Fellowship of the Minds – by DCG

The lefts’ desired result: Voicing dissenting opinions will get you labeled and targeted. All by design to intimidate and silence any opposition.

From YahooAn Indiana mother says her 16-year-old son will not return to his high school as a result of the way he was treated over a Snapchat post featuring an AR-15 rifle.   Continue reading “Teen investigated for pro-gun Snapchat: “The school looks at me like a psycho””

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Fort Lauderdale, FL – In a newly filed lawsuit, a woman is alleging that she was targeted and physically attacked by a local police officer just days after she testified against one of the officer’s colleagues in court.

Police initially received an anonymous call about a suspect who left a restaurant without paying her bill of $63.57. Officers arrived and arrested Jessica Mooney, 24, on charges of petty theft and child endangerment.   Continue reading “Cops Brutally Attacked Woman One Week After She Testified Against an Officer – Lawsuit”

Zero Hedgge – by Tyler Durden

As left-wing advocacy groups and its mainstream media allies continue their daily bombardment of the National Rifle Association (NRA), desperately seeking to make gun enthusiast groups a scapegoat for the Parkland high school massacre, it now appears their efforts have embarrassingly backfired, having only succeeded in dramatically boosting memberships in the NRA and pro-gun groups, according to Time (magazine).   Continue reading “NRA, Gun Groups See Membership Soar After Florida Massacre”

Yahoo News

A Florida middle school social studies teacher was removed from the classroom while her school district investigates a HuffPost report that she hosted a white supremacist podcast under a pseudonym, shared anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and suggested that Muslims be eradicated from the planet.

Dayanna Volitich won’t teach classes at Crystal River Middle School during the investigation, which began Friday after HuffPost raised questions about the podcast, Citrus County School District Superintendent Sandra Himmel said in a statement Sunday:  Continue reading “Florida Teacher Linked To White Supremacist Podcast Removed From The Classroom”

The Great Recession

How inflated with debt have we become? How long can we float on our own bloat? Reasonably trim in 1970, the sum of all debt publicly financed by the US government was $275 billion. Last week, the government sought to raise $258 billion in just one week! The weekly financing to keep the government afloat is now about equal to all the debt it amassed over the course of its first 188 years.   Continue reading “All Fed up on Peak Debt”

Let’s assume for a minute that a true patriot, wholeheartedly devoted to saving and serving this country, was allowed to run for president. With an honest vote count he’ll win by a landslide, so let’s also assume that his promises were sincere, and he had every intention of keeping them. He could assemble a cabinet of loyal, intelligent, and wise advisors, and they all might work tirelessly toward the restoration of our Bill of Rights. Even if both houses of congress supporting him, what could he accomplish?

“Don’t screw with us. We killed the Kennedys, we killed Lincoln, and we killed the Romanovs, too. Matter of fact, your pretty daughter looks a little bit like Anastasia, and I’ll bet she can scream just as loudly. We’ve lain whole societies to waste, incinerated millions, starved nations, and killed Kings. We rule the world, and you live because we allow you to. You had your fun being America’s hero, but now it’s time for you to understand how the world really works, because you have a beautiful family, and we wouldn’t want to see anything bad happen to them. We can arrange for you to live like a king, or suffer unimaginable torture, and we do this for our amusement, so I think you should work for us now.”   Continue reading “Death by Banker”

One of our finest has fallen.  Apparently as a result of an accident in his home, my brother Spike Timmons died this morning.

My heart is on the ground. I have no words.

I just spoke with Elizabeth.  Do not send donations to Spike’s PayPal on Indiana Freedom Talk Radio as Elizabeth does not have access to it.

As soon as we can all think straight, we will set up a PayPal for Elizabeth so we can help her.

Washington Post – by Ruth Marcus

The notion of due process has been much in the news, thanks to President Trump, whose devotion to fairness is characteristically situational: He’s all for due process when it comes to alleged spouse abusers or sexual harassers; less so, maybe, for gun owners. But, as is too often true in the age of Trump, the president’s antics eclipse our capacity to focus on anything not specifically Trump-related. In recent days, that includes an all-but-ignored Supreme Court ruling that should worry anyone who believes in the importance of due process.  Continue reading “You are being denied due process”

Incredible as it sounds, it’s true, in a region of ridiculous rent and cost of real estate there are actually people with enough left over to indulge in something ridiculous, raising extraordinarily expensive chickens. High paid computer gurus are tipping the scale of insanity with a new type of Silicon Valley status symbol, high end chickenry.

In an area where some live in cars parked in the shadows, eking out a meager life, others are spending huge on fine feathered pampered chickens who are fed home cooked salmon, chicken parts and other home cooked feed rivaling a farmers market cornucopia of excess. You might say, a rich man’s reinterpretation of green eggs and ham.  Continue reading “Silicon Valley Techies – $20,000.00 Chicken Coops? – $350.00 Chickens? – Pale Blue Eggs?”

A video showing two children fleeing Eastern Ghouta in the night through a humanitarian corridor. A girl and a boy managed to escape through the humanitarian corridor on Friday night with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) being able to pick them and organize cover as the militants were shooting at them.  Continue reading “A video of militants firing on children fleeing battle in East Ghouta”

Daily Mail

The White House was put in lockdown on Saturday afternoon after a man shot himself dead at the North Lawn.

The shooting happened at around noon and sparked panic inside as staff were told to shelter in place.

The man was pronounced dead at the scene.   Continue reading “Man shoots himself dead outside White House North Lawn”

Daily Mail

The Florida state senate briefly approved a two-year freeze on the sale of AR-15 rifles on Saturday, before overturning the measure 15 minutes after the initial vote.

The vote to pass the bill came on an unrecorded voice vote, in which lawmakers shouted ‘yea’ or ‘nay’.

Senate President Joe Negron, a Republican, ruled that the amendment passed on the voice vote, the Tampa Bay Times reported.    Continue reading “Florida senate OVERTURNS a two-year ban on the sale of AR-15s”

The Atlantic

TEL AVIV—For eight hours a day, E., 21, sits in front of multiple computer screens, scanning high-resolution satellite images for suspicious objects or movements. As a decoder of Israel’s complex and often heavily civilian battlegrounds, he’s been critical in preventing the loss of life of soldiers on the ground in several different situations, his officers say.

For many people, combing through each millimeter of the same location from various angles would be tedious work—but E., who is on the autism spectrum, describes the job as relaxing, “like a hobby.”
Continue reading “The Israeli Army Unit That Recruits Teens With Autism”