  There are people born in this country that never hit a lick, and not only have everything, but are looked up to for having it.
Continue reading “Equality in Life and Death”

It is being predicted that gas prices will be climbing to $4 to $5 per gallon in the next year.  Though the mainstream propagandists are trying to belittle the situation the fact is this is going to cause drastic affects on our economy.  If gas goes to $5 per gallon, diesel fuel will go to $8.  If there are any smaller trucking companies that survived $5 per gallon diesel two years ago, they will be put out of business this time.  And this is a good thing if you happen to be one of the big trucking corporations as the hike will further eliminate their competition.  Once the smaller companies are out of the way the monopolized trucking industry will be able to set the going rate for ground shipping.

Beef, poultry, and milk have all seen dramatic price increases in the past year.  If the diesel fuel goes to even $6 per gallon we are going to see large increases in literally every consumable commodity we purchase.  And at the same time the speculators are driving up the price of oil and everything else with it they are calling for not only reductions of the minimum wage but wage reductions across the board.
Continue reading “99ers Call the Tories Out”

The new Congress will be convening on the 5th and the false Tea Partiers will be raising the hatchet to the poor, unemployed, old, and even the middle class.  The way Obama is talking it is like he is getting ready to go to his high school reunion.  If the population of this country could just come to grips with the reality of the false left-right paradigm and realize there are no Democrats or Republicans but only a group of international gangsters that want to finish extracting every last morsel of our wealth and take off to their chateaus in Switzerland while we are left to starve in the third world we might actually stand a chance of salvaging a future for our progeny.

In the United States, the richest country on the planet, there are today children going hungry while the greedy rich spend every waking hour trying to figure new ways to take food out of poor children’s mouths.
Continue reading “99ers Get up Close and Personal With our Enemies”

It is 2011, 365 days for the filthy rich to see how much more they can take from us.  Of course the propagandists are blazing away pushing their recovery lie.  People, we no longer have an industrial base, yet the rich continue acquiring more wealth, literally making bank on the stock market in 2010.  As we are producing very little that would represent created wealth, where are all these riches being accumulated by the wealthy coming from?  Well, there is only one logical explanation.

The wealth is being raked up from the lower tiers in our society.  This wealth is represented by profits being made through outsourcing of our jobs and liquidation of the equity we once held in our real property.  It is a transfer of wealth from the middle class and poor to the greedy rich.  And as they are stealing hand over fist they are spouting out of the corners of their mouths, “End regulation” and “Cut our taxes.”
Continue reading “99ers Ranks will Grow in 2011, Happy New Year”