A promising new HIV vaccine has successfully passed initial trials on 33 HIV-positive patients, and will now be tested on 600 people who do not suffer from the illness to find out its ability to prevent infection.

The results of the first tests of the vaccine, dubbed SAV001, have been published in the journal Retrovirology. It is a ‘killed whole-HIV-1 vaccine’, which means that it contains the virus itself, but modified and already harmless for the human body. The vaccine aims at producing anti-HIV antibodies in uninfected patients.   Continue reading “Canadian scientists to test promising HIV vaccine on 600 volunteers”

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

This is a remarkable, must watch interview between Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and California Congressman Adam Schiff.

More than anything else, the primary takeaway is the completely clownish and pathetic manner in which Mr. Schiff represents himself and his office. The only reply he has to Carlson, which he uses on at least three occasions, is to blurt out “party of Reagan” in a childish attempt at guilting Tucker into a mutual embrace of neo-Cold War jingoism.  Continue reading “Congressman Calls Tucker Carlson a Russian Agent on Prime Time Television”

Henry Makow

Trump- Israel’s Trojan Horse? 

Latest– Wayne Madsen – Trump Must Stop NeoCon Invasion of His Admin

Americans are holding their breath wondering if Trump is the “real deal.” Some are wondering if the Judeo Masonic conspiracy model has been shattered. The appointment of Breitbart News CEO Steven Bannon as Trump “Chief Strategist” provides a clue. Breitbart was set up in 2007 to counter criticism of Israel by left-leaning American Jews.  To this day, it is essentially an Israeli propaganda outlet,  garnering a tremendous following by championing the “alt right”.
Continue reading “Trump- Have Americans Been Neo Conned?”

We applied for an adoption of a baby in New York State in July of 1966. My husband and I were trying for a baby but it had not come to fruition.  We got a beautiful baby girl on October 17, 1966 fast tracked obviously.

Presently my daughter had her DNA researched in hopes of some information she had not been able to glean.  She was only able to get non-identifying information.  She is 50 now and most of her adult life she has spent trying to find her mother.   Continue reading “This is my and my daughter’s story”

Hawaii News Now

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – A Tsunami Watch has been issued for all Hawaiian islands after a large earthquake struck near the Solomon Islands, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

The quake, which struck around 7:38 a.m. HST, measured at a preliminary magnitude of 8.0, but was later downgraded to 7.8, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter was approximately 40 miles west-southwest of Kirakira.   Continue reading “Hawaii under tsunami watch after magnitude 7.8 earthquake off Solomon Islands”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Back in April, when we first reported that Deutsche Bank had agreed to settle allegations it had rigged the silver market in exchange for $38 million, we revealed something stunning: “in a curious twist, the settlement letter revealed that the former members of the manipulation cartel have turned on each other“, and that Deutsche Bank would provide docments implicating other precious metals riggers. To wit: “In addition to valuable monetary consideration, Deutsche Bank has also agreed to provide cooperation to plaintiffs, including the production of instant messages, and other electronic communications, as part of the settlement. In Plaintiff’s estimation, the cooperation to be provided by Deutsche Bank will substantially assist Plaintiffs in the prosecution of their claims against the non-settling defendants.”   Continue reading “Deutsche Bank Provides “Smoking Gun” Proof Of Massive Rigging And Fraud In The Silver Market”

CBC News

In a small neighbourhood on the unfashionable outskirts of Tijuana, three kids are having a tea party in the dust.

The tea is imaginary. And so is the food, even at lunch time, when most other kids in this city are eating a real meal.

The relatively recent arrivals who built this community and named it Nueva Esperanza — New Hope — came from parts of Mexico that are even more bleak than this. Continue reading “Mexicans fear they’ll pay for Trump’s wall ‘one way or another’”

Daisy Luther

Anyone familiar with scientist and inventor extraordinaire Elon Musk knows that he has some visionary ideas for the future.

For example, his Hyperloop transport system, which will be able to move people and cargo at speeds of up to 800 mph, could revolutionize transportation. He is also the founder of Space X, the company behind building interplanetary rockets that will, according to Musk, transport everything required to build a colony on Mars. His reusable interplanetary transport system (ITS) will move 100 people at a time to the off-world base once it is ready for occupation.   Continue reading “WiFi-Capable Brain Implants: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”


Senate Democrats are about to get rolled on Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks. They could spend years in the minority. And instead of the GOP collapse that many expected on Nov. 8, it’s now Democrats soul-searching about what went wrong.

But as Harry Reid prepares to leave the Senate this month after 34 years in Washington, he says everything is just fine with his party, thank you.   Continue reading “Harry Reid prepares to leave the Senate this month after 34 years”


Two juveniles have been arrested and charged with arson for allegedly starting the fire that killed at least 14 people in east Tennessee last month. They might be tried as adults, and authorities say there might be more arrests.

Prosecutors say the two minors started a fire on Nov. 23, according to a statement from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

Feeding off a drought-stricken forest, the Chimney Tops 2 fire grew inside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. On Nov. 28, it swept into Gatlinburg, a popular tourist destination.   Continue reading “2 Juveniles Charged With Arson, Suspected Of Starting Deadly Tennessee Wildfire”

Fox News

An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 was reported 102 miles west of Ferndale off Northern California on Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey announced.

People as far away as San Francisco reported feeling the quake, but there were no immediate reports of damage. Officials did not issue a tsunami warning.   Continue reading “Magnitude-6.5 earthquake reported off Northern California”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: I am sure it has nothing to do with our chemical laden food, the vaccines we are given, the pollution we breath or the “geoengineering” that is taking place (insert sarcasm).

One of the fundamental ways scientists measure the well-being of a nation is tracking the rate at which its citizens die and how long they can be expected to live.   Continue reading “Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For First Time In Decades”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: IOS (Apple) devices already sort your photos into folders by faces. This came out in the latest IOS release. You can then “name” the face. Technology is advancing extremely fast. This is certainly not an evil, however, if you and I have this technology then imagine what the NSA data centers and government databases we have been reading about for years have. Not to mention all the information we publicly provide the world in the form of social media.

Smartphone users will soon be able to identify people using a facial recognition app for the very first time.   Continue reading “First Facial Recognition For Smartphones Blippar Identifies Faces In Person, Print Or TV”

Institute for Justice – by Nick Sibilla

The Iowa Department of Public Safety announced on Monday that it has disbanded its drug interdiction team, a unit roundly criticized for confiscating cash from motorists. Although local and state agencies can still pursue asset forfeiture cases, “the State Patrol no longer specifically assigns Troopers to [interdiction] duty on a full-time basis,” Iowa State Patrol Sgt. Nathan Ludwig said in a statement. Instead, more troopers will be assigned to handle traffic safety and special events.   Continue reading “Iowa Disbands a State Forfeiture Unit, Pays $60,000 to Settle Cash Seizure Case”

PINAC – by Eric McDonough

Homestead Police Department (HPD) has silenced the First Amendment with false stalking charges and restraining orders.

Their abuses leading to two of my three false arrest, and to me being served with four frivolous restraining orders.

Sadly, such abuses are not limited to Florida, and occur nationwide.   Continue reading “Stalking Away The First Amendment: Part 1”

The Newspaper

There are no limits on a private individual or government agency that seeks to track Virginia motorists by photographing their license plates and storing the information in a database. That was the ruling last month of a Fairfax County Circuit Court judge who rejected the contention that automated license plate readers (ALPR or ANPR in Europe) violate state data protection laws.

“There is one salient issue that this court must decide,” Judge Robert J. Smith wrote in his November 18 ruling. “If a license plate reader is personal information, then the Fairfax County Police Department has violated the act.”   Continue reading “Virginia Court Says License Plate Tracking Is Legal”