
As Florida teachers grieve over the mass shooting that left 17 students and colleagues dead last week, some of them may be surprised to learn they’ve been helping fund the firearms industry—including the company that made the gun used that bloody Wednesday.

A state pension plan for Florida teachers held 41,129 shares in American Outdoor Brands Co. valued at more than a half-million dollars, according to a Dec. 31 securities filing listing the plan’s holdings. Formerly known as Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Massachusetts-based American Outdoors manufactured the semiautomatic AR-15 assault rifle that was used in the Feb. 14 attack on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.  Continue reading “Florida Teachers’ Pension Fund Invested in Maker of School Massacre Gun”

Wired – by Matt Simon

HEY, REMEMBER THAT dog-like robot, SpotMini, that Boston Dynamics showed off last week, the one that opened a door for its robot friend? Well, the company just dropped a new video starring the canine contraption. In this week’s episode, a human with a hockey stick does everything in his power to stop the robot from opening the door, including tugging on the machine, which struggles in an … unsettling manner. But the ambush doesn’t work. The dogbot wins and gets through the door anyway.  Continue reading “Watch a Human Try to Fight Off That Door-Opening Robot Dog”

NBC News

Billy Graham, the charismatic North Carolina pastor who took his evangelizing crusades around the country and the globe, died on Wednesday, according to officials of his organization.

He was 99 years old.

Graham served as a counselor or minister to a dozen U.S. presidents, and he preached to an estimated 200 million people in 185 countries around the world during his life. His message reached millions more as he maintained a near-constant presence on radio, television and the internet.   Continue reading “Billy Graham, ‘America’s pastor,’ dead at age 99”

Fox News

Revolutionary War reenactors are accustomed to not firing until they see the whites of their enemy’s eyes. But in California, they may soon need to learn not to fire at all.

Park officials in Elk Grove, just south of Sacramento, have forced a historical society to abruptly cancel a long-planned, two-day Revolutionary War reenactment, citing local anti-gun laws, the Elk Grove Citizen reported.

Instead of muskets, officials reportedly requested an alternative: wooden sticks.  Continue reading “Anti-gun laws force cancellation of Revolutionary War reenactment in California”

Eric Peters Autos

Here’s a video showing some “heroes” unhappy about a pair of guys taking video of the outside their nest – which is public property and which the citizens therefore have every legal right to take video of.

But the “heroes” do not like this.

They never do. They take it as an implicit challenge, an affront to their privacy and peace – which of course are sacred. Whereas ours is held in absolute contempt by them, to be violated at will whenever they feel so inclined.   Continue reading ““heroes” Value Their Privacy – But Not Ours”


SAGINAW, MI — Businesses in the city of Saginaw have until March 1, 2019, to install three security cameras at each building and put up parking lot lights.

Saginaw City Council members unanimously passed an ordinance on Monday, Feb. 19, for most Saginaw businesses to install cameras and parking lot lights.   Continue reading “Saginaw requires businesses to install security cameras within a year”

Daily Mail

Florida district secretary who accused two survivors of the Parkland school shooting of being crisis actors has been fired.

GOP Rep. Shawn Harrison tweeted on Tuesday that his aide, Benjamin Kelly, had been let go following the disparaging comments about students who escaped last week’s massacre alive.   Continue reading “Fla rep’s aide fired for calling Parkland survivors actors”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Washington state’s Jason Cazes is unilaterally raising the age for long gun purchases at his store to 21-years-old and older.

As in Florida, the legal age to buy a long gun in Washington state is 18, while the legal age for handgun purchases is 21. Cazes says his store policy will require a minimum age of 21 for handgun and long gun sales going forward.   Continue reading “Gun Store Owner Unilaterally Raises Age for Long Gun Purchases to 21”

Global Research – by Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran

(Article originally published in April 2015)

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. – Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States (1856-1924)   Continue reading “Who Really Controls the World?”

Deadline Hollywood

3RD UPDATE: Oprah Winfrey has added her name to the list of Hollywood heavyweights to donate $500,000 to March For Our Lives, the gun-protest march being organized by students at Parkland, FL’s Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, where a former student opened fire last week and killed 17 students and teachers and wounded 16. Donations are being made through

Winfrey announced the donation on her social media channels just now, with a hat-tip to George and Amal Clooney who started the donation charge this morning.  Continue reading “Oprah Winfrey Answers Call & Joins Clooneys, Katzenbergs, Spielberg And Capshaw In Donating $500,000 To March For Our Lives: Who’s Next?”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Newcomerstown, OH — On April 11, 2017, Newcomerstown police launched a massive statewide “Blue Alert” manhunt for two suspects who allegedly opened fire on officer Brian Eubanks. Departments statewide combed the streets looking for two men in a black Geo Tracker, one wearing a red sweatshirt and the other wearing a lime green shirt. One was in a tactical vest and they were armed with a shotgun and handguns, the attorney general’s office said. Authorities even had a suspect’s name, Chaz Gillilan.

Social media took to sharing the story and prayers were sent the officer’s way. Local media kept the town updated on Eubanks’ status, and the town was relieved when they found out he would make a full recovery.   Continue reading “Cop Shoots Himself, Sets Off Massive Manhunt for Innocent Man, All to Collect Workers Comp”

Return of Kings -by John Augustine

arge corporations are not the antithesis of Marxism—they in fact form an integral part of the Marxist program. If you are like most people you will scoff at what seems to be an obvious oxymoron as corporations have been touted as the capitalist antithesis to communism. However as we will examine capitalism and communism are not diametrically opposed, in fact they are two sides of the same coin. The Janusarial relationship of capitalism and communism is a grand Hegelian dialectic in order to confiscate, subordinate, and permanently solidify control over the people and their property of the world.   Continue reading “The Main Purpose Of Large Corporations Is To Serve As The Spearhead Of Marxism”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Massachusetts became the first state to ban bump-stocks for firearms, and after three weeks with the new law in effect, police are apparently shocked that only a few citizens have come forward to voluntarily give up their newly illegal devices.

Bump stocks, which replace a rifle’s standard stock and allow the gun to mimic an automatic weapon, came under fire in October after police claimed that the suspected gunman in the Las Vegas shooting, Stephen Paddock, had 12 rifles with bump stocks in his hotel room.   Continue reading “State Bans Popular AR-15 Accessory, Police Shocked After Only 4 People Comply”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

More than two months after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced his intention to launch the world’s first state-sponsored cryptocurrency to try and help Venezuela raise some badly needed foreign capital, the Petro – backed by 5 billion barrels of oil that are still waiting to be pumped out of a local oilfield – is now a reality.

Venezuela first tipped its hand at its intentions over the summer, when it appointed what we believe to be the world’s first “superintendent of cryptocurrency.”   Continue reading ““The Petro Is Born Today” – Maduro Launches Oil-Backed Crypto “For The Welfare Of Venezuela””

Chabad Lubavitch News

In a private, no-press meeting, Florida governor Rick Scott sat down with Chabad rabbis Monday morning to discuss practical measures in response to the February 14 shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL.

Scott reached out to the Chabad rabbis who serve as community leaders in the Parkland and Coral Springs area. He invited them to share their thoughts and ideas toward “bringing moral values into the school,” Rabbi Yankie Denburg of Coral Springs, told   Continue reading “Florida Governor Meets With Parkland Chabad Community Leaders”