Liberty Fight

The federal government (U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminstration – often referred to as ‘DOT’ and ‘FMCSA’) published this interesting drowsy-driving quiz.

I took an interest in this matter several years ago after two insane, rogue cops forced me to wake up out of the sleeper berth of a commercial vehicle and show them my ID for absolutely no reason, while I was on my federally-mandated ten-hour sleep time. At the time, I had just become a truck driver, but I knew enough that cops weren’t supposed to do this.   Continue reading “U.S. Department of Transportation Drowsy Driving Quiz”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This did not exist under Saddam. You can thank the “war on terror” for this. Look how many lives this has destroyed? Look at the concentration camps those people are living in. In this video they explain that a million people are displaced in Mosul by the war raging. A million people and where is the media coverage?

Continue reading “‘We Have Nothing Left’: Humanitarian Crisis Grows In Mosul”

Video Rebel’s Blog

“Anti-Semitism is a disease–you catch it from Jews”–Edgar J. Steele

CICERO (Marcus Tullius Cicero). First century B.C. Roman statesman, writer. “Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills.”   Continue reading “Judaism Incorporated: Promoting Fake News Since Before Jesus”

Daisy Luther

The Electoral College will cast their votes. They’ll either follow the rules that have governed every election in American history, or they’ll bow to liberal pressure and steal the election from President-Elect Trump. It’s unlikely that enough electoral voters will defect to keep Trump out of office, but the possibility is one that should raise some concern.

To use a sports metaphor, this could be anybody’s game.   Continue reading “Will the Electoral College Go Rogue?”

The New Paradigm – by Paul Philips

Like many things — the food industry, the medical-pharmaceutical establishment, the mainstream media — the hidden corporate/bankers who control our governments have also standardized the education system through funding.

Many years ago in the USA, for example, much money was poured into education by the Rockefeller-created National Education Association, with the help of the Carnegie Foundation and later on the Ford Foundation. The result of the efforts of such organisations can be seen worldwide today in the real purpose of the education system which is to teach children and young people: 1) Reward comes from accurate memory recall from heavy repetition. 2) Non-compliance will be punished. 3) Acceptance that ‘truth’ and what is ‘real’ comes from authority.
Continue reading “Another Brick In The Wall – Modern Education And The System Of Deception”

Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

Germany — Germany now says if Facebook refuses to deal with “fake news” in a timely manner, it will fine the social media platform €500,000 (around $525,000) for each false or hate speech item it fails to remove within 24 hours.

Thomas Oppermann, chairman of Germany’s Social Democratic Party, suggests a strict law with concurrent stiff penalty might be the best method of combating the plethora of “fake news” now apparently flooding the interwebs.   Continue reading “Precedent Set — Germany To Fine Facebook $500K For Every “Fake News” Post They Don’t Delete”

New York Daily News

This ain’t an average Electoral Vote — but it’s probably going to end like one.

With the final vote to elect Donald Trump as the next President of the United States one day away, red state electors are facing unprecedented pressure to do something — anything — to keep him from taking power.   Continue reading “Electors get police protection, pleas for anti-Trump movement ahead of Electoral College vote”

Huffington Post – by Nina Golgowski

A 3-year-old Arkansas boy is dead after a gunman fired at his grandmother’s car during a road-rage incident Saturday night, police said.

The toddler was sitting inside of his grandmother’s vehicle at a stoplight when she says a man pulled up behind them in a black Chevrolet Impala and honked his horn, according to a Little Rock police incident report obtained by Arkansas Online.   Continue reading “Road-Rage Shooting Leaves 3-Year-Old Boy Dead, Suspect At Large: Cops”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Exactly what the protests are about seems unclear. I am sure the cash ban and confiscation of gold has nothing to do with it.

In general governments will do what they feel is necessary to control the people, good or bad. When we think about it “we” are the government. It is us who make up the government that in turn, turns on us. Yet, we justify in our own minds that it must be okay to inflict this pain or decision upon someone because hey, someone with a badge above us told us too. That does not make it okay. That does not make it a righteous act. When the masses tell you something is okay or is the right thing to do it should really be questioned. Remember their is a narrow path that leads to salvation, not a broad one (Matthew 7:13-14).

Continue reading “Pellets Fired To Quell Protests Blind Hundreds Of Kashmiris”

Lisa Haven News

Time Magazine, one of American’s famous weekly news magazines published in New York City has just published a magazine that supports anti-American and unconstitutional doctrine. Everything from the abolishment of the electoral college, to replacing the Senate with an assembly of governors, to allowing the Supreme court to modify our Constitution was boasted about. This would literally change our capitalism country into a tyrannical technocracy.   Continue reading “Time Magazine Just Shocked Every American! You Won’t Believe The Evil They Unleashed”

All Gov – by Ted Wheeler, Courthouse News Service

LINCOLN, Neb. (CN) — Fees and penalties in Nebraska’s judicial system have created “modern-day debtors’ prisons” so ruthless they have left 10 percent of the state’s children with a parent in jail, the ACLU says in a new report.

The 72-page report, “Unequal Justice: Bail and modern-day debtors’ prisons in Nebraska,” (pdf)  concludes that the state has created a tiered system of justice that discriminates against poor people and racial minorities by requiring bail as a condition of pretrial release even for misdemeanors, and charging fines and fees after criminal conviction.   Continue reading “Nebraska’s Discriminatory Justice System Has Left 10% of State’s Children with a Parent in “Debtors’ Prison””

The Intercept – by Jon Schwarz

IT’S NOW TIME for us, as a nation, to come together and congratulate the winner of the 2016 presidential election: Goldman Sachs.

Many Donald Trump voters likely believed his victory would be a loss for Goldman. At the Republican convention, a man who seemed to take Trump’s twitter attacks on Goldman seriously screamed “Goldman Sachs!” at Ted Cruz’s banker wife as she fled the convention floor. Trump’s own final campaign video declared that he would do battle against the “global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations” — as personified on screen by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.    Continue reading “Trump Makes America Goldman’s Again! #MAGA”