Groundhog Day In IllinoisTime – by Jennifer Latson

Feb. 2, 1887: Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, holds its first Groundhog Day celebration

The first Groundhog Day celebration wasn’t such a picnic for Punxsutawney Phil’s progenitors. When Punxsutawneyans gathered on a hilltop known as Gobbler’s Knob on this day, Feb. 2, in 1887, they did so not just to celebrate the weather-forecasting wizardry of the groundhog — the rodent was also on the menu.   Continue reading “The Original Groundhog Day Involved Eating the Groundhog”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

So much for the power of open records requests. Sure, you get some scratch paper out of the deal, but otherwise, there’s nothing “open” about this shooting report delivered in response to the Wichita Eagle’s request. (h/t to Techdirt reader Brig C. McCoy, via

The city of Wichita has released a heavily redacted public incident report from the Jan. 3 police shooting of John Quintero. Continue reading “Wichita Police Respond To Request For Shooting Incident Details With A Handful Of Fully-Redacted Pages”

Dobynspic.jpgFox News – by William La Jeunesse, Maxim Lott

A federal judge angrily accused Justice Department attorneys in newly unsealed documents of “fraud upon the court” by intimidating a witness in a case involving a former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent who alleges the agency trashed his reputation.

Judge Francis Allegra, who was appointed to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in 1998 by President Bill Clinton, is presiding over a suit brought by former ATF agent Jay Dobyns against the government agency, which he claims retaliated against him and damaged his reputation. Dobyns infiltrated Hell’s Angels and worked on cases involving the Aryan Brotherhood and MS-13 during his law enforcement career.    Continue reading “Federal judge blasts DOJ lawyers in case of ATF whistle-blower”

Workers from the United Steelworkers (USW) union walk a picket line outside the Shell Oil Deer Park Refinery in Deer Park, Texas February 1, 2015.(Reuters / Richard Carson )RT

Workers at nine US oil refineries and chemical plants across four states, producing some 10 percent of the country’s fuel, went on strike after their union announced that negotiations on their salaries and safety concerns failed.

The mass walkout of refinery workers – the first since 1980 – took place on Sunday, after the United Steelworkers union (USW) rejected the fifth offer by the industry’s main negotiator, Royal Dutch Shell Plc, which in turn halted talks.   Continue reading “Workers on strike at 9 oil refineries producing 10% of US fuel”


WASHINGTON — With Russian-backed separatists pressing their attacks in Ukraine,NATO’s military commander, Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, now supports providing defensive weapons and equipment to Kiev’s beleaguered forces, and an array of administration and military officials appear to be edging toward that position, American officials said Sunday.

President Obama has made no decisions on providing such lethal assistance. But after a series of striking reversals that Ukraine’s forces have suffered in recent weeks, the Obama administration is taking a fresh look at the question of military aid.   Continue reading “U.S. Considers Supplying Arms to Ukraine Forces, Officials Say”

Sent to us by the author, Kandy Blanco

I could have died on September 2, 2014, because of an illegal partnership and conspiracy involving a dangerous conflict-of-interest between the Pasco County, Florida Sheriff’s Department and a supposedly not-for-profit powerful hospital corporation called Morton Plant Mease Hospital / BayCare Health System.  A Pasco County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to my 911 call, which I made while seeking help for my medical condition, and he came into my home and abducted me.  He took me away from my home under the false pretense of promising to take me to a hospital, himself, instead of calling for an EMS unit with trained paramedics to medically evaluate me.  The Deputy never did take me to a hospital, which I desperately needed.  This was done in order for the Pasco County, Florida Sheriff’s Department to illegally financially help the above-mentioned hospital corporation.  The terrible chain of events that followed could happen to any innocent citizen and clearly violated multiple Federal laws, as well as my Constitutional Civil Rights and liberties.   Continue reading “I Was Abducted By a Sheriff’s Deputy To Produce Illegal Corporate Profits”

The Organic Prepper

Here’s one of those stories that is so utterly ridiculous that you’ll be hard-pressed to believe it’s not satire.  It should be satire, an ironic tale geared to point out how ridiculous the culture of fear in America is. Unfortunately, it’s painfully, ridiculously real.

A 9 year old boy from Kermit, Texas was suspended last week for making terrorist threats. What could a 9 year old do that was so terrifying?  Did it involve guns? Knives? A plan to blow up the school?

Nope. it involved a ring. A magical one, as a matter of fact.    Continue reading “Texas School Takes “Magical Threats to Children’s Safety Seriously”; Suspends Boy Over Hobbit Ring Terrorism”

The Christian Science Monitor – by Seth Robbins

Thousands of immigrants seeking legalization through the U.S. court system have had their hearings canceled and are being told by the government that it may be 2019 or later before their futures are resolved.

Some immigration lawyers fear the delay will leave their clients at risk of deportation as evidence becomes dated, witnesses disappear, sponsoring relatives die and dependent children become adults.   Continue reading “Immigrants see court dates cancelled as Justice Department is overwhelmed with cases”

The New American – by Alex Newman

As the world is increasingly divided up into geographic “regions” under regional regimes cobbled together under the guise of pseudo-“free trade,” Israeli authorities are now quietly working to create what they call “free trade zones” with both the Communist Chinese regime and the Kremlin-dominated Eurasian Economic Union (member countries shown in green). The negotiations, officially announced this week, come as globalist plotters around the world accelerate their now-open efforts to subvert national sovereignty at a regional level — all on the road toward what top officials from Beijing and Moscow to London and Washington, D.C., regularly and openly refer to as their “New World Order.”      Continue reading “Globalism Wins as Israel Plans “Free Trade” With Putin, Beijing”

Mom 'Irate' By School's Decision to Diaper 6-Year-OldTarpon Springs Patch – by Sherri London

A Tarpon Springs mom is up in arms after she says her daughter was barred access to the bathroom, forced to pee her pants and then diapered by school officials.

The incident at Sunset Hills Elementary occurred on Wednesday, causing 6-year-old Chloee Kingett embarrassment and her mother, Goldie, outrage, reported.   Continue reading “Mom ‘Irate’ By School’s Decision to Diaper 6-Year-Old”

Sent to me by a friend.

A study from the highly respected Journal of Infectious Diseases found that zinc acetate lozenges (and you should always look for zinc acetate) can slash the length of your cold nearly in half, from seven days to four. The lozenges can even reduce days spent coughing from five to two.

Because zinc works by preventing viruses from replicating, you’ll find that zinc products work best when you start taking them during the first 24 hours of your symptoms.   Continue reading “Zinc reduces colds and pneumonia symptoms”

Kermit ISDOA Online

A Kermit parent said his fourth-grade student was suspended Friday for allegedly making a terroristic threat.

His father, Jason Steward, said the family had been to see “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies” last weekend. His son brought a ring to his class at Kermit Elementary School and told another boy his magic ring could make the boy disappear.   Continue reading “Parent: Fourth-grader suspended after using magic from ‘The Hobbit’”

Forget American Sniper: History's Greatest Shots RevealedForces TV

While the movie American Sniper and its depiction of former US Navy SEAL Chris Kyle are getting all the plaudits from film and television awards, we look back through history to see how snipers of times gone by fare against the modern day hero.   Continue reading “Forget American Sniper: History’s Greatest Shots Revealed”

Welcome To Sandy HookCourant – by Josh Kovner

HARTFORD – With final edits and approvals, members of the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission have begun to think about the impact their report on the Newtown school massacre will have on parents of victims and surviving children, as well as people who might be reading the document 20 years from now.

Should Nancy Lanza, killed by her son before he went on the rampage, be acknowledged as the 27th victim of the Dec. 14, 2012 elementary school tragedy? Should the report begin, as is contemplated, with a detailed, graphic, almost forensic, recounting of Adam Lanza’s movements inside the elementary school that day? Should there be a disclaimer saying the account will be painful and objectionable to some? And should the report refer to Lanza as “A.L.” — as the draft does throughout — or use his name, despite the rage and resistance it can stir among the parents?   Continue reading “Sandy Hook: Adam Lanza’s Name Won’t Be in Report, Mother Not on List of Victims”