Only in California. California State Senator Kevin de Leon has introduced a bill, SB-54 or the “California Values Act” (because if you disagree with this legislation then you’re obviously just an immoral, racist asshole), that explicitly prohibits “state and local law enforcement agencies” from investigating, detaining, detecting, reporting or arresting people for “immigration enforcement purposes.” Moreover, the bill would force “public schools, hospitals, and courthouses” to establish “safe zones” that “limit immigration enforcement on their
premises.” Continue reading “California State Senator Files Legislation To Create “Safe Zones” For Illegal Immigrants”
Month: December 2016
Since the unlawful deletion of the 13th Amendment, the newly developing Bar Associations began working diligently to create a system wherein lawyers took on a title of privilege and nobility as “Esquires” and receive the “honor” of offices and positions (like District Attorney or Judge) that only lawyers may now hold. Continue reading “The Missing 13th Amendment”
The suspect in the fatal shooting of two south Georgia police officers shot and killed himself Thursday as heavily armed officers surrounded a house in Americus, Ga., where he was holed up.
Police heard a single gunshot inside the house and tried for more than an hour to make contact with the suspect, 32-year-old Minquell Lembrick. Police eventually used a robot to open the door of the residence and found Lembrick dead of what authorities said was a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Continue reading “Police: Suspect in Ga. cop-killing took his own life; 2nd officer dies”
We can demonstrate our power by bankrupting the latest politically correct movie – Rogue One. The writers tell us that a diverse cast is led by a woman in their revolt against the white supremacists as symbolized by the Star Wars Troopers. Well, they are white robots so white men ought to feel guilty.
They spent $200 million on this turkey. Bankrupt them.
We don’t have to pay Hollywood money to make fun of us. Continue reading “The Audience Strikes Back: They Want To Ban our Websites. We Can Bankrupt Them.”
Karim Sulayman – I trust you from Meredith Kaufman Younger on Vimeo.
The people transcend the politics
*WARNING* This song in no way represents the views of Frank Face and is being presented for informational purposes only.
Greg Lake, a singer and multi-instrumentalist who helped propel prog rock into the mainstream as a member of Emerson, Lake and Palmer and King Crimson, died Tuesday. His manager told the BBC he had recently had “a long and stubborn battle with cancer”; the news comes nine months after the death of his bandmate, Keith Emerson. He was 69.
“It is with great sadness that I must now say goodbye to my friend and fellow bandmate, Greg Lake,” Carl Palmer wrote in a statement. “Greg’s soaring voice and skill as a musician will be remembered by all who knew his music and recordings he made with ELP and King Crimson. I have fond memories of those great years we had in the 1970s and many memorable shows we performed together. Having lost Keith this year as well has made this particularly hard for all of us. As Greg sang at the end of Pictures at an Exhibition, ‘death is life.’ His music can now live forever in the hearts of all who loved him.” Continue reading “Greg Lake, Emerson, Lake & Palmer Co-Founder, Dead at 69”
A senior German conservative has warned Facebook it could face fines if it fails to act faster to tackle online hate speech, and he said the government could propose legislative measures in the new year.
Speaking at a party conference of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) in Essen, western Germany, Volker Kauder suggested politicians were running out of patience with efforts by social media providers to crack down on hate speech. Continue reading “Merkel ally threatens Facebook with fines over online hate speech”
Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns
Miami, FL — Miami-Dade Police are under fire tonight after a pair of their finest handcuffed a panhandler, who was also a double-amputee, and then dropped her to the ground, leaving the woman there crying out for help, after being arrested for trespassing. Of course, there are two sides to every story.
In an attempt to evaluate the scene from multiple perspectives, one could say the police were just doing their jobs. After all, the woman was reportedly belligerent and trespassing. And in all fairness to the police, she may have thrown herself to the ground because she knew the incident was being recorded and possibly wanted to make a few dollars in a lawsuit against the city. Continue reading “Cops Throw Handcuffed Legless Woman to the Ground, Watch Her as She Cries for Help”
As physical currency around the world is increasingly phased out, the era where “cash is king” seems to be coming to an end. Countries like India and South Korea have chosen to limit access to physical money by law, and others are beginning to test digital blockchains for their central banks.
The war on cash isn’t going to be waged overnight, and showdowns will continue in any country where citizens turn to alternatives like precious metals or decentralized cryptocurrencies. Although this transition may feel like a natural progression into the digital age, the real motivation to go cashless is downright sinister. Continue reading “Cash Is No Longer King: The Phasing Out of Physical Money Has Begun”
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The assistance include the provision of defense articles and services to forces allied with the United States, according to the release.
“I hereby…determine that the transaction, encompassing the provision of defense articles and services to foreign forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals engaged in supporting or facilitating ongoing US military operations to counter terrorism in Syria, is essential to the national security interests of the United States,” Obama said. “[I hereby] waive the prohibitions…related to such a transaction.” Continue reading “Obama Waives Restrictions on Military Assistance to Foreign Forces in Syria”
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Renowned astronaut and former U.S. Sen. John Glenn has died, according to the Columbus Dispatch. He was 95.
Glenn was hospitalized “more than a week ago,” according to Ohio State University spokesman Hank Wilson.
Glenn had heart valve replacement surgery in 2014. Continue reading “John Glenn, astronaut and former US senator, dead at 95”
Almost 60 percent of transgender Americans have avoided using public restrooms for fear of confrontation, saying they have been harassed and assaulted, according to the largest survey taken of transgender people in the United States.
The survey of 27,715 respondents reached an estimated 2 percent of the adult transgender population in 2015, seeking to fill a gap in data about a severely understudied group whose experiences and challenges from medicine to law to economics and family relations are poorly understood. Continue reading “U.S. transgender people harassed in public restrooms: landmark survey”
Legislation expanding the 2012 U.S. Magnitsky human rights act from Russian citizens to cover abusers in any country passed the U.S. Senate on Thursday as part of an annual defense policy bill, leaving the landmark measure on the verge of becoming law.
The legislation was included in the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, setting policy for the Department of Defense, despite the recent election of Republican Donald Trump as the U.S. president. Continue reading “U.S. Congress votes to apply Magnitsky human rights act globally”