The Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

Washington, D.C. – In 2015, the United States spent more on its war machine than the next six countries combined, with a total of $596 billion spent on military expenditures. This week the U.S. House of Representatives passed its version of the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), with roughly $602 billion slated to be spent on military programs and armaments in the 2017 budget.   Continue reading “The US War Machine’s Annual Budget Could Buy Every Homeless American a $1 Million Home”

Blacklisted News – Truthout

In Hood River County, Oregon, voters recently passed a precedent-setting ballot initiative that will protect the community’s water from industrial bottling operations. Organizers say they built a bipartisan campaign, resulting in nearly 70 percent of voters supporting the ban on commercial bottling in the county.

Blue yard signs bearing the words “Yes on 14-55: Our Water, Our Future” dotted lawns throughout Hood River County, Oregon, in the run-up to the primary election held on May 17. Just as many of these signs appeared to share a lawn with a Cruz or Trump yard sign as with a Clinton or Sanders sign.
Continue reading ““Our Water, Our Future”: Voters in Oregon Defeat Nestlé’s Attempt to Privatize Their Water”

Charlotte Observer – by Mark Washburn

On the second day of her dream vacation on exclusive Bald Head Island, Julie Mall went with her family to the beach to catch the sunset. Her 11-year-old son asked to drive the golf cart back to their $1,000-a-day rented cottage.

It was dusk, no traffic on the path and his father would sit next to him. A two-block, 30-second ride. She said sure. What could go wrong?   Continue reading “Mother lets son drive golf cart at resort, gets jailed for child abuse”

danIt has been two years today since our brother, Diggerdan, passed from among us.  Diggerdan was one of the cornerstones our family here in the Trenches was built upon, as down to earth as a mountain and wise in ways few attain in this world.

We all got to know Dan via his one-of-a-kind comments that will never be replicated. His life’s experience was truly amazing as he was indeed a victim of the MK-Ultra program and had been down many roads in his personal struggle against the evil machine that is the insurgent government that has taken over in our highest seats of power.     Continue reading “We Miss You, Diggerdan”

Zen Gardner – by Prof. Tony Hall

American Herald Tribune 14 May 2016

The so-called “mastermind of 9/11” is appearing before the kangaroo court at the US Torture Chamber and Concentration Camp in Guantanamo Bay Cuba. The main defendant appearing before the secretive military proceedings is a person the US government says is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, aka KSM.  

In 2003 the Asia Times highlighted the controversy over the actual status of the entity said to be KSM. A person by this same name was earlier reported to have been killed by Pakistani authorities in Karachi. Sayed Saleem Shahzad reported for AT, “Clearly, no one has the final word on whether Khalid is dead, was captured earlier, or is still free.   Continue reading “Is the 9/11 Scam Coming Undone?”

The Washington Post – by Kevin Sullivan

B.J. Soper took aim with his AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and fired a dozen shots at a human silhouette target. Soper’s wife and their 16-year-old daughter practiced drawing pistols. Then Soper helped his 4-year-old daughter, in pink sneakers and a ponytail, work on her marksmanship with a .22-caliber rifle.

Deep in the heart of a vast U.S. military training ground, surrounded by spent shotgun shells and juniper trees blasted to shreds, the Central Oregon Constitutional Guard was conducting its weekly firearms training.   Continue reading “Primed to fight the government – A fast-growing U.S. movement armed with guns and the Constitution sees a dire threat to liberty”

Yahoo News

Caracas (AFP) – If a visitor to Venezuela is unfortunate enough to pay for anything with a foreign credit card, the eye-watering cost might suggest they were in a city pricier than Tokyo or Zurich.

A hamburger sold for 1,700 Venezuelan bolivares is $170, or a 69,000-bolivar hotel room is $6,900 a night, based on the official rate of 10 bolivares for $1.   Continue reading “Venezuela, where a hamburger is officially $170”

Planet Free Will – by Joseph Jankowski

There will be no more discussion as to whether or not humans are contributing to climate change in the Portland, Oregan public school system, as the school board plans to ban all material that denies the existence of man-made climate change.

Although the topic is still being heavily debated within the scientific community, young and impressionable students will now only receive the politically correct side of the issue.

‘Man is causing climate change, no questions asked.’   Continue reading “Portland School Board Bans Literature Denying Climate Change”

New York Times – by Sabrina Tavernise

WASHINGTON — Suicide in the United States has surged to the highest levels in nearly 30 years, a federal data analysis has found, with increases in every age group except older adults. The rise was particularly steep for women. It was also substantial among middle-aged Americans, sending a signal of deep anguish from a group whose suicide rates had been stable or falling since the 1950s.   Continue reading “U.S. Suicide Rate Surges to a 30-Year High”

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” —-Cicero, 55 BC   Continue reading “Marcus Tullius Cicero”

Red Ice TV

A Labour MP has resigned from her role as the Shadow Chancellor’s parliamentary private secretary after it emerged she was in favour of a plan for Israel to be ‘relocated’ to America.

In the latest anti-Semitism scandal to hit the party, Naz Shah admitted sharing a highly inflammatory Facebook post entitled ‘Solution for Israel-Palestine conflict’ two years ago.

To the graphic she added the message: “Problem solved and save u bank charges for £3 BILLION you transfer yearly!”   Continue reading “Labour MP resigns after making comments on ‘relocating’ Israel to USA”

The Blaze – by Billy Hallowell

The Obama administration has appointed a transgender individual to the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based Neighborhood Partnerships, selecting Barbara Satin for a post along with two representatives of minority faiths.

Satin, who was born a man but identifies as a woman, is an Air Force veteran, a member of the United Church of Christ and currently works with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, according to CBN News.   Continue reading “Obama Appoints Transgender Leader to Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Political prisoner and free press reporter Pete Santilli has once again spoken the truth from jail and outed the DC central government’s refusal to admit that their land grab, using the Bureau of Land Management, is all about Uranium.

Santilli claims there is circumstantial evidence that Hillary Clinton is involved in the sale of Uranium to Russia. This is nothing new as we have pointed out that the Russians paid the Clintons millions of dollars to obtain Uranium, which they then supplied to Iran. We also noted that some of that money has been used to fund the Clinton presidential campaign.   Continue reading “Bundy Rancy Political Prisoner & Reporter Exposes Govt’s Refusal to Admit Land Grabs are All about Uranium!”


Military veterans, particularly those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), may soon get access to medical cannabis in states that allow it after Congress voted to lift a federal ban.

Both the House and Senate approved measures Thursday to block the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) from enforcing its rule that prohibits its doctors from even discussing the treatment.   Continue reading “Medical cannabis for military veterans passes Congress, heads to Obama’s desk”