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Archive: TWFTT 1-7-19

FEE – by Jon Miltimore

As anyone who’s ever stepped into a “gentlemen’s club” knows, lap dances can get pretty pricey. But owners of an Illinois strip joint believe the nearly $2 million tax bill they received for lap dance services provided is a bit much.

Court records show that proprietors of Polekatz Gentlemen’s Club, a strip club in Bridgeview, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, are suing Cook County, alleging its revenue department is illegally demanding $1.7 million for lap dances under its “amusement tax.” That figure includes interest and penalties, according to The Cook County RecordContinue reading “Cash-Desperate Illinois Is Now Taxing Lap Dances”

The Organic Prepper

We weren’t expecting to see a loss of food stamp benefits until the end of January, but a grocery store in Indiana reported they are unable to process EBT payments.

In Clay City, Indiana, the local IGA discovered the problem last week. Initially, they thought it was a technical glitch.  Continue reading “It’s STARTING: A Grocery Store in Indiana Can’t Process Food Stamp Payments Due to Govt. Shutdown”

Fox News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made his first public appeal for the United States to officially recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

“The Golan Heights is tremendously important for our security,” Netanyahu said in Jerusalem, alongside U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton on Sunday night, adding Israel “will never leave the Golan Heights,” and stressed the gravity of all countries recognizing the region as Israeli territory.   Continue reading “Netanyahu calls for U.S. to recognize Golan Heights as Israeli territory”

Real Clear Life

Five Chicago police officers have committed suicide over the past six months; the most recent of which occurred Tuesday.

The Department of Justice released a report in 2017 consistent with this alarming trend, noting that the city’s officer suicide rate was 60% higher than the national law enforcement average, NBC News reported. In response, Chicago police departments are currently working towards instituting new initiatives to help officers who might be considering the same fate.   Continue reading “Recent Cluster of Police Suicides Raises Alarms”

Fox News

A police officer in Utah was shot and killed while trying to apprehend a “dangerous fugitive” on Saturday night, officials said.

Officer Joseph Shinners, 29, of the Provo Police Department, was shot during the incident, Chief Rich Ferguson told reporters at a news conference Sunday afternoon.   Continue reading “Utah police officer shot, killed while attempting to arrest fugitive, officials say”

Fellowship of the Minds – by DCG

In 2018 the city of Portland had more than 9,300 employees. Projections for 2019 go up to over 10,000 employees. As of 2017, Portland had an estimated population of 647,805.

Compare this to other cities:

Seattle: Nearly 10,000 employees with a population of 730,000.
San Francisco: 39,634 employees in 2016 with 884,363 residents as of 2017.
San Diego: As of 2016 they had 11,387 employees with a population of just over 1.4 million.
Fort Worth: 6,195 employees with a population of 874,168.   Continue reading “It pays well to be a public servant: Portland employees’ salaries frozen because they are higher than justified”

The Guardian – by Ian Sample

The US embassy in Havana more than halved its staff in 2017 when diplomats complained of headaches, nausea and other ailments after hearing penetrating noises in their homes and nearby hotels.

The mysterious wave of illness fuelled speculation that the staff had been targeted by an acoustic weapon. It was an explanation that appeared to gain weight when an audio recording of a persistent, high-pitched drone made by US personnel in Cuba was released to the Associated Press.   Continue reading “‘Sonic attack’ on US embassy in Havana could have been crickets, say scientists”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Back in 1885, to much fanfare, the General Act of the Berlin Conference launched the Scramble for Africa which saw the partition of the continent, formerly a loose aggregation of various tribes, into the countries that currently make up the southern continent, by the dominant superpowers (all of them European) of the day. Subsequently Africa was pillaged, plundered, and in most places, left for dead. The fact that a credit system reliant on petrodollars never managed to take hold only precipitated the “developed world” disappointment with Africa, no matter what various enlightened, humanitarian singer/writer/poet/visionaries claimed otherwise.   Continue reading “How China Colonized An Entire Continent Without Firing A Single Shot”

Fox 8 News

MILAN, Mich. – The head of an international child sex ring has been beaten to death in prison.

The Detroit News reported that Christian Maire, 40, of Binghamton, New York, died Wednesday in an attack at Milan federal prison in Michigan.   Continue reading “Head of international child sex ring beaten to death in prison”

KATV 7 News

Faulkner County Sheriff Tim Ryals has fired Deputy Keenan Wallace following an investigation into the shooting of dog in the Shiloh Estates subdivision in Conway on Friday night.

The Faulkner County Sheriff’s Office received a call about an aggressive dog in the Shiloh Estates subdivision in Conway on Friday night and sent a deputy to the scene.  Continue reading “Faulkner County Sheriff fires deputy who shot dog”

The Intercept – by Ryan Grim, Glen Greenwald

WHEN EACH NEW CONGRESS is gaveled into session, the chambers attach symbolic importance to the first piece of legislation to be considered. For that reason, it bears the lofty designation of H.R.1 in the House, and S.1 in the Senate.

In the newly controlled Democratic House, H.R.1 – meant to signal the new majority’s priorities – is an anti-corruption bill that combines election and campaign finance reform, strengthening of voting rights, and matching public funds for small-dollar candidates. In the new 2017 Senate, the GOP-controlled S.1 was a bill, called the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” that, among other provisions, cut various forms of corporate taxes.   Continue reading “U.S. Senate’s First Bill, In Midst Of Shutdown, Is A Bipartisan Defense Of The Israeli Government From Boycotts”


Jurors in Idaho have found a science teacher not guilty of feeding a live puppy to a snapping turtle as students looked on. The incident sparked huge public outcry and spawned a petition to have the teacher fired.

Robert Crosland, the Preston Junior High School teacher, was charged with a misdemeanor and could have faced 6 months in jail and a $5,000 fine for feeding the newly-born puppy to the turtle in full view of the students in March last year.   Continue reading “Teacher who fed puppy to snapping turtle found not guilty of animal cruelty”