Month: March 2013
Before It’s News – by Chief Mark Kessler
I was approached by a young man who stopped by the police station. He stated he was a marine, he’s friends with a lot of law enforcement officers, ect, I thought he was a stand up straight forward guy!
He then offered to create a Facebook account on my behalf, now until I meet this person everything has been 100% positive! The fb account was created, he created a csf page, shortly after the csf page was created, a Facebook page was created titled (try chief mark Kessler for treason,) now out of 1082 friends on the facebook page he created on my behalf, (he was the only one to bring to my attention the anti-chief Kessler page!, not one other person even noticed but him! Continue reading “Beware the Oathkeeper Trolls”
Manchester Community College was on lockdown Wednesday after a student contacted authorities to report that another student had a gun in his waistband.
The Connecticut college posted an alert on its website shortly after the 2 p.m. incident, confirming an all-campus lockdown: Continue reading “Manchester Community College Lockdown: Gunman Report Prompts Campus Closure In Connecticut”
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — After launching campaigns against the Big Gulp, “big” salt and “big” junk food, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is embarking on a new target.
He wants to stop New Yorkers from going deaf, so he’s put in motion an attack on ear buds, CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer reported Wednesday. Continue reading “Cranked-Up Earbuds Next On Mayor Bloomberg’s Health Hit List”
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Bumble Bee Foods LLC is recalling some of its 5-ounce canned tuna because of a risk the fish could spoil.
The company said Wednesday that some cans’ seals may not be tight enough. Loose seals could let in pathogens and spoil the tuna, sickening an eater.
There have been no reports so far of any related illnesses. Continue reading “Bumble Bee Tuna Recall: Company Pulls Some 5-Ounce Cans Over Risk The Fish Could Spoil”
Warrior Talk News – by GABE SUAREZ
Gunfighting has always been an ongoing study. There are innovations being made constantly, both in the tactical (aka skills) and technical (aka gear) areas. It is a mistake to focus exclusively on one, and ignore the other. For example, one may have very good night combat skills, but his ability to apply will be severely limited if all he has is a 5 shot J frame with a mini maglite. On the other hand, a man with a PVS-14 and an OTAL laser that has no tactical skills will not fare any better. The key then is to have the technical to match the tactical. And when one considers that the tactical is more easily improved than the technical, it makes sense to start with the best kit possible, and then grow into it. Continue reading “Owning The Night – Which Path?”
While it is widely assumed that the too-big-to-fail banks in the US (and elsewhere) are beyond the criminal justice system – based on simple empirical fact – when the Attorney General of the United States openly admits to the fact that he is “concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them,” since, “it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy,” one has to stare open-mouthed at the state of our union. It appears, just as the proletariat assumed, that too-big-to-fail banks are indeed too-big-to-jail. Continue reading “Eric Holder: Some Banks Are So Large That It Is Difficult For Us To Prosecute Them”
Sen. Paul’s filibuster can be viewed live on CSpan 2. Senator Rand Paul is leading a one-man filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination to lead the CIA.
Senator Paul is on the Senate floor quoting Hayek, Montesquieu, Glenn Greenwald and an author at liberal blog FireDogLake in his effort to prevent Brennan’s nomination from going through. He says he will not stop until President Obama confirms that drones will not be used to target Americans on American soil. Continue reading “Rand Paul Filibusters Brennan Nomination”
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel met with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Tuesday at the Pentagon to reassure him that the diplomatic window on Iran is closing and that, despite tough fiscal times in Washington, exorbitant amounts of aid to Israel would not be affected.
According to the Pentagon, “Secretary Hagel expressed his strong commitment to Israel’s security, including maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge and continued US support for missile and rocket defense systems in spite of fiscal constraints.” Continue reading “Hagel to Barak: US Will Keep Up Aid to Israel Despite Fiscal Troubles”
Blacklisted News – by Tony Cartalucci
US corporate-financier funded think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), declared in its “post-Chávez checklist for US policymakers,” that the US must move quickly to reorganize Venezuela according to US interests. Upon its checklist were “key demands”:
- The ouster of narco-kingpins who now hold senior posts in government
- The respect for a constitutional succession
- The adoption of meaningful electoral reforms to ensure a fair campaign environment and a transparent vote count in expected presidential elections; and
- The dismantling of Iranian and Hezbollah networks in Venezuela Continue reading “US Plots Conquest of Venezuela in Wake of Chavez’ Death”
Huffington Post – by Radley Balko
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has launched a nationwide campaign to assess police militarization in the United States. Starting Wednesday, ACLU affiliates in 23 states are sending open records requests to hundreds of state and local police agencies requesting information about their SWAT teams, such as how often and for what reasons they’re deployed, what types of weapons they use, how often citizens are injured during SWAT raids, and how they’re funded. More affiliates may join the effort in the coming weeks. Continue reading “ACLU Launches Nationwide Police Militarization Investigation”
China National Petroleum Corp., the country’s biggest oil company, is seeking its first stake in the U.S. as Chinese explorers with $40 billion of cash try to join an energy renaissance unlocking billions of barrels of crude.
“We are currently studying” investing in U.S. oil, Jiang Jiemin, chairman of the state-run company, said yesterday at the National People’s Congress meetings in Beijing. Domestic rival China Petrochemical Corp. last month agreed to buy stakes in an Oklahoma field from Chesapeake Energy Corp. (CHK) for $1.02 billion. Continue reading “China Joining U.S. Shale Renaissance With $40 Billion”
US Premier Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side of Chicago back alley Zionist lapdog, will be heading to Israel in a few weeks. For the last couple of days, we American nationals have been enduring the arrogant blowhards at AIPAC attempting to assert their false and fraudulent authority within our sovereign borders.
Yesterday, Benny Netanyahu was in the mainstream propaganda with a mean look on his face telling us, “Sanctions alone will not stop Iran. Sanctions must be coupled with a clear and credible military threat if diplomacy and sanctions fail.” Continue reading “King Netanyahu Hands Down Dictate to US Government”
On his program Monday night, Jon Stewart said that the sequester, which took effect Friday, was like an “autoerotic asphyxiation” for Congress. As the comedian pointed out, the whole idea of the sequester was supposed to be so painful that Democrats and Republicans would work together on a plan to avert the $85 billion in automatic across-the-board budget cuts.
However, because this is Congress, we all probably should have figured out far in advance that it would figure out some way to screw it up. Continue reading “‘The Daily Show’: Jon Stewart Rips ‘Incompetent’ Congress Over Sequester”
The second video below was made by Ernst Zundel in 2000. It is an interview with an Israeli reporter. Early into the interview he tells the reporter that voracious Jewish appetites will create Weimar like conditions in America. And this will lead to A Final Solution of the Jewish problem in the United States.
In 1999 the Jews had their Gentile kept politicians repeal Glass Steagall which had protected Americans from commercial banks speculating with their depositors money on wild investments. Continue reading “Ernst Zundel Warns The Jews About Doing To America What They Did To Germany”
The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen
You know who you are.
Those with evil in their hearts, a lack of respect for life, those devoid of conscience and so easily offended by a sideways glance that you believe the glancer’s life should be ended.
ATTENTION – PREPARE TO MOVE TO COLORADO – BRING YOUR GUNS OR STEAL ONE WHEN YA GET THERE!!! Continue reading “Molesters and Murderers Welcome in Colorado!!”
Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel
The Maryland State Senate approved a gun control bill that severely restricts the 2nd Amendment rights of citizens. A fingerprint identifier is now required to purchase a gun as a deterrent from violent situations concerning firearms.
Senator Nathaniel J. McFadden said: “You can get a gun quicker than you can get an apple or an orange in my community. It’s an outrage, and we need to do something about it.” Continue reading “Maryland Now Requires Fingerprint Identification to Purchase Gun”
Originally named Misión San Antonio de Valero, the Alamo served as home to missionaries and their Indian converts for nearly seventy years. Construction began on the present site in 1724. In 1793, Spanish officials secularized San Antonio’s five missions and distributed their lands to the remaining Indian residents. These men and women continued to farm the fields, once the mission’s but now their own, and participated in the growing community of San Antonio. Continue reading “Remember the Alamo – March 6, 1836”
The Daily Rant – by Roseann Salanitri
Barack Obama promised to transform America. Usually, if the man tells you it will be sunny all day, you would be wise to take an umbrella with you. Unfortunately, this is one time he meant what he said. More unfortunate, the promise to transform America seemed relatively innocuous – just nice sounding-words that people could interpret to mean what they wanted them to mean. However, BO had a very specific plan in mind – a plan that would undermine our very freedoms and enslave us by increasing our dependence on government. It has become apparent that in order for him to “transform” America, he must first destroy it. He is, indeed, a man seeking to change times and laws. Continue reading “Calling A Spade A “Spade””