Vigilant Citizen

A short clip from the 1981 sitcom Barney Miller features a “kooky” man describing the entire NWO agenda to a police officer who clearly thinks he’s crazy.

In this clip, a man who was arrested for entering the offices of the Trilateral Commission, goes into a diatribe about the great power of the Rockefeller family and the elite’s goal to create a one world government. However, the police officers clearly think he’s crazy as the studio audience laughs at his claims. Here’s the clip.   Continue reading “A Clip From a 1981 Sitcom Explains the NWO”

Fox 6 Now

BROWN DEER — In late February, Kohl’s Corporation said it would close a small fraction of brick-and-mortar stores as it meets the needs of its online customers. Now, we have learned there is one store that will close in Wisconsin — the Kohl’s store on N. Green Bay Road in Brown Deer.

Few of the customers who shop at the store in Brown Deer saw this coming.   Continue reading ““It’s disappointing:” Kohl’s store in Brown Deer one of 18 underperforming stores to close”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Gates, NY — Last week, Stephanie Petrillo’s 15-year-old son Joe was dropped off at their home — battered, bloodied, and with a fractured orbital socket. His mother says she was given no reason for the drop off other than Joe suffered the injuries after he fell on the floor while being restrained by officer Shawn O’Mara of the Gates police department.

After he was dropped off crying and severely injured, Stephanie Petrillo would soon find out about the nasty confrontation between her son and this Gates police officer.   Continue reading “School Cop Destroys 15-yo Student’s Face After He Tried to Call his Mom During Lunch”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

Stupid, this is. Hurt, your brain will.

Farmingdale State College on New York’s Long Island went into lockdown earlier today and students were advised to “shelter in place” after someone called 911 because they saw a man in a campus parking lot armed with a dangerous weapon…   Continue reading “May The Stupid Be With You: College Goes On Lockdown Because Someone Thought A Lightsaber Was A Gun”


The Uber driver in Michigan charged with murdering six people last month in a shooting spree has filed a $10 million federal civil rights lawsuit against the ride-sharing company, saying that it is Uber’s fault he is in prison, court records show.

Jason Dalton, 45, filed the two-page, handwritten lawsuit against Uber in U.S. District Court in Detroit UBER.UL on Tuesday, saying the company ruined his life and never invited him to any “corporate parties.”   Continue reading “Michigan driver charged with murder files $10 million lawsuit against Uber”

Town Hall – by Justin Holcomb

When I speak of an utter disconnect with the American people, people like Curly Haugland, member of the RNC Rules Committee, make my point undeniable true.

In an interview given earlier today on CNBC, he said, “The media has created a perception that the voters will decide the nomination and that’s the conflict here.”   Continue reading “RNC Rule Maker Says “The Media Has Created Perception That Voters Will Decide the Nomination””

Yahoo News

Jerusalem (AFP) – Israel has declared 234 hectares of West Bank territory as state land, officials said Tuesday, leading a watchdog to warn of possible settlement expansion that could increase tensions with Palestinians.

COGAT, the Israeli defence ministry body responsible for implementing government policies in the Palestinian territories, said the move was taken “in accordance with the decision of the political level”.   Continue reading “Israel seizes 234 hectares of West Bank land: officials”

The Unz Review – by Philip Giraldi

I am reluctant to write two weeks in a row about Israel’s malignant influence over the United States but as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is meeting in Washington for its annual Summit beginning next Sunday some commentary would seem desirable. AIPAC’s website claims that its “…mission is to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of Israel and the United States. Our staff and citizen activists educate decision makers about the bonds that unite the United States and Israel and how it is in America’s best interest to help ensure that Israel is safe, strong and secure.”   Continue reading “AIPAC Is Coming to Town”

Liberty Fight

Obama’s latest Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland got his big legal start prosecuting the Oklahoma City bombing case. Garland went to the scene personally, ‘investigated,’ and pushed for the death penalty for Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. After Garland helped cover up the OKC government terrorism operation, arch-criminal Bill Clinton rewarded him by appointing him to the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C.   Continue reading “Jewish USSC Nominee Merrick Garland Headed The Oklahoma City False Flag Whitewash / Prosecutions”

LA Times – by Joseph Serna

Days of rain caused a hillside to collapse and part of a state highway through Trinity County to crumble and wash away this week, cutting off a main pass for locals, Caltrans officials said.

A stretch of pavement several car-lengths long was washed away on California 3 north of Weaverville along with the hillside that supported it between Monday night and Tuesday morning, photos posted on Caltrans’ Facebook page showed. The area, along with most of the northern portion of California, has been soaked by a series of storms since the beginning of the month.   Continue reading “Northern California highway crumbles as storm-soaked hillside collapses”

Gun Owners of America

Today, President Obama took the most significant step in his sordid trail toward transforming our nation.

Obama nominated a virulent anti-gunner to fill the seat of Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.   Continue reading “Obama’s Judicial Pick Today Would Reverse Your Ability to Own a Gun”