The United Nations is pushing for economic sanctions, a military blockade, and war crime prosecutions in Libya.  It is reported that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has regained control of Libya’s capital city, Tripoli, though violence continues to rage in other cities.  Gaddafi is apparently arming his civilian supporters in an effort to regain complete control over the whole country.

The United States government, which supported Gaddafi before the uprisings, has turned on him completely.  Which leads one to ask the question, what would have been the U.S. attitude towards the other dictators in the Middle East that we have been propping up for the past 60 years if they too would have used violence to quell the uprisings in their countries?  It must be noted that if the U.N. enacts sanctions against Libya it will only hurt the people. 
Continue reading “Libyan and U.S. War Crimes”

Well, here it is 4:53 a.m.  I have a 5:30 deadline to write an article for this website a friend of mine created, in the hopes to inform folks about the truth about things.  Politics, religion, world news, freedom (or the lack thereof) are some of the topics addressed.  This being really my first article for an informational website I should probably introduce myself, but its 5:23 a.m. and I’m out of time so ill get to it.

We are surrounded by negative situations that tend to overwhelm us.  In the mist of all the chaos for the moment if you can get your hands on a Warren Miller flick, plug it in and you too will see what true freedom looks like.  It will help you get into a positive mindset.  I think it’s a positive mindset that helps us combat the negative things that infect our ability to reason, to think clearly, and to be men and women.  These are the things necessary to be part of the solution not part of the problem.  
Continue reading “America, Let’s Wake Up and Learn the Law”

President Barak Obama AKA Barry Soetoro came out decisively behind the labor unions stating that he would put on the most comfortable pair of shoes he owns and march with the protesters.  He stated emphatically that he supported the working middle class.  It is amazing the difference millions of dollars in union campaign contributions makes when considering the plight of American workers. 

Of course Barry made no mention of the 7 million private sector workers that have lost their jobs, their homes, and finally their unemployment when they became 99ers.  You see Barry knows there is discontent out there.  He believes that in embracing the unions he can gain the support of the unemployed, which in truth is where the real numbers are.  In fact I believe the only way Barry can be elected for a second term is if 99ers vote him back in.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters, Obama Needs Your Vote”

Back in the first week of September of 2010 I was asked to write articles as a 99er on the 99er issue for World News Heard Now.  When I observed the degree of apathy and surrender being demonstrated in the comments I realized that those who had attempted to lead the 99ers since they had come into existence were completely clueless as to how to bring any group together.

At that point I decided that, though I was writing for an online paper that was pretty much insignificant, I would try to develop strategies designed to bring the 99ers together as a movement.  At first I set my design on destroying the apathy, by showing 99ers the undeniable power they have under our Constitution, and showing them how their forefathers had found their strength through unity under similar circumstances.
Continue reading “99ers Free Coalition Party Say Yes to HR 589, No to Socialism”

Reports coming out of Libya are saying what had begun as protests have now turned into a full scale civil war.  Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, speaking on state television accused Osama Bin Laden of fostering malcontent among the Libyan people.  He further accused what he deemed as world organizations of bringing drugs into his country and indeed stated that many of the anti-government protesters were taking hallucinogens.  The mainstream media in the United States immediately dismissed the claims as the ravings of a madman.

After hearing the predictions of Lindsey Williams on Wednesday I have to believe Gaddafi might very well be telling the truth.  The fact is Osama Bin Laden was on the payroll of the CIA for some thirty years before becoming the boogie man that necessitated Americans being stripped of their rights through the Patriot Act.  And the idea of the internationals pumping drugs into a country in order to corrupt the youth cannot be dismissed as America is the living proof that it can and has been done.
Continue reading “Libya, Gaddafi, and the Rest of the Story”

I ran across an article entitled, “Can Unions and the 99ers Work Together” by Jason Tabrys on The Examiner dated Feb 23, 2011.  The article suggests that 99ers should join in and become a part of the union marches.  I say no and this is why.  A few months back I talked about Gregg Rosen’s association with AFLCIO.  I predicted that the American 99ers Union was working to persuade the 99ers to come out as front line shock troops for the unions. 

The marches we have seen on television have been peaceful and the reason is that the police have been in support of the teachers.  They in fact formed the line between the pro-union protesters and the Tea Party protesters to insure that no conflicts took place.  The fact is if the police started busting the heads of teachers they would not only be acting against their own union interests, but would also incur the wrath of the general public.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 – 99ers Back 99ers”

Thousands of narcotic agents started conducting raids Wednesday on drug cartel members operating in the United States.  The raids are in retaliation for the murder of one ICE Agent and the wounding of another outside of Mexico City last week. 

Jaime Zapata was murdered and a second agent, Victor Avalo was wounded, when the vehicle they were traveling in was ran into the ditch, after which an assailant, who is believed to be a member of the Zetas Drug Cartel, fired into the vehicle. 

The raids are being conducted across the United States.  Some but not all cities being raided were listed.  Among those listed were Atlanta, St. Louis, Denver, Detroit, San Antonio, San Diego, Chicago, Newark and Miami.  Continue reading “DEA and the Drug Cartel Members”

We are seeing renewed attacks on prescription pain medications.  Those orchestrating the attacks are citing increased abuse as their cause.  The first of the most recent assaults on prescription pain medications began in 2006 with the overdose death of Daniel Smith, the son of Anna Nicole Smith, who likewise died of an overdose in 2007, and then Heath Ledger in 2008, and Michael Jackson in 2009.  All of the aforementioned deaths were widely publicized and it was revealed that all were taking excessive amounts of prescription drugs which they were procuring through multiple sources and under multiple identities.

So how do the deaths of four individuals come to affect the lives of millions?  The deaths of these celebrities were used as the foundation for a campaign designed to make prescription pain medications harder to acquire for every citizen, even those being prescribed the medications for documented chronic pain. 
Continue reading “State Sponsored Heroin Use”

If you want to see what a real revolution looks like watch the footage coming out of Libya, where both sides are armed and determined to fight to the last man.  Having been exposed to the truth as to the end goal for the Middle East I am currently watching the formation of the new super Muslim state take place. 

I truly had no idea how much Muslims hated Americans until I did my article on Iran.  The comments I received from that country were aggressive.  I responded to them by suggesting they might want to look at our Constitution as an avenue to true freedom and liberty.  The response I got was “We hate your thoughts” and the more I look into the situation, the more I realize that it is true. 
Continue reading “Muslim Cleric Declares War on U.S.”

99ers are becoming more and more frustrated with the seeming lack of attention being given to HR 589 and their concerns are well founded.  With the individual members of the subcommittee’s invocation of their unconstitutional private policy which says they will only take input from their constituents in reference to the national policy they will be deciding, the 99ers seem to have their hands bound.  If that is so I say our first priority must be to break the bonds. 

Thus we must strengthen our resolve in forcing our so called representatives to not only recognize us but honestly consider our input.  If they fail to do so we will vote them out in 2012, but that does not put groceries on the shelf today.  The situation is urgent and if we are smart we will treat it as such.  At the end of this article we will be addressing another member of the subcommittee to see who they are representing in reality. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Conflict is Spreading”

Time continues to tick by and millions of 99ers grow more and more desperate with each passing moment.  The bright side is we are seeing more organization in our ranks every day.  Many of us are ready and willing to promote and further our cause.  However at the moment all our efforts are being stifled through blatant violations of our most basic freedoms and rights. 

Today we are going to address Lloyd Doggett, a Democrat from Texas and a ranking member of the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the House Ways and Means where HR 589 sits in limbo.  Doggett, like the rest of the members of the subcommittee has taken the position that he will refuse to hear our voices, which begs the question, if not us, who does he represent?
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 by Force”

Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi is vowing to go down fighting and if necessary die as a martyr.  It is our natural instincts as Americans to always side with the people in rebellion against a dictatorial government.  But after listening to what was revealed by Lindsey Williams on the Alex Jones show yesterday I am left wondering as to what I should or should not believe in reference to all of the anti-government activities going on in the Middle East.

Mr. Williams stated that he had learned via inside sources inside the oil industry that all of the turmoil we have been witnessing in the Middle East has been planned and paid for by international oil interests.  The fact is we have vast reserves of oil within the United States.  Shockingly the largest oil field on the planet is in Alaska and has remained untapped on purpose. 
Continue reading “Gadhafi Vows to Fight to the Death as the Plot is Revealed”

The United States State Department is telling all nonessential embassy employees in Libya to get out now.  Also travel warnings have been issued telling Americans not to go to Libya and that if you are an American already in Libya you need to leave as soon as possible. 

Libya leader, Moammar Gadhafi has declared war on his own people, labeling them as traitors.  Gadhafi has ruled Libya since 1969.  He has declared that his forces will fight to the last man and the last bullet.
Continue reading “Events Turn Bloody in Libya – Truths to be Revealed Today”

The 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees our people the right to redress of grievances.  This is to say we have the right to take our issues to our government in order to have them resolved.  Evidently the Congress persons making up the subcommittee in the House Ways and Means that will be deciding HR 589 seem to have taken the position that our 1st Amendment guarantee is conditional and only applies to them as federal employees in reference to their own constituents. 

The members of the committee who are deciding an issue that will affect U.S. citizens in every district across this country are saying they will only listen to input from their constituents in their individual districts.  This is a blatant violation of every other U.S. citizen’s right to equal access under the 14th Amendment and our right to redress of grievances under the 1st Amendment.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Denied Constitutional Rights by Subcommittee”

The demonstrations being conducted by the public sector unions, coupled with the battle over the budget are serving to remove the issue of the 99ers and HR 589 from the realm of the thoughts of everyone but the 99ers.  The news blackout in reference to the 99ers has been effectively reinstated, just in time for Congress to take another well deserved vacation.  As we 99ers struggle to stay warm and keep from starving to death our so called representatives are once again retiring to the comforts of their multimillion dollar homes. 

After the one week vacation the Congress will be returning to face an emergency.  No it is not the 99ers but rather the possibility of a government shutdown.  I don’t think we 99ers are really too concerned about the prospect of the government shutting down as it might as well not even exist as far as we are concerned.
Continue reading “99ers – HR 589 – Push the Legislation”

The fact that the lives of the average Americans have changed over the past thirty years is the epitome of understatement.  The various alterations we have gone through cannot be calculated.  Through the course of these changes the buzz word has been “Change is good” and “You cannot stop progress.”  It is undeniable that progress is unstoppable.  But has the change it has resulted in really been for the better? 

We now have a whole generation of citizens who were raised in day care, as progress and change forced both parents into the workplace, not so much as a matter of survival, but as the most feasible avenue to prosperity.  There have been some positive accomplishments as a result of the change, such as the advancement of women’s rights and prestige in the workplace.  But at what cost? 
Continue reading “Grunge Barbie”

Violence in Libya is escalating as their government is making an attempt to stifle all reporting on the situation there.  This being the case the reports coming out of Libya are unconfirmed as eyewitness accounts.  The unconfirmed reports are saying that the government security forces are attacking protesters using vicious and deadly tactics.  There are reports of funeral processions being fired on.  And one report said a helicopter opened up on a crowd with machine gun fire. 

Best estimates have the death toll at two hundred with scores more injured, causing hospitals to be overrun to the point that they cannot provide adequate care for the casualties.
Continue reading “Middle East Plan Progressing on Schedule”

Many 99ers seem baffled by the fact that the public workers unions so easily brought their issue to the streets.  Many 99ers seem to think that they possess magic that we just do not have.  And the fact is they do.  The public workers unions spent $30 million to organize the protesters and get them into action.  The sad fact is most 99ers can’t afford to go a mile from their house and back. 

The thousands of public sector workers who were on the streets yesterday were met by counter protesters composed of Tea Partiers who had been bused in.  Well I have a message for those Tea Partiers.  You have just gone against your own people for those who have been robbing you blind.  I   think it was in the movie, “Gangs of New York” where the rich man said, “You can always pay one half the poor to kill the other half.” 
Continue reading “Tea Partiers Turn Against Their Own in Wisconsin”

There have been a series of comments coming into our site from another 99er site identifying themselves as Displaced American Workers United.  When these commenters first appeared I took them to be genuinely concerned about those 99ers who feel they have reached the end of their rope.  This being the case I allowed them to promote their site on ours.  After which they began attacking our stance on reality, even going so far as to insult us.  Well we are not here in The Trenches because we allow others to walk on us and these socialist mental midgets from DAWU are no exception.

I put up and run From the Trenches World Report but it belongs to the 99ers that are making it a growing reality that is putting forth the most unexpected adversary to those who would see the 99ers swept under the rug. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Not Because They Pity Us but Because They Fear Us”

It is a well known fact that President Obama is an undisputed expert at talking out of both sides of his mouth and it appears he is going to need this skill in addressing a U.N. resolution put forth by the Lebanese government.  The resolution calls for condemnation of Israel’s further building of settlements in the West Bank.  The resolution apparently has the backing of more than a hundred countries and is predicted to pass whether the United States backs it or not.

Obama has stated that the United States will abstain from the vote in an effort to block it, which further emphasizes the precarious situation the United States finds itself in reference to the Muslim world. 
Continue reading “Will Obama Block UN Resolution against Israel?”