“This novel system of government, were it possible to establish it, would be a compound of monarchy and aristocracy, the most accursed that ever the world witnessed.”
“PHILADELPHIENSIS,” who was influenced by Thomas Paine (in “Common Sense), wrote the following selection. It is taken from 3 essays which appeared February 6 & 20, and April 9 of 1788 in either The Freeman’s Journal or, The North-American Intelligencer.
Before martial law is declared to be the supreme law of the land, and your character of free citizens be changed to that of the subjects of a military king – which are necessary consequences of the adoption of the proposed constitution – let me admonish you in the name of sacred liberty, to make a solemn pause. Permit a freeman to address you, and to solicit your attention to a cause wherein yourselves and your posterity are concerned. The sun never shone upon a more important one. It is the cause of freedom of a whole continent of yourselves and of your fellow men. . . . Continue reading “Anti-Federalist Paper No. 74 – The President As Military King”