The Trump tax cuts kicked on February 1st. Now all those middle class workers receiving their installments on their $2000 yearly tax break have just seen their retirements and 401ks in the Nasdaq take a 273 point hit. Probably if you put your tax break straight into your 401k, you might break even at the end of the year, while the corporations who just got 86% of the tax break will write your losses off on their books and end up paying no taxes. We have reached the point of circus carny theft with thug cops to back it up.
Market Watch
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly 1,600 points at its lows on Monday, after a period of selling accelerated sharply heading into the close of the session. Amplifying the slump was computer-programmed trade set to dump shares at certain levels. According to traders, the DowDJIA, -4.60% was set to trigger trades once it fell below 25,000 and 24,000, for example, and 2,700 for the S&P 500 SPX, -4.10% Continue reading “Dow plunges 1,600 points at lows, marks worst intraday point drop in history, on computer-driven selling”