Second Treatise of Government: CHAP. III. Sect. 16, Of the State of War (John Locke, 1690)

THE state of war is a state of enmity and destruction: and therefore declaring by word or action, not a passionate and hasty, but a sedate settled design upon another man’s life, puts him in a state of war with him against whom he has declared such an intention, and so has exposed his life to the other’s power to be taken away by him, or any one that joins with him in his defence, and espouses his quarrel; it being reasonable and just, I should have a right to destroy that which threatens me with destruction: Continue reading “Of the State of War (John Locke, 1690)”

Natural News – by Julie Wilson

Previous reports have linked mass suicides among farmers in India to mounting debt and crop failures as a result of GMO crops, particularly cotton, as it was forcibly converted to patented, transgenic varieties owned by large agrochemical companies. But now we’re learning that pesticide exposure may be to blame for a new wave of suicides among farmers in India.

Some 80 farmers in the village of Badi committed suicide between January and March of this year, according to the Times of India. Home to more than 2,500, Badi village (Madhya Pradesh) has had more than 350 suicides over the last two decades, affecting nearly every family in the village.   Continue reading “India: Doctors link mass suicides, schizophrenic episodes among farmers to pesticide exposure”

CNS News – by Terence P. Jeffrey

The United States has lost approximately 191,000 jobs in the mining industry since September 2014 including approximately 7,000 that were lost in April, according to data published today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The coal mining industry alone has lost approximately 10,900 jobs since April of last year.   Continue reading “U.S. Has Lost 191,000 Mining Industry Jobs Since September 2014”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

We are not only becoming techno zombies in this society, but now, people are lining up willingly to pay $200 to get their own shock collar bracelet that will help them “retrain” their behaviors with a few (hundred) painful zap treatments (oh, and mild vibrations). It’s even actually called the The Pavlok, named after you guessed it, Ivan Pavlov, the Russian physiologist who came up with Pavlovian conditioning.   Continue reading “People Just Wanna Be Slaves: Trendy New $200 Shock Bracelet Zaps Away Bad Habits”

The Organic Prepper

This week, the focus is on the illusion of choice. We are presented with the same stuff wrapped up differently in nearly every facet of our lives. We’re like rats in a maze. They think they’re picking their own route, but lured with different kinds of cheese, they all end up being funneled to the same place – the place of their handler’s designation.

So, for this election, one candidate might seem like Swiss cheese, and the other might seem like cheddar, but both are moldy with something incredibly toxic. You might think that the voters are choosing, but they’re opting for the same mold in a different flavor of cheese. Real freedom is choosing none of the offerings, getting out of the maze entirely, milking your goat, and making your own darned cheese.   Continue reading “Survival Saturday: Secret Food Monopolies, the Presidential Race, and How to Start a Zombie Apocalypse”

Breitbart – by Lana Shadwick

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sent a letter to the chairman of the Target Corporation asking him for “the full text of Target’s safety policies.” The AG wrote, “As chief lawyer and law enforcement officer for the State of Texas, I ask that you provide the full text of Target’s safety policies regarding the protection of women and children from those who would use the cover of Target’s restroom policy for nefarious purposes.”

Attorney General Paxton told Target Chairman Brian C. Cornell that the Texas legislature “may at some point in the future” address the issue of transgender persons using facilities that correspond with their gender identity.   Continue reading “Texas AG to Target: Show Me Your Safety Policies”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Go ahead and lock this in your mind. The same scenario exists for Russia as well. All of these nations are being controlled by the children of Satan. In one breath they talk about war which is posturing and a way to keep the left hand from knowing what the right is doing. Nations who are seriously facing hostile tensions do not perform war drills together, that is just common sense. They all participate in the same global financial system and serve the same master.

Continue reading “One World – One Order: Beijing, Washington To Hold Joint Naval Drills”

Beta News – by Wayne Williams

Microsoft has made a change to an update for Windows 7 that can prevent certain systems from booting. While you might expect me to say, “good news, the software giant has fixed the problem”, in fact what Microsoft has done is switch the update from “optional”, to “recommended”. So, on some systems, it will now install, and break Windows 7 automatically.

There is good news though, and that’s you can solve the problem and get your computer working again by (can you guess?) upgrading to Windows 10. Hooray!   Continue reading “Now Microsoft is breaking Windows 7 to get users to upgrade to Windows 10”

USA Today – by Greg Toppo

A massive wildfire in western Canada is expected to double in size by late Saturday as shifting winds push it northeast — away from the fire-ravaged Alberta community of Fort McMurray but straight into heavily forested areas offering fresh fuel.

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale called the Fort McMurray blaze “an absolute beast of a fire,” and one of the worst he’s ever seen, the Edmonton Journal reported.   Continue reading “Massive Canadian wildfire expected to double in size”

Yahoo News

DENVER (Reuters) – The city of Colorado Springs has agreed to provide restitution to dozens of poor people wrongfully jailed because they could not afford to pay fines they incurred for petty infractions such as loitering or panhandling, attorneys said on Thursday.

The settlement calls for the city to pay each of some 60 named individuals $125 for every day they spent locked up under a since-repealed ordinance that allowed incarceration of offenders who failed to pay fines for otherwise non-jailable offenses.   Continue reading “Colorado city to pay restitution to poor jailed in ‘debtor prison’”

Yahoo News

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) – Israeli aircraft hit two Hamas targets in Gaza early on Saturday in response to rocket fire as the worst flare-up of violence since a 2014 war entered a fourth day.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the rocket launch and most such fire since 2014 has been carried out by fringe Islamist groups but Israel holds Hamas responsible for all such attacks.   Continue reading “Israel raids hit Gaza as violence flares for fourth day”

Maine Republic – by Anna von Reitz

I am amazed but not amused to receive all these joyous rumormill announcements about the “Global Reset” and how we shall all soon be “millionaires” and how America is going to “lead the way” into this new era of ” prosperity and abundance”.

Are all those sending these message around the globe completely mad? Dumbed down to the extent that they cannot easily calculate the affect of giving everyone “millions of dollars” all at once? and   Continue reading “Idiocy Abounds”


Sources close to the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal say she may face indictment through the federal Espionage Act.

DC Whispers ,the Washington watchdog blog which reported this latest update, said the threat of the FBI indicting Clinton through the Federal Espionage Act was great enough that it recently prompted President Obama to ward off and downplay her crimes in an April 10th interview with Fox News Sunday.  Continue reading “Clinton could face Espionage Act indictment” – by Alfred Lubrano

WOODSTOWN, N.J. – It’s a big message from a small town: The government is spraying the skies with chemicals to control our lives – and maybe kill us.

A billboard in this picturesque Salem County community has been delivering the jolting news, listing a website of a large and vocal environmental group known as Bye Bye Blue Sky that alleges a global conspiracy.   Continue reading “Are those jet trails in the sky out to get you?”