Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

Washington, D.C. – The United States hemp industry was dealt a major blow on Monday after the federal U.S.  9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a decision by the Drug Enforcement Agency to list cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, which is a non-psychoactive cannabis derivative, as a Schedule 1 controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act.

The hemp industry brought a lawsuit against the government in 2016, when the DEA issued a “clarifying rule” that claimed CBD was an illicit drug, due to it being a byproduct of cannabis flowers. A report in the Denver Post explained:   Continue reading “Federal Court Proves Gov’t Loyalty to Big Pharma, Rules CBD Has No Medical Value”

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

While US “relief funds” are frozen in Syria, the Pentagon continues to seek massive amounts of funding for its military operations in the country. This includes a request for $300 million in weapons to give to “partner forces” in Syria.

This amounts to enough arms for 65,000 fighters. This is expected to center on the Syrian Democratic Forces, which is to say, almost entirely the Kurdish YPG. The US has been arming the YPG for years now as part of its Syria operations.   Continue reading “Pentagon Seeks Arms for 65,000 US-Backed Troops in Syria”

Orange County Register – by Jeff Collins

For seven years, a handful of homebuilders offered solar as an optional item to buyers willing to pay extra to go green.

Now, California is on the verge of making solar standard on virtually every new home built in the Golden State.

The California Energy Commission is scheduled to vote Wednesday, May 9, on new energy standards mandating most new homes have solar panels starting in 2020.   Continue reading “California to become first U.S. state mandating solar on new homes”

Fox 6 Now

NEW YORK — The Trump administration said Friday that it is ending special immigration protections for about 57,000 Hondurans, adding them to hundreds of thousands of immigrants from other countries battered by violence and natural disasters who are losing permission to be in the United States.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s widely anticipated decision not to renew temporary protected status for Hondurans means an estimated 428,000 people from several countries face rolling deadlines beginning late this year to leave or obtain legal residency in other ways.
Continue reading “US ends immigration protections for thousands of Hondurans”

The Sun

A SOUTH African movie director was killed after being hit by a giraffe while shooting close-ups of the wild animal at a South African game farm.

Carlos Carvalho, 47, was shooting scenes at a British expat’s game farm when the giraffe, called Gerald, swung its neck – hitting him on his head and sending him flying.   Continue reading “Final photo of award-winning movie director minutes before he was killed by a GIRAFFE while shooting film in South Africa”

The Great Recession

Like the disintegration of the formerly charmed stock market, the return of Carmageddon is right on schedule. I had stated early last year that one of the first cracks in our economy to become evident would be the crash of the car industry.

That crack materialized as promised, but then Hurricanes Harvey and Irma showed up to flood a million automobiles. Before any statistics materialized to show the economic impacts of those storms, I wrote the following revision for the dates of Carmageddon:   Continue reading “Death of the Great Recovery Part 2: The Second Coming of Carmageddon”

Fox News

Immigration officers have arrested a Guatemalan national who mowed down and killed an FBI agent and a fire marshal on a Maryland highway last year.

Roberto Garza Palacios was accused of being unlawfully present in the U.S. after overstaying a work visa that expired in 2009, Fox 5 DC reported Friday. He was arrested Thursday in Gaithersburg, Md., where he was living.  Continue reading “ICE arrests man in Maryland crash that killed FBI agent, fire marshal”

ABC News 7

For the two Native American brothers, Colorado State University was their dream school.

But when they showed up for a campus tour, a parent of another prospective student called the police on them because they apparently made her “nervous,” the school said.  Continue reading “Mom on a college tour called the cops on 2 Native American teens because they made her ‘nervous’”

Western Journal – by Cillian Zeal

If Dick’s Sporting Goods thought it could ban the AR-15 and similar weapons and just face boycotts from gun owners, they were wrong — especially after they started campaigning for gun control.

One of the largest gun manufacturers in America, Springfield Armory, has announced it will no longer do business with Dick’s in the wake of their February decision to stop selling certain rifles.   Continue reading “Massive Gun Maker Refuses To Back Down, Hits AR Boycotters with Brutal News”

The Corbett Report

Television has taught us that the crack CSI experts and their state-of-the-art technology can solve any crime through the power of science. In reality, more often than not the crime-detection technology of the past has turned out to be pseudoscience at best, and outright fraud at worst. And, of course, it has been used to put innocent people in jail. Here are 4 Ways The Crime Lab Can Frame You.
Continue reading “4 Ways the Crime Lab Can Frame You”

Beirut, Lebanon: Sat, May 5, 2018- On this lovely morning here on the coast of the Mediterranean there is not a cloud in the sky. In less than twenty-four hours voting will begin. However, on this day before the election, a howling wind is blowing from the south making the thousands of posters, banners and building-sized placards that feature the faces of the scores of potential Lebanese parliamentarians dance and sway wildly above the throngs of tomorrows voters.

But this wind, one that just yesterday seemed to bring the promise of a new future for Lebanon, will it be an ill wind that instead dashes this attempt at populist democratic reform, one cast from nine years of progress, onto the rocks of US-backed history?   Continue reading “Whose Buying Votes at the Lebanon Election?”

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Anti-Media – by Darius Shahtahmasebi

The Houthi rebels in Yemen, officially known as Ansurallah, have vowed to intensify rocket attacks on Saudi Arabia’s critical oil infrastructure, warning that they are now manufacturing their own ballistic missiles to achieve those aims, the Financial Times reports.   Continue reading “Yemeni Rebels Begin Attacking Saudi Oil Infrastructure: You Know What That Means”

Middle East Monitor

Israeli occupation soldiers have wounded around 8,000 unarmed Palestinians taking part in the Great March of Return activities along the eastern border of the Gaza Strip, local medical sources have revealed.

According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, the Israeli troops had wounded 6,793 protesters by Thursday, including 24 who have each had one of their limbs amputated as a direct result of their injuries. On Friday evening, ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qidra announced that a further 1,143 protesters had been wounded, bringing the total since 30 March to 7,936. With no fatalities recorded on Friday, the total of those killed by the Israelis since the end of March stands at 45.  Continue reading “Israel troops have wounded 8,000 peaceful protesters since 30 March”