Curious where all that dramatic stock footage of one (or the other) side in the ongoing Egyptian (non-)coup comes from? Apparently quite a bit of it is from repeated takes of the best staged (counter) revolution that Straight-To-YouTube money can buy.
The following clip released by LiveLeak shows a Muslim Brotherhood “demonstration” in Egypt that was specifically staged to get the most dramatic poses, as the actors freeze their poses for the photographers. Injuries and even bloodstains are faked. Which is not to say only the MB is responsible for such drama: what is shown below is a prevalent tactic used across various ideologies and factions around the world to generate sympathy with the naive, gullible and easily influenced “western” audiences who are always willing to accept “reality” at face value. Continue reading “The Muslim Brotherhood: The Best Straight-To-YouTube Actors Money Can Buy?”
One of the big reasons the U.S. economy is so lousy is that big American companies are hoarding cash and “maximizing profits” instead of investing in their people and future projects.
DALLAS (AP) — A suspect in the fatal shootings of four people in two Dallas-area homes was in custody Thursday as police tried to determine what prompted the attacks just minutes apart and whether an explosive was used.
Four people were also wounded in the attacks. The first shooting took place at a house in southwest Dallas late Wednesday and another was about 15 minutes later in DeSoto, some 10 miles away, Dallas police Sgt. Warren Mitchell said. Continue reading “Police: 4 dead, 4 wounded in Dallas-area shootings”
The Internal Revenue Service reportedly received incriminating information on US citizens from the Drug Enforcement Agency, with the assistance of the National Security Agency, before concealing the paper trail from defendants.
Details of a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) program that provides tips to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and then advises them to “recreate the investigative trail” were published in a manual used by IRS agents for two years, Reuters revealed. Continue reading “IRS gets help from DEA and NSA to collect data”
A government created fear designed to enlist public support for controls, legislation, rules and regulation increasing government power, while reducing individual rights, is called a False Flag Event (FFE). The fear is usually something quite dramatic, like the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the decimation of the World Trade Centers. But, fear can also be insidious, fanning out slowly like carbon monoxide filling an unventilated garage while a motor vehicle is running. Slow FFEs include promotional agendas regarding some anticipated dramatic violence such as propaganda hyped pandemics, or the eventual nuclear arming of Iran. Continue reading “Drills, Props and Propaganda Predicting Large Scale False Flag Events”
Helen Clark was the first female Prime Minister in the history of New Zealand. She is both a socialist and a globalist. During the five years and seven months that I lived in New Zealand, she was the prime minister for 2 of those years. Helen Clark was in office for a total of nine years (three full terms).
The gossip in New Zealand was simple, Helen Clark was to go along with the “new world order” which is really the “old world order” and if she did upon exiting her position as New Zealand’s Prime Minister would be appointed into a key position at the United Nations. Continue reading “Helen Clark Former PM of New Zealand Sold Out To The UN.”
The rights guaranteed by the constitution are being trampled on more, while the public will not stand up yet and demand their rights be returned.
At the Sanger Oaks apartments and other apartment communities in Waco Texas, police officers are participating in a nazi-like ‘Crime Free Housing’ program, where they search apartments, check safety features to make their presence seem necessary, and trample people’s rights while carefully making it seem as if they are doing someone a service. It seems clear that everywhere in the US, the police, agencies of government, DHS, DOJ, DOD, CIA, all of those unnecessary gangs, will expand their powers more and more. Continue reading “Waco TX Police Search Apartment Complexes, For A ‘Crime Prevention and Safety Inspection’- The Police State Grows”
For years, sources within the alternative media have been predicting that eventually there will be a massive roll out of TSA VIPR teams who will patrol local neighborhoods, transit areas, and high profile events. The implementation of this militarized police force has happened very slowly, over the course of a decade, so the general population has yet to catch on, and the mainstream media has been able to completely ignore this situation. That is, until now. Continue reading “NY Times Confirms That TSA VIPR Teams are Patrolling American Towns”
HERE is a symbol of China’s assault on the American economy: the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, which connects Brooklyn and Staten Island. This landmark, which opened in 1964, is North America’s longest suspension bridge. It’s also in urgent need of renovation. Unfortunately, $34 million in steel production and fabrication work has been outsourced to China.
How did this happen? The Metropolitan Transportation Authority says a Chinese fabricator was picked because the two American companies approached for the project lacked the manufacturing space, special equipment and financial capacity to do the job. But the United Steelworkers claims it quickly found two other American bridge fabricators, within 100 miles of New York City, that could do the job. Continue reading “The Price of ‘Made in China’”
This according to the keepers of acceptable opinion at two divergent publications.
Both The Economist and the Montgomery Advertiserrecently ran opinion pieces skewering nullification, specifically state efforts to block unconstitutional federal gun laws in Kansas and Alabama. Interestingly, both the author of The Economist piece and the editorial board over at the Alabama newspaper used the same strategy. They both try to make their readers believe anybody who actually views nullification as legitimate must not be too bright. Their implication? “The federal government enjoys absolute supremacy and a bunch of dumb racist, rednecks who don’t know anything about the U.S. government want states to ignore laws they don’t happen to like.” Continue reading “A Basic Civics Lesson for Pseudo-Historians”