In the previous essay, The CIA’s Presidents, the influence of the intelligence community in directing and controlling the office of the presidency is presented. But before the clandestine spooks developed their sway on policy and intrigue, the absolute power behind the throne, crowned their lineage selection with the full mashaḥ anointing from the Bankster tribe. The masses are not part of this universe. Their role is to bow down to the chief executive that has been picked for them to obey. The actual person is less important than keeping the line of authority in the family. Continue reading “Presidents are selected by Blood and Banksters”
Month: March 2016
1. Office Depot
> Closings: 400 (2013-2016)
> Annual net income: $8 million
> 1-year share price % chg.: -42%
> Industry: Office supply Continue reading “11 retailers closing the most stores”
A Mexican national living illegally in the United States has pleaded guilty to murdering and raping a woman during a July crime spree in order to avoid a possible death sentence, Ohio prosecutors said on Tuesday.
Juan Razo, 36, pleaded guilty on Monday to 16 criminal counts connected to a July 27 rampage that began when he attempted to rape his 14-year-old niece, who fought him off, and went on to rape and murder 60-year-old Margaret Kostelnik, who lived nearby, after breaking into her home, police said. Continue reading “Mexican man pleads guilty to rape, murder in Ohio rampage”
Fellowship of the Minds – by DCG
California sheriffs announced Monday that they are opposing Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s gun-control measure aimed for the fall ballot, arguing it would not prevent criminals from obtaining guns and ammunition via the black market or theft, according to the Sacramento Bee.
Instead, the proposal would place additional restrictions on law-abiding people who want to buy ammunition for recreational use, retain guns and magazines that are currently legal or pass down historical or family heirlooms, the California State Sheriffs’ Association wrote in a letter to Newsom’s campaign. Continue reading “California sheriffs oppose Gavin Newsom’s gun control initiative”
In its liquid form, tritium looks just like water: clear and odorless.
Yet it’s radioactive, and in the past two months, two nuclear power plants outside New York City and Miami were found to be leaking tritium: the former into groundwater within the facility’s confines, the second straight into Biscayne Bay. Continue reading “Nuclear Plants Leak Radiation, and Regulator Faces Scrutiny”
Dallas Morning News – by Bobby Blanchard
AUSTIN — A U.S. District Court approved a motion Monday for Texas to intervene and join a lawsuit involving 90,000 acres of land along the Texas-Oklahoma border.
Last year, a group of landowners sued the Bureau of Land Management in a land dispute along the border. The seven families behind the lawsuit were suing for thousands of acres of land that the Bureau of Land Management claims belongs to the government. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott — and several other Texas politicians — praised the landowners for suing. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton even filed a motion to join the suit, which the court approved Monday. Continue reading “Texas allowed in on Red River land grab lawsuit”
A sixteen-year-old boy is dead following an officer-involved shooting in Addison, Texas. Police said an off-duty officer attempted to intervene during a “crime in progress,” but the situation escalated to a car chase and gunfire.
“If he did something he shouldn’t be doing, then he should be arrested – not shot,” said the teen’s cousin, Nora Rubi, who gathered with the teen’s family to demand answers at Addison police station on Monday night, according to The Dallas Morning News. Continue reading “16yo boy shot dead by off-duty Texas police officer”
DETROIT (AP) — A man charged with fatally shooting six people in southwestern Michigan interspersed with his stints as an Uber driver told investigators he was being controlled by the ride-hailing app through his cellphone, police said Monday.
According to a police report, Jason Dalton told authorities after the Feb. 20 shootings in and around Kalamazoo that “it feels like it is coming from the phone itself” and told of something “like an artificial presence,” the report said. Continue reading “Man charged in Michigan shootings: Uber app took him over”
BAGHDAD (AP) — Top Islamic State commander and feared ethnic Chechen jihadi fighter Omar al-Shishani has died of wounds suffered in a U.S. airstrike in Syria, a senior Iraqi intelligence official and the head of a Syrian activist group said Tuesday.
Al-Shishani, who was wounded in a U.S. airstrike earlier this month, died on Monday outside the Islamic State group’s main stronghold of Raqqa in Syria, the two told The Associated Press. There was no immediate confirmation of his death from the Islamic State group but the IS-affiliated Aamaq news agency denied he was killed, saying that the “he was not subjected to any injury.” The outlet quoted an unnamed “source” for the denial, without giving further details or evidence that al-Shishani was still alive. Continue reading “IS leader al-Shishani dies of wounds from US strike in Syria”
HAVANA (AP) — The Obama administration punched a new series of holes in the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba on Tuesday, turning a ban on U.S. tourism to Cuba into an unenforceable honor system and paving the way for Cuban athletes to one day play Major League Baseball and other U.S. professional sports.
Five days ahead of the first presidential trip to Havana in nearly 90 years, the U.S. also eliminated a ban on Cuban access to the international banking system. The inability to send or receive payments that passed even momentarily through the U.S. banking system had crippled the country’s ability to trade with third countries and became a major hindrance to the U.S. attempt to normalize relations with Cuba. Continue reading “Obama administration punches new holes in embargo on Cuba”
A man who was shot and killed by a resident in Canyon Country on Friday night during an alleged attempted break-in was killed as the result of a “misunderstanding,” according to family members.
The resident called 911 about 9:10 p.m. Friday to report that he had shot someone trying to break into his unit, located in the 26000 block of Isabella Parkway, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Continue reading “Family Says Man Fatally Shot During Alleged Break-in Attempt Was Result of ‘Misunderstanding’”
The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause
If you’re reading this, then I’m willing to bet that you’ve been called many different names throughout your life. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say they were names like kook, paranoid, conspiracy theorist, alarmist, insane, or gullible. And after this week, you can go by a new name: Vindicated.
I’m of course talking about recent revelations from the NSA. Long before Edward Snowden came along, it was no secret that the NSA was spying on everyone without good cause. Anyone who believed that fact was called a conspiracy theorist, but their fears were eventually validated. Continue reading “It’s Official: NSA Data Will Soon Be Used By Domestic Law Enforcement”
BuzzFeed – by Stephanie M. Lee
Two days after Christmas 1977, police found Shelley H. dead in her apartment in Long Beach, California. The 17-year-old had been sexually assaulted and strangled: She waslying on the end of her bed, her feet touching the ground, with an electrical wire tied around her neck.
Vaginal swabs were taken during her autopsy, but at the time, there was no DNA testing. So the samples went into storage, and the case went cold for the next three decades. Continue reading “People Are Going To Prison Thanks To DNA Software — But How It Works Is Secret”
If you don’t like your wireless company’s service, or your current rate plan, you’re free to change providers. But if you think your wireless provider is breaking the law, you can’t sue the company; and it doesn’t matter which of the four major carriers you have, because they all strip their customers’ of their legal rights. Continue reading “Court Reminds Us All: You Have No Right To Sue Your Phone Company”
Washington’s Blog – by Carl Herman
“Crimes against humanity” include any of the following acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
▪ murder;
▪ extermination;
▪ enslavement;…
▪ the crime of apartheid;
▪ other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury.
Continue reading “Clintons, Bush, Obama stand on ~500 million innocent dead from intentional wars & poverty: a pile of bodies equal to 23 NYC ‘Freedom Towers,’ and adding another every year. Arrests are when now???”
New York Times – by Matt Apuzzo
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department on Monday called on state judges across the country to root out unconstitutional policies that have locked poor people in a cycle of fines, debt and jail. It was the Obama administration’s latest effort to take its civil rights agenda to the states, which have become a frontier in the fight over the rights of the poor and the disabled, the transgender and the homeless. Continue reading “Justice Dept. Condemns Profit-Minded Court Policies Targeting the Poor”
Sometimes it’s a good sign when the whining starts.
The following is the response released Tuesday, March 8, by the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust and the Museum of History and Holocaust Education at the Kennesaw State University to proposed revisions to Georgia’s social studies standards on the Holocaust. Continue reading “Holocaust Commission ‘Deeply Troubled’”