Love this one. Be afraid of people who received the oral polio vaccine decades ago, who might be shedding mutant polio virus (if true, likely due to vaccine damage to the vaccinated person’s immune system). The only way for the unvaccinated to protect themselves from these dangerous vaccinated people is to roll up your sleeve and get the jab!

The Guardian – by Emily Mobley

A British man with an immune deficiency has been shedding a highly virulent, mutant strain of polio virus for nearly 30 years as a result of childhood vaccinations.   Continue reading “Man found to have been shedding virulent strain of polio for 30 years”

Mint Press News – by CNN

Officers from the Fayetteville, Georgia police department brutally arrested a retired four-star Army general, and now he says he’s ashamed to be an American” because of how out-of-control the police have gotten.

William J. Livsey, 84, along with his neighbors, have accused police of severe violent acts during an alleged dispute with a food delivery driver.   Continue reading “Retired Army General Says He’s ‘Ashamed To Be An American’ After Brutal Arrest By Police”

21st Century Wire

Does the gun violence issue really have to do with race?

John Rosenthal is the founder and chairman of  Stop Handgun Violence, a Boston-based 501c3 non-profit organization that, “Works to reduce and prevent injuries and deaths caused by firearms in the United States. The group advocates personal responsibility, public awareness, stronger legislation, increased gun manufacturer responsibility, and strict law enforcement.”   Continue reading “Rosenthal: ‘Hundreds of white people must be killed for gun laws to get stricter’”

Mediaite – by Alex Griswold

The father of murdered journalist Alison Parker slammed politicians “in the pocket of the NRA” on CNN’s New Day, saying they prevented sensible gun laws from being passed.

“It’s senseless that her life and Adam’s life were taken by a crazy person with a gun. If I have to be the John Walsh of gun control–” Andy Parker said (Walsh, the former host of America’s Most Wanted, became an advocate for missing children after his own son was abducted).   Continue reading “Murdered Journalist’s Father Slams Politicians ‘In the Pocket of the NRA’”

Reuters – by Isela Serrano

Countries behind a treaty to regulate the international arms trade have agreed future decisions will be made by majority vote, avoiding the risk of veto, and picked Geneva as the seat of the body to police the accord, Mexico’s government said on Wednesday.

Officials from 121 governments have been meeting in the Mexican resort of Cancun to agree details of how the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) will oversee the multi-billion dollar industry.   Continue reading “Arms treaty conference agrees decisions by majority in Mexico”

Counter Current News

Freedom is apparently bad for business. That’s the message from the private prison industry which is threatening to sue states if they don’t start locking more people up.

The private prison companies, well-known for profiting off of incarceration and crime, is now saying that the state’s they have contracted with aren’t keeping up their end of the bargain. The private prisons rely on a certain number of inmates for free and virtually-free slave labor.   Continue reading “Private Prisons Threaten To Sue States Unless They Get More Inmates For Free Labor”


Hundreds of police in Los Angeles, California will begin wearing body cameras Monday, after a year of preparations. Once fully operational, the LAPD body cam program will be the most extensive in the US, but recordings will be kept from the public.

The first wave of cameras was funded by $1.5 million from private donors, such as Steven Spielberg and the Los Angeles Dodgers. They will go to 860 officers in LAPD’s Mission division, covering the northwestern suburbs in the San Fernando Valley. LAPD plans to outfit more than 7,000 officers with body cameras over the coming months. By contrast, New York is currently using 60 cameras in a pilot program, and wants to buy 5,000 more.   Continue reading “7,000 police body cams to go to LA cops”

Global Research – by David Swanson

If someone has had the good fortune not to encounter the world of U.S. police and prisons, and the misfortune to learn about the world from U.S. schools, entertainment, and “news” media, a great place to start understanding one of the worst self-inflicted tragedies of our era would be with James Kilgore’s short new book, Understanding Mass Incarceration: A People’s Guide to the Key Civil Rights Struggle of Our Time, followed up by Radley Balko’s longer Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces.   Continue reading “The Rise of the “Permanent Prisoners of War” in America”

The Hill – by Julian Hattem

The Associated Press is bringing a lawsuit against the Department of Justice seeking information about the government’s use of a fake news story to catch a teenager suspected of calling in bomb threats.

Along with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, the AP asked a district court on Thursday to force the department to turn over records regarding the FBI’s impersonation of a journalist and creation of a fake story in 2007.   Continue reading “AP sues feds over fake news story”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Ostensibly, and on the surface, they are trained to “help out” with things like natural disasters, floods and hurricanes.

They are “ready” too for chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear hazards.

Slightly below the surface, these Fort Bragg Army engineers are also training — this time in Florida — to assist local authorities in the event of domestic disorder and potential chaos — prepared to quell civil unrest, riots, mass unrest or even the aftermath of terrorist attacks.   Continue reading “Fort Bragg Troops Train for Domestic Emergency: “This Exercise Is About the Home Front””


A judge in Tennessee ruled that the state’s use of lethal injections for executions is constitutional. The ruling came in a lawsuit filed by death row inmates arguing the state’s method violated the Eighth Amendment.

Judge Claudia Bonnyman of David County said Wednesday that the 33 prisoners and their attorneys had not proven during the trail that the state’s protocol posed a risk to the plaintiffs’ constitutional protections.   Continue reading “Lethal injection ruled constitutional in Tennessee”


Maryland has become the first state to adopt rules against police profiling. Police will be banned from using race, religion, or sexual orientation as factors in making routine stops, and can’t stop everyone in a neighborhood when a crime is reported.

Police do a dangerous, difficult job, and they do it well. But experience shows that improper profiling by police does terrible damage,” said Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh while unveiling the new guidelines in a nine-page memorandum on Tuesday.   Continue reading “Maryland first state in US to issue guidelines on police profiling”

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Wal-Mart will stop selling the AR-15 rifle and other semi-automatic weapons at its stores because fewer people are buying them, a spokesman said Wednesday.

The AR-15 rifles and other modern sporting rifles were being sold at less than a third of the company’s 4,600 U.S. stores. Company spokesman Kory Lundberg said Wal-Mart Stores Inc. will remove the remaining inventory as stores transition from summer to fall merchandise, which should take a week or two to complete.   Continue reading “Wal-Mart to stop selling AR-15s and similar weapons”

Collapse News

( An Arizona sheriff has claimed that vast portions of his state are essentially a no man’s land, as no jurisdiction – his included – has real “operational control.”

When asked who had control over regions near Florence, Ariz., by a reporter for Breitbart News, Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu answered flatly, “Nobody does.”   Continue reading “Mexican Cartels Aided By Obama Administration Take Control Of U.S. Southwest As Government Fails To Defend National Sovereignty”

Practical medical guidance for laymen (non-doctors) working on board a ship. This is the 22nd edition, which is the most up-to-date and complete. Continue reading “The ship captain’s medical guide”