It looks like flu. It feels like flu. It even puts patients into the hospital like flu can.

There’s another virus out there that could be adding to the seasonal misery, but it’s not being identified.

The virus is called adenovirus, and it can cause very severe flu-like symptoms. It’s so risky that the U.S. military vaccinates recruits against two major strains.   Continue reading “Virus looks like flu, acts like flu, but it’s not influenza”

The New Observer

Holocaust historian Peter Winter has announced the free release on the internet of the latest version of his best-selling book The Six Million: Fact or Fiction in response to that book’s banning by Amazon and to mark “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” 2018.

Writing in a post on his personal blog, Winter said that he had “taken this step in response to the decision by Amazon worldwide to ban the book from sale on that platform, in response to agitation from assorted Jewish organizations, including the ADL and Yad Vanshem.   Continue reading “Author Marks “International Holocaust Day” with Free Book Giveaway”

Washington Post – by Simon Denyer

 American and European companies involved in joint ventures with state-owned Chinese firms have been asked in recent months to give internal Communist Party cells an explicit role in decision-making, executives and business groups say.

It is, they say, a worrying demand that threatens to put politics before profits, and the interests of the party above all other considerations. It suggests that foreign companies are no longer exempt from President Xi Jinping’s overarching vision of complete controlContinue reading “Command and control: China’s Communist Party extends reach into foreign companies”

Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — Two FBI agents were captured on film working inside of Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino room 32-132 on the night of the 1 October massacre after the gunfire subsided but what were they doing there?

It is currently unknown what two FBI agents were doing inside room 32-132 when the crime scene reportedly only encompasses rooms 32-134, 32-135, and the hallway but one can only speculate.   Continue reading “Confirmed: FBI spotted inside Mandalay Bay room 32-132 after shooting”

Breitbart – by Ildefonso Ortiz, Brandon Darby

A traffic stop led Mexican authorities to seize enough fentanyl to kill millions of people as well as almost 1,000 pounds of crystal methamphetamine and other drugs that were headed to the California border. 

This week, Mexico’s National Security Commission announced the seizure of 45.5 kilograms of fentanyl that were found as part of a synthetic drug shipment in the Mexican beach resort town of Ensenada, Baja California. The seizure also included more than 914 pounds of crystal meth, 87 pounds of cocaine and 18 pounds of heroin.   Continue reading “Enough Fentanyl to Kill Millions Found En Route to U.S. South of Border”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

While it may seem absurd to think of a government losing nuclear weapons across the world, the truth is that the United States government has an extensive history of losing its most deadly weapons, and some of them have been missing for nearly 70 years.

Here are seven times the U.S. government lost nuclear weapons that still have not been found:   Continue reading “7 Times The US Government Lost Nuclear Weapons That Still Haven’t Been Found”

Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich

This article has been days in the making as my computer censors at Microsoft, I feel, have been messing around with it and my computer Operating System.  When I had this article almost finished, while periodically saving to a USB port/drive, Microsoft Word ‘stole’ it and I could not find it on the drive I was saving it to.  However, I found it on their Internet Documents with only one-fourth of the article in the file and most of the information deleted, which I had been saving while writing it, since I’m familiar with their ‘tricks’.  Continue reading “Frankenstein Science Is Alive And Well Using Vaccines, Chemtrails And Microwaves”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

With legislation to regulate the mining and trading of cryptocurrencies still awaiting consideration by the Russian Parliament, one lawmaker has introduced a draft bill to create a national cryptocurrency called “the CryptoRuble.”

“The amendments proposed by the draft law … codify the digital financial asset as a legal means of payment on the territory of Russia,” the document’s explanatory note reads.

Continue reading “Russian Parliament Set To Make The CryptoRuble Legal Tender”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Washington D.C. — In November 2015, the Free Thought Project reported that Mikhail Lesin, the former head of media affairs for the Russian government, and the founder of Russia Today (RT), was found dead in the hotel room that he was staying at in Washington DC.

Originally, authorities announced that Lesin died from a heart attack. However, the results of his autopsy released months later indicated a far more sinister cause of death and the heavily redacted FBI documents that were just released add to that story.   Continue reading “FBI Releases Docs Claiming RT Founder Beat Himself to Death in His Hotel Room”

Here is Part 1: NYPD detective used fake names, addresses in crime reports to avoid doing any work

New York Daily News

In January 2013, the city’s then-top detective Phil Pulaski was sitting in his 13th-floor office at Police Headquarters when investigators slid a case file across his desk.

The file was about a Queens detective accused of improperly closing at least 22 serious felonies in 2011 and 2012 as the Daily News reported — by repeatedly making up phony witness names and fake addresses in official reports that his supervisors just rubber-stamped.   Continue reading “How NYPD brass buried deceitful detective’s misconduct case for years (Part 2)”

Straight from the Horses Heart

The gather will tenatively begin on January 23.

Purpose of Gather:

The purpose of the operation is to prevent undue or unnecessary degradation of the public lands associated with excess wild horses, and to restore a thriving natural ecological balance and multiple-use relationship on public lands, consistent with the provisions of Section 1333(b) of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.  The BLM strives to be a good neighbor in the communities we serve, ensuring public safety is not at risk due to the overpopulation of wild horses and providing opportunities for economic growth with space for traditional uses.   Continue reading “BLM Set to Stampede and Remove 1,500 Wild Horses from their Rightful Range”

Daily Mail

An outspoken internet activist killed himself in a New York hotel in eerily similar circumstances to fellow hacker and Reddit co- founder Aaron Swartz.

James Dolan, 36, took his own life at a newly opened hotel, Gowanus Inn and Yard, in Brooklyn just after Christmas.   Continue reading “Internet activist is found hanged in a Brooklyn hotel”

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

The State of California has the highest poverty rate in the U.S. — nearly one out of five residents is poor. The state also has a pension debt that’s the largest in America — of $610.3 billion in 2013, or $4,425 for every man, woman and child in the state.

But the Majority Leader of California’s State Assembly, pretty-boy Ian Calderon, 32, who calls himself a Democratic-Socialist, thinks what is really important is to concoct a new law that criminalizes restaurant waiters giving customers an unasked-for plastic drinking straw.   Continue reading “California AB 1884 would punish waiters with 6 months jail for giving customers an unrequested plastic straw”

Fox News

Five people were killed after a shooting at a Pennsylvania car wash early Sunday morning, state police said.

Pennsylvania State Police Trooper B station told Fox News one person was also injured, but did not provide information about the individual’s condition. The spokesman did not provide further details.   Continue reading “Pennsylvania car wash shooting leaves 5 dead, police say”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) annual SHOT Show was held January 23-26 in Las Vegas, Nevada, and seven firearms stood out as perfect additions for those who buy their guns for concealed carry and home defense.

Five of the seven guns are brand new, while two are staples with recent changes that improved on something that was already great.   Continue reading “SHOT Show: 7 Great Firearms for Concealed Carry, Home Defense”

True Pundit

ATM “jackpotting” — a sophisticated crime in which thieves install malicious software and/or hardware at ATMs that forces the machines to spit out huge volumes of cash on demand — has long been a threat for banks in Europe and Asia, yet these attacks somehow have eluded U.S. ATM operators. But all that changed this week after the U.S. Secret Service quietly began warning financial institutions that jackpotting attacks have now been spotted targeting cash machines here in the United States.   Continue reading “Secret Service Quietly Warns Banks: Hackers Can Now ‘Jackpot’ ATMs, Drain All Cash In Minutes”

Sent in by a reader.

Quartz – by Abdi Latif Dahir

Israel is hiring civilian “immigration inspectors” to crack down on “illegal aliens and their employers,” marking a turning point in the Middle Eastern nation’s relationship with migrants and refugees.   Continue reading “Israel will pay civilians $9,000 to capture African migrants”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Wichita, KS — In just a matter of a few days, cops in Wichita proved their incompetent and dangerous nature and showed the country that they are in dire need of de-escalation training. In December, an innocent man was murdered by Wichita police for the ‘crime’ of opening his front door in front of frightened trigger happy cops. Now, a cop has actually been fired after he shot a little girl inside her own home just two days after they killed the innocent man.   Continue reading “Cop Fired for Shooting 9yo Girl in the Head As He Tried to Kill Her Dog in a Room Full of Kids”