Portrait of Firefighter (Shutterstock)Raw Story – Reuters

A seven-alarm fire that destroyed a warehouse and forced an evacuation in one of New York City’s trendiest neighborhoods could take weeks to extinguish completely, fire officials said on Sunday.

Some 270 firefighters have been sent to battle the blaze, which broke out early on Saturday, charring a four-story storage facility in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, said firefighter Daniel Glover. The cause of the fire is under investigation.   Continue reading “Fire in trendy New York City neighborhood could be burning for weeks, officials say”

Boko Haram.(AFP Photo /  Boko Haram)RT

The Nigerian military has fought off a new attack by Boko Haram militants in the key city of Maiduguri, located in the country’s northeast. Seizure of the city could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe just before presidential elections.

Witnesses told AFP that the insurgents began shooting at 3:00 a.m. local time (2 a.m. GMT) on Sunday in the southern suburbs of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state, but were confronted by government troops and local vigilantes. At least eight people died in the attack, witnesses and a hospital source told Reuters.   Continue reading “Boko Haram attacks key Nigerian city second time in a week”

The Organic Prepper

So…after you saw last week’s infographic on the budget-friendly winter vegetables you should be eating, you decided to go for it. You went to the farmer’s market and got yourself some winter vegetables.  They’re the best bargain around this time of year, so you were very happy to see how affordable they are.

But now, you have a lumpy pile of unfamiliar produce on your cutting board.  What the heck do you do with this?   Continue reading “How to Cook Turnips, Celeriac, and Rutabagas”

Total News Blackout In Canada – People vs Central BankMax Resistance

We do not have to explain that one of the GREATEST FRAUDS of all time is the central banking hoax.
We the people of Canada own the central Bank but it was stolen in 1974.

In a class action suit filed by Lawyer Rocco Galati on December 12, 2011 there has been a complete News Blackout regarding the proceedings of this lawsuit.   Continue reading “Total News Blackout In Canada – People vs Central Bank”

vaccineNatural News – by Mike Adams

The surest sign of a medical dictatorship is an aggressively enforced blockade against intelligent questions. Intelligent questions, after all, can destroy a medical police state because they expose the fraud of it.

Intelligent questions — which the vaccine industry characterizes as “dangerous” — are the greatest threat to the vaccine delusions still being played out across the world today, which is precisely why such questions are not allowed to be asked. Those daring to ask such questions are now being threatened with mass arrest and imprisonment — that’s how vulnerable the fraudulent vaccine industry has now become. It can be brought down by mere words if only those words are allowed to be circulated.   Continue reading “The 21 curious questions we’re never allowed to ask about vaccines”

135th Meeting Of The Organisation Of Petroleum Countries (OPEC) ConferenceThe Energy Collective

The Saudis have stated that their goal in maintaining current oil output and export volumes has been to protect market share against foreign rivals.

The Saudi’s rivals are not limited to other oil producers though, they are also striving to undermine clean energy technologies and climate change policies.   Continue reading “Energy Quote of the Day: ‘Lower Oil Prices will Make it More Difficult to Achieve Climate-Change Goals’”

Anti-War – by Margaret Griffis

January closed out with 293 deaths and 289 wounded. Most of the casualties were among the Islamic State militants. That brought the monthly totals to 6,106 dead and 1,953 wounded.

There were 1,587 deaths reported among civilians and security members. Another 4,519 dead were reported among Islamic State militants. The number of wounded was 1,953, including 431 injured militants. These figures are not independently confirmable and should be considered only estimates.   Continue reading “At least 6,106 Killed in Iraq during January”

Legit Gov

Recently, we learned: ‘Black Hawk helicopters and truck-sized X-ray machines that are typically deployed along the U.S.-Mexico border have been brought to the Super Bowl venue to assist with the security effort.’ Additionally: ‘The NFLjust issued a statement saying reps from the following agencies are on board: Department of Homeland Security; Immigration and Customs Enforcement; FBI; United States Secret Service; Phoenix PD and Glendale PD.’ And yet: ‘NFL president Roger Goodell made $44 million last year, as head of a not-for-profit.   Continue reading “Americans on hook for millions spent on Super Bowl’s over-the-top security while NFL still pays no taxes”

Sinking-dollar-debtSovereign Man – by Simon Black

A member of my staff caught an obscure resolution that was introduced in the US House of Representatives last week—Resolution no. 41.

The fact that there was essentially no coverage of this Resolution really shows how the mainstream media is completely turning a blind eye to the true fiscal situation of the United States of America.   Continue reading “Here’s some frightening honesty, courtesy of the US Congress”

Loretta Lynch Takes an OathCNS News – by Lauretta Brown

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said Thursday that President Barack Obama’s executive action plan for illegal immigrants was unconstitutional and therefore Congress must not confirm Obama’s attorney general nominee who is committed to executing that “illegal and unconstitutional” policy.

“So, why would we want to confirm someone who’s going to continue to execute an unlawful, unconstitutional policy?” Sessions told CNSNews.com.   Continue reading “Sessions: Why Confirm an AG Who’s Going to Execute an Unconstitutional Policy?”

Washington Post – by Tom Jackman

John B. Geer stood with his hands on top of the storm door of his Springfield, Va., townhouse and calmly said to four Fairfax County police officers with guns pointed at him: “I don’t want anybody to get shot . . . .And I don’t wanna get shot, ’cause I don’t want to die today.”

But as one officer tried to ease Geer through the standoff, another officer, Adam D. Torres, shot and killed Geer from 17 feet away, telling investigators that he saw Geer move his hands to his waist and thought he might be reaching for a weapon, according to newly released documents from the county.   Continue reading “John B. Geer had hands up when shot by police, four officers say in documents”

Village of Bobodol, near Knin, in central Croatia (Reuters / Antonio Bronic)RT

Croatian government have gotten creditors on board a plan to erase the debts of some 60,000 poorest citizens. The “fresh start” scheme targets less than 1 percent of the entire debt, but is hoped to boost the economy in the long-term.

The unorthodox measure was voted for by the government on January 15 and comes into force on Monday. To be eligible to participate debtors must have no savings or property, have a debt no greater than about $5,100 and live on welfare or an income of no higher than $138 per month.   Continue reading “‘Chance for a new start’: Croatia writes off debts of 60,000 poorest citizens”

Reuters / Sebastien NogierRT

Alaska State Troopers are investigating allegations that a Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) used a stun gun or Taser on two young boys after they asked the officer to do so.

The mother of one of the boys, Terry Ward, said the incident occurred last December when a group of about eight or 10 children were getting ready to play a game of kickball outside the Boys and Girls Club in Kake, Alaska, local media reported.   Continue reading “Alaska community officer accused of Tasering 2 young kids because they asked him to”

Shizuo AbeMail.com

TOKYO (AP) — Appalled and saddened by news of journalist Kenji Goto’s purported beheading by Islamic State extremists, Japan ordered heightened security precautions Sunday and said it would persist with its non-military support for fighting terrorism.

The failure to save Goto raised fears for the life of a Jordanian fighter pilot also held by the militant group that controls about a third of both Syria and Iraq. Unlike some earlier messages delivered in the crisis, the video that circulated online late Saturday purporting to show a militant beheading Goto did not mention the pilot.   Continue reading “Horror in Japan as video purports to show hostage beheaded”


WASHINGTON (AP) — Government and aviation industry officials from dozens of countries are meeting in Montreal this week to try to find consensus on how to keep from losing airliners like the one that vanished without a trace in Asia and another shot down in Eastern Europe.

It is only the second high-level safety conference in the 70-year history of the International Civil Aviation Organization, a U.N. agency, but last year was calamitous. A Malaysia Airlines flight disappeared in March and has not been found. In July, another Malaysia Airlines flight was down shot down while flying over an area of Ukraine where ethnic Russian rebels are trying to secede.   Continue reading “Officials meet to address safety after aviation calamities”

Barack ObamaMail.com

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama’s budget will propose an ambitious six-year, $478 billion public works program of highway, bridge and transit upgrades, half of it financed with a one-time mandatory tax on profits that U.S. companies have amassed overseas, White House officials said.

The proposal, one of the main components of the $4 trillion spending plan for the 2016 budget year that Obama will send to Congress on Monday, attempts to tap into bipartisan support for spending on badly needed infrastructure repairs and construction.   Continue reading “APNewsBreak: Obama ties foreign profits tax to public works”


The new Republican Congress is unlikely to repeal the Affordable Care Act even after the GOP’s overwhelming victory in the 2014 midterms, with both medical and political experts agreeing that Americans must learn to live with Obamacare for a few years.

Many Republicans won their elections by criticizing the president’s expansive health-care scheme. But in reality, Obama would block any congressional attempt to rein it in, analysts say.   Continue reading “Doctor: Obamacare medical meltdown underway”