Yahoo News

ANKARA (Reuters) – Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu called on Turkey’s political parties to come together and agree a new constitution after his ruling AK Party regained its parliamentary majority at a general election on Sunday.

“I’m calling on all parties entering parliament to form a new civilian national constitution,” he said in a balcony speech to thousands of AKP supporters at the party headquarters in Ankara, as fireworks lit the sky.   Continue reading “Turkish PM calls for new constitution after election victory”

Blacklisted News – Washington Times

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House. Continue reading “$20 Trillion Man: National Debt Nearly Doubles During Obama Presidency”

The Daily Caller – by Casey Harper

A nasty outbreak of E. Coli has forced Chipotle to close dozens of stores in multiple states.

Chipotle has closed 43 restaurants in Washington and Oregon because of the outbreak since many people affected said they ate at the restaurant before getting sick, Fox News Latino reports. So far, 22 people have been affected, eight of them hospitalized since the outbreak began Oct. 14, but experts expect it may only get worse.   Continue reading “Chipotle E. Coli Outbreak Closes Dozens Of Stores And It’s Only Getting Worse”

Video Rebel’s Blog

One of the reasons President Kennedy was assassinated was that the Bankers wanted to make billions of dollars every week laundering drug money. They needed the Vietnam war to last a really long time so they could demoralize young people and get them hooked on drugs. The Bankers had made fortunes from the Opium Wars. Her Majesty’s Jewish Government fought two wars against China (1839-1842 and 1856-1860) so a handful of families could become wealthy beyond our imaginations. Another reason for the President’s assassination was so the Bankers could loot Pentagon spending. $8.5 trillion went missing from the Pentagon since 1995. They are stealing from other departments but $20 billion a year looted from the Housing Department back during the Clinton years is relatively inconsequential compared to war profits.   Continue reading “The Fifty Year Plan To Make Americans Poor”

Intellihub – by Alex Thomas

Fresh off a recent attack on Christians in which he compared God to a rapist, anti-Christian zealot Jeffrey Tayler has written yet another hate piece, this time literally praising Satan as a “decent, noble person” for fighting the “tyranny of the lord”.

The article, published on the infamous clickbait rag, further proves that there is indeed a war on Christianity being waged by hard left zealots who absolutely despise Christians themselves and want nothing more than to fully remove the religion from the country.   Continue reading “Liberal news outlet literally hails Satan, attacks the “tyranny of heaven” in full-scale assault on Christians”

From Enemy of the State.


A 35-year-old man has been charged with two of seven fires set in the span of two weeks in St. Louis, authorities said Friday.

David Lopez Jackson was detained Thursday and is facing two counts of second-degree arson, said St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson.   Continue reading “Man Arrested in Connection With St. Louis Church Fires”

Vox – by German Lopez

Most states in America lets police take and keep your stuff without convicting you of a crime.

These states fully allow what’s known as “civil forfeiture”: Police officers can seize someone’s property without proving the person was guilty of a crime; they just need probable cause to believe the assets are being used as part of criminal activity, typically drug trafficking. Police can then absorb the value of this property — be it cash, cars, guns, or something else — as profit, either through state programs or under a federal program known as Equitable Sharing that lets local and state police get up to 80 percent of the value of what they seize as money for their departments.   Continue reading “These states let police take and keep your stuff even if you haven’t committed a crime”

Courthouse News Service – by MARIA DINZEO 

SAN FRANCISCO (CN) – The city and county of San Francisco is unconstitutionally criminalizing poverty by keeping poor arrestees in jail because they can’t afford to post bail, a federal class action claims.

“Nobody should be detained because they’re too poor to pay an arbitrary amount of money,” Phil Telfeyan of the Washington, D.C.-based Equal Justice Under the Law told reporters Thursday. “A very, very dangerous criminal might be released if they can post $100,000 bond, whereas a completely nonviolent detainee might be in jail for months pending trial simply because she’s too poor to pay that bond amount.”   Continue reading “Poor People Fight Money Bail in San Francisco”

BATR, August 8, 2005

“Them against us”, is the battle cry.  Forget about a “global struggle against violent extremism,” it’s a war, so says President Bush.  Keep the pressure up and the fraud going.  Never let the debate discuss the merits of the strategy or the results of the policy.  Thinking can never be allowed to penetrate the decisions.  Attack any opposition to the course of escalation and permanent intervention.  Fight them “Over There”, so we can be safe at home!  Ever wonder why these terrorists keep building nail bombs while the great super power runs their search and destroy missions?   Continue reading “If terrorists were really serious”

Press TV

Newly revealed documents show that a number of US presidents may have suffered from serious mental disorders.

Former US Presidents Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were all secretly taking psychotropic drugs while in office, the documents show, according to POLITICO.   Continue reading “Several US presidents were mentally ill: Documents”

Take Part – by John R. Platt

If the rusty-patched bumblebee is extremely lucky, it could soon be the first bee species to be protected under the United States Endangered Species Act.

The rusty-patched bumblebee has not been very lucky at all in recent years. The insect, which was once common to the Eastern Seaboard and the Midwest, has disappeared from 87 percent of its historic range. Even where it does exist, its populations are as much as 95 percent smaller than they were a few decades ago.   Continue reading “For the First Time, U.S. Considers Declaring a Bee Endangered”


The former leaders of New York’s two legislative chambers face simultaneous public corruption trials this month in a Manhattan federal courthouse, shining a spotlight on the sordid side of state politics.

Former New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, long one of the state’s most powerful lawmakers, goes on trial this week on charges that he used his office to collect millions of dollars in kickbacks and bribes.   Continue reading “Ex-N.Y. legislative leaders facing U.S. corruption trials”


Shattered debris and burned out parts of the plane – an RT crew has reached the site of the Russian jet crash in Sinai where experts from the Russian Emergency Ministry are working to recover the remains of the victims and to investigate the tragic accident. Some may find the footage disturbing.   Continue reading “First look at site of Russian jet crash in Sinai”


OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Flashing lights pierced the black of night, and the big white letters made clear it was the police. The woman pulled over was a daycare worker in her 50s headed home after playing dominoes with friends. She felt she had nothing to hide, so when the Oklahoma City officer accused her of erratic driving, she did as directed.   Continue reading “Hundreds of officers lose licenses over sex misconduct”

The Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Did you know that the United Nations intends to have biometric identification cards in the hands of every single man, woman and child on the entire planet by the year 2030?  And did you know that a central database in Geneva, Switzerland will be collecting data from many of these cards?  Previously, I have written about the 17 new “Global Goals” that the UN launched at the end of September.  Even after writing several articles about these new Global Goals, I still don’t think that most of my readers really grasp how insidious they actually are.  This new agenda truly is a template for a “New World Order”, and if you dig into the sub-points for these new Global Goals you find some very alarming things.   Continue reading “The UN Plans To Implement Universal Biometric Identification For All Of Humanity By 2030”


An explosion occurred overnight at a nuclear power plant in Doel, northern Belgium, local media reported, adding that the blast caused a fire. The exact damage from the incident remains unknown.

The blast happened around 11pm local time on Saturday. The fire started in Reactor 1 of the plant, but was soon extinguished by personnel.   Continue reading “Explosion rocks nuclear power plant in Belgium”

All News Pipeline – by Deborah Dupre

St Louis residents dying in record numbers is sending locals fleeing, becoming refugees from a sacrifice zone, secretly kept for decades. A cover up was effective until community action resulted in reports explaining the myriad of local “environmental diseases” causing violent deaths was from ingesting and eating radioactive material in their homes and community, linking the horror to the United States war machine’s nuclear weapon system.    Continue reading “St Louis Radiation Poisoning Death Toll Revealed”